Dragonlance Draconian from Shadow of the Dragon Queen!


5e Freelancer
What's the difference? I don't mean to sound flippant, it's a serious question because I can't tell the difference between dragonborn illustrations and the top image in the OP.

Maybe that's why I've never been a huge fan of dragonborn, because I grew up in D&D with draconians being the bad guys.
Dragonborn almost never have tails in official art and never have wings. Draconians have tails and almost always have wings. That's the main visual difference. Also, there are more "color variants" of Dragonborn than of Draconians.

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Draconians almost all have wings as well. The Aurak’s having no wings look the most like Dragonborn
Dragonborn almost never have tails in official art and never have wings. Draconians have tails and almost always have wings.
And Auraks not having wings is an artifact carried forward from AD&D 1st edition. Auraks are created from gold dragons, and, in AD&D 1e, gold dragons did not have wings.
AD&D 1st ed Monster Manual p.33 said:

Voidrunner's Codex

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