Dragonlance Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen shows up in the wild!

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New Publisher
I am also underwhelmed -- not from a power standpoint, but because they don't give him anything interesting to do. He should be loaded up with commander and battlefield manipulation abilities -- preferably as reactions, bonus action and legendary actions to make sure is is also still beating heroes to death. 5E still drags behind MCDM, LevelUp and even DMsGuild monster books in making combatants fun to play and fun to fight.


B/X Known World
Yeah but that is not the standards the game goes by. Like you can say you think he should be stronger, But that would be a higher CR. He's not undertunned by the games rules.
Considering the official CR system is famously…laughably busted, I’d go with Micah’s assessment over the rulebook. The monster books don’t even follow the DMG’s guidelines. CR really is a joke.


B/X Known World
The CR chart is basically only good for seeing what number it comes up with, not for gauging how it matches up against a party.
I’m honestly starting to think referees should take the PCs’ stats and abilities, put them in a blender and spit them back out as an encounter. That way it’s perfectly balanced. Give them everything the PCs have, including healing and death saves. The first time a monster pops back up after going down, the players will freak out and always triple tap.


The CR chart is basically only good for seeing what number it comes up with, not for gauging how it matches up against a party.
I use it as intended; if a creature's CR is equal to or less than the party level, the fight will most likely not be lethal. As CR increases beyond the party level, the odds increase that one or more party members could drop.


Soth was always more a powerful combatant with allies rather than a leader.
I don't care about that legacy stuff at all. It's irrelevant. He is the BBEG so his statblock should evoke an epic battle that keeps players engaged the entire time that is the sole reason he exists. You build enemies to satisfy play, not story.

Voidrunner's Codex

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