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Doom of the Savage Kings


The bits of treasure are collected up and stored for division later and everyone manages to climb out of the pit with no small amount of trouble. It's been over a week since the ambush by the Jarl's huntsmen and tracks prove impossible to locate or follow for any length of time. However, if it is the Jarl you are looking to find, since he does not yet know that the Hound has been killed it is likely that he is in his great hall, Meadhold, in Hirot hiding behind his seven Thegns and his pet sorcerer.

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Gratien paced and fell into a rare snit. He could find no hint of tracks left by the huntsmen. "It's rained since then, I'm afraid. And I was never that good at stalking beasts." Lizt snorted. "That's okay, Elf. Bet he's back in his hall, drinking mead, and fondling serving wenches, the fat brigand. Off to Meadhold with us!"

Deuce Traveler

Kurl says, "Once we get close we'll want a grand entrance. Something that will cause him to sit uneasily so we can shake him up."

Boral responds, "I think we likely already shook him up when we killed off some of his men, then disappeared into the swamps shortly after."

Tender speaks his own mind. "I'll tell you what. When we approach the village gates, why don't we put the Hound's head spiked atop the Spear of Hirot and go marching on in. That should shake things up nicely."

Boral nods in agreement. "I like it. How about we march past the altar on the way in, also, in case the Jarl left another victim chained up and helpless. I'd hate to think of what may have been happening to the people of that village during our absence."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Ooo Ooo" Franko jumps up and down as he tries to get Tender's attention, "May I carry the spear and hound?"

Hank once again does a face palm as he pictures the jester being a standard bearer.

Homer just scowls at the thought.


If that is the plan it is easy enough to put into action.

Though the distance isn't far, travel through the fen slows the group down. Combined with the travel, battle, and exploration they've already had this day and they find dusk falling before they reach the standing stones. It is just as well that they are able to get some rest before returning to Hirot (spells, disapproval, etc. all reset to normal).

Early the next morning the group arrives at the standing stones. The longship is still wedged between the posts of a trilithon, suspended above the earth. The altar has stains, new since the groups arrival but now dried. The Hound has had at least one victim since they left Hirot and another is sprawled out and tied down.

Lizt recognizes Catkins, a petty criminal who runs with a bunch of other ne'er-do-wells operating out of the Three Rats, Hirot's run-down flophouse. The man looks parched and more than a little sunburnt. He tugs weakly at his bindings. "Water," he begs.

Angry, Lizt marched forward. She sliced at Catkins' bindings with her blade, releasing and catching him as he fell forward. She pulled out her own waterskin and poured a trickle into his mouth, holding the skin out of reach to prevent Catkins from gorging himself on the water. When he could talk a little, she demanded, "Who tied you up? D'you do sommat wrong?"

The altar unnerved Gratien. He hadn't seen it before, so he walked its circumference, making a study of its build, and looking for any runes or glyphs. Once he'd taken its measure, he turned to Boral and Kurl. "What's it for?"

Deuce Traveler

"For killing," Tender answered gruffly.

"For sacrifices to the Hound in the hopes that its appetite would be slated," Kurl responds more accurately. "Seems foolish, though, since you are just delaying the inevitable."

"But I suppose the Jarl just picks people he'd rather be finished with anyway," Boral suggests. "What did you do to piss him off, Catkins?"


Catkins greedily drinks what little water Lizt trickles into his mouth. He rubs his wrists and groans as blood flows back into his hands, then curses as the pain of it grows more intense.

"I did sommat wrong, alright." He nods agreement with Tender and Kurl but it is Boral's comment that gets him talking again. "There's the truth of it! Like you I figured it's the ones the Jarl, or his warlock, wants to get rid of so I went to jimmy open the box and figure out how they did it. But I got caught and they throwed me in lock-up. An' whadda-ya know! My name comes up at the next draw."


"The lottery box." Catkins looks askance at Lizt. "You need to get out of that ropeworks a bit more often, missy. The past three, four weeks the Jarl's pet monkey draws a name from the lottery box every three days or so. The poor sap gets staked out here on the altar to appease the demon-hound so it don't go rampaging through town again killing ever'one it can get its claws on.

Some of the boys were talking one night and noticing how anyone who speaks up against this plan of the Jarl's ends up gettin' his name drawed. Could be a bit of sleight of hand, could be somethin' with the box."

Catkins shrugs. "So, to answer your questions, 'they' is the Jarl and his warlock and they rigged the lottery. I meant to find out how but I got caught."

Voidrunner's Codex

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