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Dragonlance War of the Lance Discussion, Questions, and Comments


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Hello, I just picked up the War of the Lance sourcebook by Soveriegn Press. It is a hefty tome clocking in at 319 pages and is full cover. For those that do not have it, it is a very complete tome covering all things about the War of the Lance era. Everything from race concepts, classes (concepts and new one - the Master), geography, adventure ideas, troop dispositions, character write-ups, and campaign advice is detailed. there is somethig i there for everyone who loves Dragonlance!

I figured I would start a thread for comments and lay out any questions that one has regarding this tome. If we are lucky, perhaps some of the Dragonlance authors and or experts that wander by here can provide some answers.

If anyone wants to know more details of this book let me know and I will try and answer any questions. Remember I just have the book, and am not really a Dragonlance expert.

What really stood out with me:

* I really liked the new Master class. Talk about a very usable character concept. It makes the coolest expert. Great addition.

* I really liked the Cities, Strongholds, and Ruins section. So much that I wanted more depth.

* I really enjoyed the Major Conflicts of the War section.

* Thanks for an interesting adventure inclusion.

I only really have one small nitpick:

I really wish the Campaign Advice section was much more in depth. I really would have liked some more in depth advice or example campaigns outside of the typical chronicles WOL journey (Tanis, Goldmoon's, Raistlin's journey, etc). This section was more of a close look at conditions of everyday ansalon during this time period. I would have rather had example alternate campaigns or campaign paths. But this is really a nitpick, because so much of this could be gleaned from other parts of the book or the major conflicts section.

Now on to my questions:

* I had heard that there was going to be a map in this book. Either it was missing from my book or it must not have come with one. anyone have any idea?

* Page 200 has a really awesome illustration. Where/what is this? At first I thought it was a floating fortress, but then I noticed the extended bridge. Where/what is this fascinating place?

* I know this is silly, but I must have missed this in the DLCS. I wne back and looked and sure enough, there it is. I was really surprised to read that the Knights of the Rose and Sword have a requirement of casting divine magic. When did this happen? I am currently reading Dragon's of Summer Flame, so maybe i am a little behind the times. but there is an entry on modifying these prestige classes for WOL campaigns. So if I understand right, Derek Crownguard in the original chronicles couldn't do this ( The WOL sourcebook gives you Knight variants that do not use divine magic). But These nights do cast divine spells in the latest books? Just a curiousity... or is this all described in the books and I just haven't gotten there.

* Lastly (an wholly unrelated to the WOL product), I haven't heard what products are on the horizon for 2005. I heard that possibly a Taladas supplement (which I know *nothing* about) and in 2006 possibly a Knighthood's sourcebook. What else is on the horizon for us to anticipate?

Thanks for a great Dragonlance product to all the authors. A job well done.

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It was determined there would be no map some time ago. IIRC, they didn't want to rush one just for the sake of including a map. There will be a map in some future supplement.

Certain Knights (e.g. Rose) in previous editions could cast spells, albeit a limited number. Giving them actual cleric levels is something new.

Along with the continuation of the Key of Destiny series, there will be a Holy Order of the Stars sourcebook coming out approx next summer. It will deal with the various faiths of Krynn and their clerics.


Razuur said:
I really wish the Campaign Advice section was much more in depth. I really would have liked some more in depth advice or example campaigns outside of the typical chronicles WOL journey (Tanis, Goldmoon's, Raistlin's journey, etc). This section was more of a close look at conditions of everyday ansalon during this time period. I would have rather had example alternate campaigns or campaign paths. But this is really a nitpick, because so much of this could be gleaned from other parts of the book or the major conflicts section.

I haven't got this book yet but I was hoping there would be some good hints on this topic. I was thinking of running a WOL campaign without the Heros.



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I completely agree with Orgrok. This book *is* all you need.

If I implied otherwise, I apologize.

Let me be a little clearer on the campaign section. This section is really mor of an overview of Ansalon in tone, feel and from a personal level.

The geography section covers every corner of Ansalon, explains what events go on during the war, and has several plot hooks that can be expanded into adventures. Plus there is a timeline of all of the major occurrences of the war, so that you can know that when your characters hit this part of Ansalon, this is going on elsewhere (or right in the PC's back yard) So like I said, the seeds for other campaigns are there. The plot hooks are there. the info is there, just not as much guidance on what to do with it as I expected. I was just expecting to see some other campaign "concepts" that would explore the war from different perspectives.

Hey, like I said, it was a nitpick. I am kind of sorry I mentioned it, because I really don't want it to taint such a super book.

If you like DL and the WOL, then this book is the ultimate sourcebook. It is a toolkit for building what you want to do.

I to am planning on running a WOL, without the heroes, and this book has all I need.


Cam Banks

The cartographer that was illustrating the poster map suffered a heart attack, and then his computer was fried by a lightning strike to his house. Seriously. He had the absolute worst luck, and there wasn't really any chance of getting the map into the book in time for the projected release. So, those of us working on the book added a lot of material, and individual region maps a la Eberron were included to make up for it. There are tentative plans for the release of maps in future, but those aren't set in stone yet.

I am very proud of the work I did on this book, and I'm very glad it's finally out and being picked up by fans of the era and of Dragonlance in general. It's one of those projects that simply couldn't have been done half-way. The result is a full-on hardcore campaign setting sourcebook for a period that many fans feel truly emobodies what Dragonlance is about.

One thing to note re: Solamnic knights. Not all of the knights in the Age of Despair even had levels in the Solamnic prestige classes - being a knight doesn't require it. Derek Crownguard, for example, was the Lord of the Order of the Rose and has no Solamnic knight levels at all (he's got levels in noble, fighter and legendary tactician, though, which mimic many of the Rose knight benefits). This has caused quite a stir, especially since he's also been listed as lawful neutral. But hey, it had to be done. :)



I picked up my copy yesturday, and though I haven't had time to do much more than skim through I am very pleased with War of the Lance.

If I have any nitpick at this stage, its that some feats from Age of Mortals were reprinted, when I would have preferred new feats. But thats just me.

I plan on sitting down tonight and reading through it.

I want to run a 3.5 War of the Lance campaign (with PC's substituting for the characters in the novels).

I have the 25th anniversary WoL campaign sourcebook, and I've read the novels.

I do not have the Dragonlance setting book.

How difficult would it be to run the campaign with only this book, and not the main setting book? Character classes, prestiege classes, etc.?




You could do it easily enough, though you would be missing out on the main PrC's (The Solamnic Knight's, Wizards of High Sorcery...etc) and rather the all important Draconians. But you could do it.


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Mr. Banks ( or is it Ms.? )

You should be very proud, it is an outstanding product.

As for the map, it is no biggie. I know one is on the way. I luckily found a used copy of the 25th anniversary DL Campaign complete with map, so I am kinda lucky. Looking forward to the new official one when it comes.

Sorry to hear about the poor cartographer. Goodness, I hope he is faring better now!

Very interesting about Knights of that era not even having levels. And I understand why too. I didn't catch that while perusing Crownguard. Makes perfect sense to me. A prestige class should not be necessary to an organization. I am glad you pointed this out, though because I wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks.

What other parts of the book did you work on?

Once again Kudos.


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