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Dragonslayers: After the second dragon


The Gods of the Green Isles answer the various requests for blessings and protections, while Grim feels the presence of his diety as well. Velsouvous and Lareth are close enought to hear Kel'leths whispers to Aprham (see earlier post)

Tight knots of people gather around each mast, as the dragon seems to slow slightly in its approach.

Ooc: Grim and Velsouvous final 2 rounds of spells? Hond and Lareth could each take one more action, or continue waiting. Kylala and Aphram have announced all 5 rnds. I'll post again tomorrow night as long as V. and G. have posted.

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Grimhild Uggluck

Grim watches as the dragon steadily approaches and continues to prepare himself incase there is a battle.

He stomps his right foot on the ground as he bring both of his arms up, fists clenching tight, and clashes his forearms together in an X infront of his face, if you blink you might miss it, but a small golden sheen spread in all directions from infront of his crossed arms and wraps itself around him, dissapearing as fast as it came on. (OoC- casted Shield of Faith)

Grim sees that the dragon will be upon them in a moments notice and thinks of a spell in his head next that will protect him if it is the dragon's intention to spit up it's stomach at them as it flies in. Ah hope's maybe it joost wanna talk, it's got big advantage over us here..

(OoC- sorry, been very busy lately, also, check OoC thread)


First Post
Hond (barbarian)

Hond prepares to shoot the dragon if it comes near enough and seems to be violent.

OOC: Near enough being within 1 or 2 range increments of the crossbow.


The Dragon gleams in the harsh sunlight, his fanlike wings, tipped with red beat the air as it hovers in place, its body curling into a hook towards you. A set of long spines flex with each beat of its powerful wings. Among the metallic brass scales sparkle individual flecks of light, reminding you of glittering in fool’s gold. It has slowed its flight and it hangs about 100’ from the front of the ship, and 50' feet above it. Its voice booms out across the distance For What Purpose Have You Sailed Here ? And How Dare You Bring One Trained In The Foul Art To My Territory

Hond you have the shot if you want it. (effectively a suprise round)

Lareth jerks and murmurs Of course Ill come. Then he fades out of existence. You have heard of warriors summoned to other worlds but never thought to see it.

This delay gives Abe enough time to get below decks, Makla is still on deck, the captain stands sheltered in the door to his cabin, holding a loaded X-Bow

Ooc: Isida is gone until mid april :(. Hond has a readied action. Noone elses readied action came into play. Ill say conversation is a free action, but only one post with dialog per round.

Initiatives: Velsouvous 21, Aprham 19, Kel'leth 16 Kylala 14, Grim 13, Crew 12, Dragon 10 Hond 7


First Post
We are merely passing through this area, great one, (or whatever honorific they demand they be addressed by) I do not know of this Foul art you speak of.

Super Girl

First Post
"We really are just passing through, we just didn't think that we should bother you with something so insignificant as us when you have better, more important dragony things you could be doing, thats all." Kylala called up to the Dragon, doing her best to mollify the dragon, and make the ship and crew seem harmless to it.

"We really don't want to inconvenience you at all. If you'll just tell us where your territory ends, we promise that we wont come back and bug you anymore," the girl continues.

Diplomacy of +12
readying an acid orb to strike the dragon in the eyes (called shot) if he attacks and comes in range[Ranged Touch Attack 7 + 1D20(1D3 damage)]
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First Post
Grimhild Uggluck

Grim blinks as he sees Lalreth fade out of existence.. Where he go? he thinks to himself.

More important though is the dragon. Grim decides that what the others have said are probably enough already, it doesn't need to hear from every single person aboard the ship, he hears what Kylala says and just nods his head in aggreeance.

Still, Grim is ready incase it spits it's stomach up at them..

(OoC- still holding that WindWall spell as a readied action if the dragon breathes it's breath weapon down upon them. I'd just also like to point out that Grim does *not* have his weapon drawn, he holds no weapons in his hands.)


I Am Not In The Habit Of Allowing Humans To “Pass Through My Territory” But, I Am Feeling Generous. Give Me The Dead Body Of That Foul Practitioner And I Will not Leave Your Boat As A Burring Wreckage.

Aphram has found cover behind the mast, and readies a shot (as per last announced action)
Kel’leth slides his second wand back to the quiver and draws and arrow instead. Whispering – Where is It now, and how far away? He then takes a step back to put his back against the cabin wall, on the right side of Velsouvous.
Makla finishes shoving the last of the sail into the hold, and the captain still remains poised in the doorway.

Ooc: Kylalas diplomacy 11 +12 –10 (rushed) = 13, no change

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