• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dragon god: Sardior the Ruby Dragon


Creature Cataloguer
here's what i came up with for psionics, using the psion class as a base. there's a "+d" in the entry, wasn't sure how to use that. anyways, here are the powers as they are without that:


0 - burst, daze, detect psionics, finger of fire, float, know direction, telempathic projection

1 - demoralize, empathy, feather fall, grease

2 - control flames, detect thoughts, invisibility, levitation

3 - dimension slide, invisibility purge, mindlink, negate psionics

4 - aura sight, dimension door, domination, mindwipe

5 - energy barrier, matter rearrangement, mind probe

6 - flaming shroud, mass suggestion, precognition

7 - emulate power, improved telekinesis

8 - dream travel, hypercognition

9 - genesis

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First Post
Dammit, I missed those spells where part of his spell-like abilities.

Now, for the spells: Read Magic is needed for casting from scrolls, unless he needs to make a spellcraft check each time he needs to cast a spell from a scroll. But with his high skill modifier to spellcraft, I doubt he needs it. And about Wish, that's not really that powerful when you consider that he is a deity... :D

For the psionics, looks good. The +d is because all psions in 3E must specialize in one of the six psionic 'schools'. the +d power must be one from that school. I suggest making him a specialist of the one school that none of the other gem dragons is a specialist in. (Can't remember which one it is though. And I'm to lazy to look it up today.) But other than that, the list looks good.



Creature Cataloguer
ok then, i'm going with the spell list as is. i'll have to look at the PsiHB and MM2 when i get home, as i have neither of them here.


Creature Cataloguer
ok, from MM2, they go like this:

amethyst: Psychokinesis
crystal: Telepathy
emerald: Clairsentience
sapphire: Psychoportation
topaz: Psychometabolism

so that leaves us with Metacreativity.

Attack/Defense Modes: all access sounds good, right?

so his text would read: "Sardior manifests powers as if he were a psion with Metacreativity as its primary discipline."

i'll tack on the following powers to the above list, if that sounds good to you:

0 - trinket, 1 - minor creation, 2 - burning ray, 3 - whitefire, 4 - astral construct IV, 5 - major creation, 6 - improved vigor, 7 - contingency, 8 - true creation, 9 - astral construct IX

really, i don't know that much about psionic powers. just kind of picked out what sounded good. if anyone has better suggestions to replace what i have, go for it. :)


First Post
Those powers sound good. As for psionics, the psioncs system is quite easy. It's similar to the way a sorcerer casts spells, only that each power has a set cost dependant on level, and a psion or psi-warrior has a set number of 'power points' to use (gaining bonus points for a high primary ability score and certain feats). The psion choses among the powers he (or she) knows which one to manifest, pays the cost, and boom! there it goes. The real strong point with this system is that a high level psion can chose to manifest the same ninth level power until he (or she) runs out of powerpoints, which is quite a number of more times than a high level sorcerer can get of one of his/her ninth level spells.

In other words, psionics rock in 3E :D


Creature Cataloguer
energy control "allows the possessor to channel energies directed at or in the presence of his or her body so as to make such energies harmless or dissipate them. if a spell or energy weapon (fiery breath, lightning, cold, etc.) is directed towards the psionic individual's area, it will not harm him or her provided the individual expends 1 strength point per spell level (or die of damage normally delivered by the energy)."


Creature Cataloguer
here he is. :) comments are appreciated, especially on the way i handled the psionics.


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