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Downer Summary

Erratic K

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Downer: Chapter 6

Dungeon 105: Chapter 6

Manglecramps survived Serjenko's brutal attack, and his tongue wraps around the warrior-priest. Serjenko protests that the ulolok is a threat to all of us because it cannot be controlled. Manglecramps pulls Serjenko into his maw and eats him. Downer is busy running away, but Manglecramps has noticed and paralyzes Downer with an accurate ray. A very wounded beholder threatens that Downer's death is the salve that will heal Manglecramps.

The Dwarf's firearm rises in an invisible grip (possibly levitation, probably wielded by an invisible Elf named Astrid, but it could be the imp). A surprised Manglecramps takes the musket discharge at point blank in his central eye socket. A statuesque Downer wonders what is happening. Aristede curses Downer because they are both unemployed now.

Astrid shows up and Downer makes the mistake of assuming it is the imp in disguise (won't fool anyone... Downer's foreshadowing). Astrid picks up the gun (not invisible, for real this time) as Aristede notices, that this is not his familiar as she is not evil. Astrid notes that she is not evil just pissed off. Downer pleads that he let her and the halfling go as Astrid level the gun at Downer. She says, "No hard feelings!" as she shoots Downer's foot clean off.

next: the ulolok secured!

oops: edited for unemployed vs employed...
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Erratic K

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Downer part 7

Dungeon 106: Downer part 7

Downer and Aristide bicker as they skulk along the caverns. Aristide reminds Downer that he put his stump in stasis and that Downer owes him $50. Downer says they should stick together because the underdark is a dangerous place (foreshadowing?). He further notes that if Aristide wasn't his brother, Downer would have killed him years ago.

A figure skulks after them and then Astrid announces her presence. Downer asks her if she is back to finish him off and triggers his mechanical wings that this time launch many darts or throwing knives into Astrid. The imp's disguise unravels as the imp/Astrid is brutalized by the attack, eeking out with it's dying breathe that it got the ulolok as it drops something. Aristide goes into shock as the pain wracks him as the imp was his familiar. Downer coolly ups the money he owes Aristide to 75$.

The ulolok is revealed to be what the adventuring party was after, it looks like a small diving bell with a padlock on it perhaps made of metal or ceramic. Aristede and Downer decide to carry it back to the city on a pole slung between them. After much underdark journey, they make it back to the city of Oubliette population 11,560, whereupon Downer remarks that the commute did suck.

to be continued

Erratic K

First Post
looks like it is three episodes a night until I'm done. I think there are only 5 more until I am caught up, because I haven't received Dungeon 112 in the mail yet. Perhaps it will come today or tomorrow ;)

looks like between 700 and 1000 words during an evening is what I can manage.

I can't summarize tomorrow as I have plans. I'll try to finish up before the weekend is out though.


Erratic K

First Post
kilamanjaro said:
Much better than my quick summary!

Sorry, hadn't seen the poll. I did plan this for a while, but was kinda slow. I'm not really sure that is is any better than your quick summary. I like yours especially the working dungeon security turn of phrase, but thanks for the compliment.


Erratic K

First Post
Thanks for the encouragement, Piratecat, Henry and Erik Mona. I got a secret thrill that I drew a response from you guys when I surreptitiously read the boards at work today.

It has inspired me to continue. I'll finish out. Hopefully it will inspire at least one person to read the comic.

By the way, while looking through my collection of Dungeon (which is really only since 3E... issue 82+ but I'm missing 83 and 85 for some reason)... it has come a long way. I thumbed through 82, and while the text is solid, the art now looks dated- like it is of its time and its time only. Even since Downer started the magazine's look has evolved.

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Erratic K

First Post
Dungeon 107: Downer part eight

Downer is sick of hopping and his blown off leg is starting to hurt. Aristide accuses him of whining like a high elf, and with the stasis spell, his leg should be fine for at least another ten minutes. The two of them have two dark creepers struggling along with the ulolok. Downer asks them to make a stop in Stonebones Necromancy.

In the shop a xorn recognizes Downer and says it has been awhile. Downer asks him what he can do about a blown off foot. The zorn mumbles about stone to flesh while digging through various petrified limbs and comes up with a "very close fit, not drow, but very close, red cap boot". Red caps are mischievously murderous relatives of leprechauns. Downer protest that he is a sneak and doesn't want to stomp around in a giant iron boot. The xorn protests back, that Downer can go back his medusa's sculpture garden if he wants a better fit and remarks that Downer used to bring in many good pieces. Downer agrees to take the red cap boot. Meanwhile Aristide admires a project of the xorn's that is either undead or a golem (looks like a mummy with ruby eyes). The xorn says it is a private commission and to mind your own business.

As the newly shod Downer clomps his way to an inn with Aristide, Aristide reminds him that Downer will have to go home to get the money he owes. Downer says he knows and reminds Aristide not to say anything about the demise of Manglecramps. As they enter the bar Downer, shouts out to the murderous looking mixed crowd, that anyone with anything clever to say about his new boot is going to get a good look at it upside their head.

The lizardman bartender replies that someone is waiting for Downer in the corner, who calls himself the Needleman. The Needleman is a dark stalker who is surrounded by a group of dark creepers (so this may be the very boss Downer instructed the creepers who were carrying the ulolok to go see). The Needleman has a harpoon sized needle...complete with thread is a gaunt menacing figure.

to be continued


after re-reading the comic and checking out this thread I have to admit that I'm inclined to give Downer another chance.

The comic could do with a more interesting main character. When the comic started and it looked like Downer was going to be "a comic about a mid-level lieutenant in a dungeon" had a certain amount of appeal. The gnome mechanic weaponry wearing drow elf bad ass anti-hero with a menagerie of weird buddies and the artifact that could save or doom the world is a bit.... dull?

DnD has tremendous possibility for the comic book medium, but after the forgotten realms comic (anybody remember that?) it's basically languished. Something with a story is better than nothing.
(I'm talking about comic books, not comics like Nordwick -- though nordwick did have a few longer comics in dungeon at one point that were a stitch.)


In support of Downer

I was totally lurking and should have added my two cents to the other, anti-downer thread, but I agree with you. I really like Kyle Hunter's artwork. Him and that other Dungeon artist regular really cop a Mike Mignola-style of line art, and I love it.

Especially the little super-deformed monsters that usually live under the table of contents.

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