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Dragonslayers: After the second dragon


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Hond (barbarian)

Hond takes a rotation on the watch as well. When the arrangements for a rotation of using the cots are being made Hond offers Kylea his turn on the cots, if she doesn't accept he then offers it to the others.

When they switch to sailing days Hond spends most of his time doing any physical activity he can without bothering the crew, sometimes this means helping the crew with something heavy sometimes it means challenging Grim to an arm wrestling match (Of course he'd prefer doing actual wrestling or even a contest of skill with weapons but figures that would not make the crew too happy).

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Velsouvus will take a watch as well if Makla seems interested in having him. He also seeks out Captain Kharlan to learn more about this Guild of the Wave Father and the code of the sea. The rest of his free time would be spent praying, practicing forms, and perhaps wrestling Hond. (checking with Malka first of course)

My first impulse is to punish him by announcing the man's crime to the crew. He seems to be trying to use Velsouvus to protect himself from divine reprecussions as well as from the one he wronged. Does that seem appropriate?

Super Girl

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Kylala gratefully accepts Honds offer of his turn with the cot, not because she needed it, but because he was being nice, and the proper thing to do was be grateful. Ky picked up the craft of sailing rather quickly, she had already been good at parts of it and her natural dexterity was a major help. The girl took to spending almost all of her time on deck, helping with the sailing if she was asked, but much more frequently, she spent it up in the rigging perfecting her already considerable tumbling skills. The girl does stand watch at night, but only in the fact that she is always full of restless energy and generally only sleeps 6 hours a day.


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Grimhild Uggluck

Grim will gladly take up any offer to playfully arm wrestle, or wrestle, as long as the crew doesn't object. He also speaks to Hond, "Sure friend, if da crew don't mind, I'd love to doo a "contest of skill" with weapons! Ah'd like to find out more about yer sword too, you said it had a name, yesh? This here is Venomtooth, carved from the fang of a black dragon! 'Ah got it from this exotic merchant guy after mah buddy and I killed the living treasure chest that tried to eat him!" (Grim says this like it's an everyday occurance that treasure chests try to eat people)

During the other times of the day, Grim will study his book of big words, stare out at the water and daydream, watch Kylala as she bounces around up in the masts and clap at her excellent dexterity, and will most likely talk to Ke'lth at some point about "The homeland", although nothing in particular, just "small talk" to pass time. Grim does not carve any new X's in his skin during this time.

(OoC- posting some things in the OoC thread that are relavent to what's going on right now as well)
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First Post
Hond (barbarian)

"Sure friend, if da crew don't mind, I'd love to doo a "contest of skill" with weapons! Ah'd like to find out more about yer sword too, you said it had a name, yesh?"

Hond responds "Yes her name is Aya, she is a sacred item of my people." Hond carefully unsheathes Aya "She was given to me to help me on my journey"

"This here is Venomtooth, carved from the fang of a black dragon! 'Ah got it from this exotic merchant guy after mah buddy and I killed the living treasure chest that tried to eat him!"

Hond looks a bit surprised "That is a mighty treasure indeed Grim, might I look at it more closely?"


The crew is fine with wrestling and other contests, the captain refuses to allow weapons at first, but eventually changes his mind. The crew will gather around to watch such events, cheering, booing and making small wagers become common. For actual weapons the crew will move some of the barrels to make more room.

The Captain warms up to Velsouvus and will spend a fair amount of time talking with him, telling him of both the wavefather and Rixza, god of lighting. The captain will show you the map room, and his quarters. Where you notice a second hammock stashed out of the way.
He has a beautifully engraved compass that is in a wooden box, about a foot across. It is the compass the ship is named for and the captain will confide that it occasionally works better than other compasses. The captain and Ke'leth have one loud fight during the week, but it calms down and they seem on the best of terms later.

The crew is a little standoffish with Hond and Grim, but accepts Kylala quickly.
They learn not to ask for Grims help in moving stuff that can be broken, and only to mend stuff that is relatively simple. "What you mean it wont turn?" well it was cracked a little and we asked Grim if he could fix it... and … *Sigh* well get out the spare then, and cut that one free, very carefully. Orc! Quit helping the boys.

Velsouvous -
You also notice (sense motive 18+5=23) that the captain treats Ke'leth with deference, but will defend him if asked. Perhaps a little too vigorously.

The crew member was probably asking for physical punishment, but since he referred the matter to you, you may do as you wish.


Aphram will not participate in the show of arms, although he'll jest with Lalreth to place his strength against the fair orcs. He will speak little, taking watches when there is space to be filled, although his eyes are not as sharp in the dark or dim as the feral's or elf's respectively. The one person he will attempt to strike up a conversation with is Ke'Leth or Kylala.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Lalreth doesn't bother with a show of arms. His best skills lay with the bow, and that was a little harder to test on a ship at sea. And he didn't care to lose arrows taking potshots at seagulls. However, he did want to pick the brain of his potential future employer Ke'Leth. The fact that he seemed to have real, solid information on the Dragonstone intrigued the elf.*

Some questions he would ask would be:

"How exactly did you come across information from the Dragonstone? What about your source, is it reliable, do you trust the information is real and true? Have you every hunted dragons? Known others that hunted dragons? How did they do it? Sword, arrow, spell, alone or together?"

With more in the same vein. ;)


Talking to Lareth: My information was from old records brought to my homeland by Hairfeet fleeing the green lands. They had lorekeepers among them who faithfully kept information out of the hands of the common populace. We don’t have dragons on my continent, only big ignorant flightless lizards. With these it is best not to get close enough for it to bite you, I imagine dragons are the same. I have some magics to back up my skill at arms, and have used both to fight these lizards. I have never fought your dragons, but have heared advice to show weakness where you are strong, and always prepare for the dragon to flee. I hear their speed is beyond measure.

Mel’keth tells Grim that war is coming between two empires the Tauresci and New Fostern, mostly over religion and land. The Fair Orc Tribes will probably serve as mercenaries in the conflict. He will swap stories with Grim, always treating him with formal respect.


The ship is sailing along about 500 ft from the shore of an island on a bright clear morning.

Aphram, spending much of his time observing the landscape is the first to sight the metallic glint in the sunlight high above. (spot 5(roll)+10+4+1) = 20

DRAGON! he yells reflexively.

Lareth sights on it as well Ooc (spot 9+17) = 26 figures it will arrive in 5 rounds.

Furl the sails!, and then get below decks! The captain turns to look around at all of you. No use running, do we fight or try and talk to it?

you take a look around the ship. Figure you can reach anywhere in 1 round (non combat)
OOC -lets move to the other thread to discuss what everyone plans in the time before the dragon arrives.

|o..o|    barrels 
|.nn.|    foremast 
|.xx.|    hatch to lower decks 
|.nn.|    mainmast 
|=D=o|    ladder, door,ladder, barrel
|uuuu|    upper deck 
|uTTu|    tiller
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