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Doomknight Class

Juomari Veren

The following Class was made in fashion to Artix Entertainment's DoomKnight from it's various browser games. I tried to take the structure of attacks and convert them into D&D talk.

Basically it gets a special ability at every level, all of which are combat-oriented abilities. A good deal of them are reliant on each other, but at 20th level, they take a huge hit as they become an undead with lots of depressing letdowns but a great regeneration rate. Otherwise, I tried to balance everything out fairly to make sure the class still had a chance of failing at it's job, as well as having obvious weak points.

Basic Class Features:

4xInt SP, x4 at 1st
*Class skills(in no particular order):Climb, Jump, Swim, Tumble, Hide, Move Silently, Knowledge(Planes), Intimidate, Diplomacy, Martial Lore.

Full BAB

d8 HD

Good Fortitude

*DoomKnight Code(Level 1): As a DoomKnight, one must always be evil, always commit an evil act at least once a day, never back down from a fight, and must always remain loyal to Evil.
**A DoomKnight who tries to take another level in another class must make a Will save equal to 1/2 their class level plus 10. If they succeed, the may take a level in any class they want. If they fail, they automatically take the level in DoomKnight. They must always take their 20th level of DoomKnight, regardless of circumstance.
**A DoomKnight who violates any of these rules is stripped of his power, and loses all of his abilities.

Unless otherwise stated, the following abilities are usable an amount of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

The DC of all saves regarding these abilities is equal to (10 + one half your DoomKnight level + your Charisma modifier)
*Split Strike(Level 2): Make a special attack at your regular BAB;Successful attack steals a spell slot from the target equal to your level/2(max 5th) of your choice. A Crit lets you decide the level you steal the spell at, but you must meet the level requirement for it.

*Dark Wound(Level 3): Using this ability, you attack, and regardless of damage, you re-roll the damage every round following for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, without any additional attacks. Half of the damage the opponent takes each tick returns to you. Only the weapon's base damage and enhancement bonus to damage count on the ticks, no magical enhancements.

*Life Carve(Level 4): If your hit point total is equal to 1/2 your DoomKnight level(rounded down) times your Charisma modifier, you may use this attack to regain 1/2 the damage dealt as HP.

*Doom Strike(Level 5): You may make an attack at regular BAB that hits 5 squares in front of you. Everything in front of those squares[be they ally or enemy] must make a Fortitude save. Those who fail are stunned for 2d4+1 rounds. On a crit, the duration extends to 2d6+3 rounds.

*Doom Blast(Level 6): Everything in a 25 foot radius of you must make a reflex save. Those who fail take 6d6 corrupt vile fire damage.

*Soul Crush(Level 7): As part of an attack action, make this extra attack at full BAB. If Dark Wound is applied to the enemy during combat, you may add your Charisma modifier times each round the Dark Wound has left to the damage, but 1/2 the original damage result of the attack.

*Void Strike(Level 8): Make a regular attack. On a successful hit, your opponent's fortitude save goes down by a number equal to your Charisma modifier for 3 rounds.

*Revert(Level 9): When an opponent strikes you, as an immediate action, you may give yourself regeneration equal to the damage dealt that comes into effect on your next action.

*Void(Level 10): Make an attack at your regular BAB. The next time they attack you, they take 1/2 your damage(rounded down) plus your Charisma modifier damage.

*Favor(Level 11): Restores all your hit points and one use of all of your DoomKnight attacks once per day. But the fight must be finished within 5 rounds or you take your full health in damage and lose ALL abilities for the rest of the day.

*Shadow(Level 12): As a basic attack, but this damage deals double damage to creatures that aren't undead.

*Sanctioned Strike(Level 13): As a regular attack, but you may add 1/4 your total of hit points plus 1d4 for every use of a DoomKnight ability you sacrifice to the damage.

*Dark Aura(Level 14): for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier, All spells that are cast by allies within 20 feet of you use up a spell slot one level lower than their current highest level.

*Taunt(Level 15): Resets your uses of the Vengance ability, but for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you take twice the damage on all attacks and spells.

*Vengeance(Level 16): For a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier, you gain a fly speed of 120(average), Darkvison out 60 feet, or an increase in darkvision, and a line of corrupt vile fire dealing damage equal to one half your DoomKnight level in d8s.

*Fear Strike(Level 17): Make a basic attack at your regular BAB. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, the target must attack you or suffer a -6 penalty to saves, AC, Hit, Damage, Skill checks, and Caster Level Checks to overcome SR.

*Summon Dracolich(Level 18): Once per day, a DoomKnight may summon a Mature Adult Black Dragon Dracolich(see Dracolich Template, page 148, "Draconomicon"). He will listen to the orders of the DoomKnight plus one additional person the DoomKnight deems worthy. The dragon is given a will save, but most dracoliches are willing to aid a DoomKnight.

*Blood Offering(Level 19): If Dark Wound is applied on the target, you lose 1/8th your HP per round, but add that number onto your damage for all attacks equal to the amount of time left on Dark Wound. Stuns the enemy for 1d4 rounds, with no save.
*Shadowscythe Apotheosis(Level 20): They inherit the undead subtype, gain all of it's benefits, and, if slain, turned, or otherwise destroyed, return 1d4 days later. They cannot be returned to normal through resurrection, and cannot gain spellcasting benefits from a class, but can still use spell-like abilities. They also cannot inherit any more templates and cannot gain further immunities or beneficial traits unless through Magical items. They lose the ability to speak every language except for Common, Abyssal and Infernal. Additionally, if they don't have any of these languages, they gain them.
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