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Doom of the Savage Kings

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Alois frowns. "Wait! I thought we were going to go hunt the Hound now that we are blessed. Aren't we?" The big man scratches behind his ear, confused.

Gratien rocked back on his heels and surveyed the others. "This Hound...where does it live, again?" The Elf looked at Franko, Kurl, Tender, and Homer, hoping they would know.


Father Beacom clears his throat loudly and accompanies it with a stern, rather uncompromising look. It's clear he is ready to resume berating the citizens of Hirot about their lifestyle but won't do so while the group loiters within the chapel. As the group speak amongst themselves Father Beacom sighs and motions towards the window.

"Justicia-in-her-Mercy manifested in Saint Dorrotya to fight the Hound centuries ago sparing the people of the deserved punishment for their sins." The priest motions towards the stained glass window. "The hagiographer, Acacius, recorded the event. His account is quite clear that the Hound spawns from the vile swamps to the northeast."

At the back of the group Llore mutters, "I'd rather put my faith in the Wolf-Spear..."

Gratien's attention pricked when Father Beacom gestured to the chapel's stained glass window. The Elf nodded in approval of the beautiful artwork. "Just so." He considered. "The lives of the Saints, even human Saints, stand as proud example for mortal kind." Gratien smiled benignly at Hank, then returned his attention to Father Beacom. "The swamps in the northeast, you say?" An eyebrow quirked.

Alois used the toe of his right boot to scratch his left calf.

Lizt sidled up to Tender. "Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps." Her brow furrowed in chagrin at Father Beacom and his greasy panhandler fellows.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hank studies the stain glass windows, trying to memorize them. He then gets an idea, "Father Beacom, would you mind if I draw a copy of the windows? Just a sKetch for now, maybe I can document it better later?"


Father Beacom stares at Gratien. Apparently he thinks as little of elves as he does humans. "Indeed," he responds, though there is a bit of uncertainty whether he is refering to the stellar example of the saints or confirming the location of the swamps. He looks down his nose at Hank then gives a curt nod of permission. "You can rejoin your fellows in the square when you have finished."

At the clear dismissal Brother Aker opens the door for the group to exit.

Llore mutters dark threats under his breath but he leaves the temple. Once all have exited there is a "Hssst..." from the side of the chapel. Brother Haams lurks at the corner and motions for the group and specifically Alois to come closer. The acolyte's eyes dart furtively towards the chapel.

"I'm breaking my vows to tell you this, but the Father has the Saint's hammer, or the head at least. It rests upon the altar behind the curtain."

Nearby villagers in the square notice the gathering and begin to comment and call out good luck. It seems word has spread and the common man is making known their support. Brother Haams looks aghast at being seen breaking his vow of silence. He scurries quickly away down the side of the chapel where he disappears into the building.

Deuce Traveler

Tender agrees with Lizt. "Alright, I think we need to get moving. We've heard a couple of times that the Hound has a lair to the northeast, and so we probably need to investigate that area sooner than later."

Boral adds, "Well what about the writings of Acacius. Maybe the church holds some bibles with his works, and it might be possible to research some more."

Kurl snarls, "You can go in there and do all the reading you want. I'm not getting myself dragged back in."

Alois nods at Brother Hamm, then turned to Lizt. Not thinking of the import of his next words, Alois mumbles to Tender and Lizt, "He says Father Beacom has the Saint's hammer, or the head at least. It rests upon the altar behind the curtain. It's nice the Temple has such a treasure. I never knew." Alois moved to exit the Temple. It was clear by his movements that the big man thought nothing of having divulged such a secret.

Lizt's eyes went wide and she shot out a hand to stop Alois. She hissed in a whisper to Tender, "We need that hammer."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
All as a whisper:
Hank smiles and nods at Haams and actually tries to shield him from sight. His eyes light up with surprise and delight. After the crowd excites and Haams takes off he turns to the others with a smile. "Aha, more then just a clue!"
Homer: "We need to sneak in and take it" he whispers. I doubt he would just give it to us, by his genteel demeanor"
Franko: "heh, I figured as such. I knew he was hiding something. I am with you Homer."
Hank:" Gentleman. I think we should entreat his good nature."
Homer: "He has a good nature?"
Franko: "he is good?"

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