Dragon Magazine Cover Remakes

I enjoyed writing Endangered Races: Quasta. I actually wrote another Endangered Races book but wasn't happy with it and then people started republishing things without the d20 logo so it didn't seem as important. Although the Quasta would work even better as related to the Overmind from Flee Mortals. I do like the art I commissioned for the Quasta. Maybe I should try drawing my own image.
I skipped out on rpgs for a long time at the end of 2e, so I don’t know much about what things were like with the OGL and 3rd parties.

I checked out the preview pdf to read about the quasta. Man, talk about evoking sympathy and sadness and loss! These curious creatures who just want to learn about the world, shunned for their looks, isolated, dying off due to disease to such an extant that they changed how and when they name their children, in case they don’t survive. Wow.

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Back to the regular posting of images instead of discussing Quasta. I've found I don't like drawing horses so I replaced it in this image.

Original Cover by Ken Widing

Drawing a large number of people takes time. I tried doing less but it didn't capture the feel of the crowded original cover so I had to add some more. Spelljammer elements have been added because I like the setting.

Original Cover by Linda Medley
Is the lizard guy with the orange fin from Spelljammer? (also, I continue to love these pics)

Is the lizard guy with the orange fin from Spelljammer? (also, I continue to love these pics)
Lizardfolk were first added as a playable race in Spelljammer. Specifically having their eggs hatched closer to the sun resulted in smarter lizardfolk. In earlier editions many of the non player races were considered to have intelligence penalties so this was to explain why the lizardfolk in space were different. (Or at least that is why I think it was done this way.) The lizardfolk design isn't based on any specific Spelljammer art.

Onto the more fun part, posting another image. This one replaces the fighter cockpit from the original cover with a mach cockpit. DragonMech is such a cool setting. More people should check it out.


Original Cover by Denis Beauvais

Someone complains about raccoons in their attic. I should make a raccoon person like the species from Thunderscape. This is one of the early Dragon covers.

Original Cover by Dean Morrissey

The original cover had a regular scarecrow but I prefer mine to be animated. I have an alternate version with a lion instead of cat if you want to see it. (Yes I like the Wizard of Oz.)

Original Cover by Larry Elmore

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