Dragon Magazine Cover Remakes

What does 100 redrawn Dragon magazine covers look like?

Do I have a favorite? No. I can't really pick one.
Sorry about not crediting all the original artists or including links to them in this post.

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Hmmm... Not sure EGG was here. Much of these covers were probably post EGG. But that does make me wonder who I drew the most. I suspected it would be Larry Elmore or Clyde Caldwell.

10 for Larry Elmore
9 for Clyde Caldwell
6 for Denis Beauvais
5 for James Holloway
4 for Jack Crane and Daniel Horne
Obviously there are various 3s, 2s, and 1s but I'm going to stop there.

What do you do if you don't want to draw a horse and that's what the image has? Replace the man and horse with a dracon because I like Spelljammer. I picture this scene as a noble's daughter that ran off and is tracked down by her dracon tutor. He is lecturing her about the dangers of her action.


Original Cover by Larry Elmore
But I didn't stop there. You see I don't like the dracon. I feel their lower half should be more dragon like. Also I feel the zoats from Warhammer are more interesting.


But you know what is even better than a fantasy zoat? A sci-fi zoat.


1st picture: lecturing her about the wonders of mountain lake biomes, and she's bored out of her mind.

2nd picture: Tutor: "I can hit this blue thing over the lake." - Student: "Oh geez, not this again."

3rd picture: <Tusken Raider dance>

This piece was done before the other Greyhawk 2000 one. I decided to make this an ad you might see in a magazine. The latest motorcycle endorsed by Fharlanghn's church. Deploys feather fall in event of a crash. The motorcycle replaces the unicorn on the original cover.

Original Cover by Darlene Pekul

With the kickstarter winding down, I'm making all the images available for your viewing pleasure.
Covering Fantasy's Past
What's next? I have a bunch of ideas. The sections in Dragon had some cool art that I might try redrawing. I've been creating artwork for the Wildspace magazine. I have my collection of beholders and giff women on drivethrurpg. I've debated making a collection of mind flayers. I've been drawing some creatures from the Kids Colouring Book O' Critters which I haven't posted here.

Thanks @dulsi . Tremendous work.

Mind Flayers should still be pretty hot now thanks to Baldur’s Gate 3, so if you’re looking for buzz, that might be the direction to go in.

“Beholders and Giff Women” NEEDS to be an RPG. Or some kind of lost 1980s movie.

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