OSR Dragonslayer RPG truly delivers.


Are there any changes to MUs? Cantrips or concentration type rules?
Arcane Channeling: Magic-users may channel (cast) any Level 1 spell for Detect Magic or Read Magic.
Spell Memorization Limit - No duplicate spells memorized.
Begins with Read Magic, Detect Magic, Write, then gets a random Offensive, Defensive, and Utility spell.
Spell Levels (up to 9) and progression similar to AD&D.

Do fighters get multiple attacks at higher levels?
Cleave: If a fighter kills a target, s/he immediately receives 1 additional attack per two levels (one at Level1, two at Level 3, three at Level 5, etc). Cleave applies to both melee and missile attack forms.

Are demihumans level capped?
Yes. Seems to be different from both OSRIC and OSE too.
You mentioned thieves being better success on their skills, are they still basically crappy combatants or dextrous strikers?
HD: d6

OSE skills on the top, OSRIC middle, Dragonslayer on the bottom:

1 87 10 1–2 10 20 15 20
1 80 25 10 20 20 30 35
1 85 35 1-2 25 33 35 35

Mentions clever roleplay always get priority over die rolls; that's neat.

No spells, but, they get to appraise treasure to estimate its worth and comprehend languages at Lv4!

Backstab same as OSE (+4 to hit, x2 damage).

So better overall at what they do, but still secondary combatant (about the same as Cleric).
Any Master set weapon mastery type rules?

What is its take on skills?
No mention really, so probably the same as early editions of the game:
Most "dungeon" actions are covered in the book, all others use common sense, but if really needed, a DM comes up with a probability of success and let players roll either a d6 or d% to beat it.
Skill challenges that are part of the adventure can use the same concept, but fleshed out more in unique tables.

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Rereading now and picking up more interesting nuances:
Dex adds to attack and damage
To hit bonuses stop at 10th level. Not sure the impact that has on high level-games...
Con bonus keeps getting added after HD max out


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Rereading now and picking up more interesting nuances:
Dex adds to attack and damage
To hit bonuses stop at 10th level. Not sure the impact that has on high level-games...
Con bonus keeps getting added after HD max out
Those are interesting choices. I don't think making Dex even better like that is a great choice. Dex becoming a super-stat is one of my bigger dislikes about 3.x and 5E. Con bonus continuing to be added also seems like it would result in a HP inflation issue like those editions have, too.


Love, Respect, Understanding
This is what I like about Ben Milton's Knave RPG. He gives the reader his reasons for why certain rules are the way they are. It usually puts my mind to rest when I'm shown the bigger picture.

But definitely, wanting to cleave to an old school lethal mode of play but having HP possibly get out of control, is something I can't square.


Love, Respect, Understanding
And next to no support for the game outside of Facebook. I dislike FB but I have an account just for keeping tabs on certain RPG companies but haven't used it for a couple of years. Recently though, I twice applied to be accepted into the Dragonslayer FB group so I can download the character sheet but I've not received any recognition whatsoever for either of the requests. Each time I go to check it just says 'Click to Join'.

OSE Advanced it is.


Those are interesting choices. I don't think making Dex even better like that is a great choice. Dex becoming a super-stat is one of my bigger dislikes about 3.x and 5E. Con bonus continuing to be added also seems like it would result in a HP inflation issue like those editions have, too.
When you factor in the B/X bonus spread (Max +3), no "Finesse" like weapons, and unable to shoot if engaged, it's not so bad.


And next to no support for the game outside of Facebook. I dislike FB but I have an account just for keeping tabs on certain RPG companies but haven't used it for a couple of years. Recently though, I twice applied to be accepted into the Dragonslayer FB group so I can download the character sheet but I've not received any recognition whatsoever for either of the requests. Each time I go to check it just says 'Click to Join'.

OSE Advanced it is.
That's too bad. I quit Facebook years ago and couldn't be paid to come back. :D


Putting aside Greg's online ramblings, even more off-putting is his tendency to overcharge for his stuff. Barrowmaze, a black and white book with mediocre layout, art and paper quality? Yeah, that'll be 80 bucks. Get outta here with dat.
When you consider the average college text book (US at least) is around $125, it seems more of a bargain! 😆


When you consider the average college text book (US at least) is around $125, it seems more of a bargain! 😆
When you consider that a text book is a piece need to expand professional growth (most of the time) that has been arbitrarily inflated before the current economic price gauging and Barrowmaze is a hobby book then no it's not a bargain.
I can appreciate a large dungeon adventure but the pdf for Rappan Athuk isn't even as much as the Barrowmaze pdf, and RA is nearly double in size.

Voidrunner's Codex

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