Drafts do not come with contracts attached?

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“A lot of room to negotiate” means nothing if the essential issue is entirely off the table. And it was.
I disagree. As I have said several times I would be fine with replacing the OGL with a better legal document. I don't think that was the only thing that mattered. To me there were a lot of things that could be negotiated while conceding the OGL 1.0a.

There are two different kinds of drafts when it comes to contracts. There are the internal drafts where the WotC lawyers wrote the contract, reviewed it, made revisions, reviewed them again, perhaps sent them to someone else in the firm for review and further revision, and so on. Then they had the final version of what WotC wanted to see happen. That's what was sent to the 3PP. So while it wasn't a final signed contract, all the bad stuff in it is what WotC finalized internally and tried to make happen. It's not really relevant to the issue that there was the potential for the 3pp to try and negotiate some terms(if WotC was open to any negotiation at all).

Edit: When WotC came out and was like, "But it was only a draft!" they were being deceptive via that technicality. They were trying to pass it off as something it wasn't. It was a contract that they wanted to happen as written.
I'm not in law like you are, but to me this sounds a lot like "Hey they asked for 2 million dollars, that's nuts, so I told them I would pay more then a quarter of a mil..."
of course the first thing sent out was everything they wanted

edit: this reminds me of the worst salesman I ever met... he would negotiate with himself all the time (Not that I would do better but I know not to be in sales). I would hear him say "We want this, this and this, and I know you want that that and that, so lets just meet in the middle with these..." and then after an hour or so have just given in on almost everything...
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I'm not in law like you are, but to me this sounds a lot like "Hey they asked for 2 million dollars, that's nuts, so I told them I would pay more then a quarter of a mil..."
of course the first thing sent out was everything they wanted
So you're saying the document they sent out reflects everything they wanted..no mistakes, no takebacks.


That's the part people were angry about. And the part they tried to address by saying "it's a draft".

I'm not in law like you are, but to me this sounds a lot like "Hey they asked for 2 million dollars, that's nuts, so I told them I would pay more then a quarter of a mil..."
of course the first thing sent out was everything they wanted
One thing I've learned over the years is that there are a lot of people who don't think they can negotiate or don't really know how, so they sign what they are given. WotC isn't absolved of putting out and wanting a horrible, horrible contract just because people don't negotiate it down to better terms. Especially when they are the 800 pound gorilla and really don't have to negotiate at all.

"Take this deal or pay more later. Up to you!"

A draft that is terrible still indicates terrible intent.
A terrible draft only indicated it was terrible. When some is construct over two years by many people, it is easy for intent to be lost. Because where they ended up was terrible, doesn't mean the intended it to be, it just was.

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