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Dragonslayers [Aftermath]

Super Girl

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This dragon shouldn't stick around much longer if he is this hurt, then again if we keep it up much longer he wont have much of a choice. Is there a bounty on Dragons at large? I mean, if we took the things head somewhere could we get paid? [Total DnD mindset] would anyone pay for scale male :p , and I'm sure Dragon boy has a lair somewhere brimming with treasure. Maybe even magical goodies [/Total DnD mindset] I love DnD the only place you get away with killing people to take their stuff and make you a more powerful person.

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Evilhalfling said:
Redswan - The dragon is looking pretty bad, and it is out of reach of attacks from the water,
Im going with a 15' height on the boat.
You should be able to climb into the boat, but you will need a clear space to climb into, it will take you a full round action to make the climb (unless you try a quick climb (-5) If your desperate you might be able to grab the Dragon from halfway up, but he will have cover against you, and a miss will send you falling off the boat.

Would Grim be able to make a regular attack from halfway up instead of a grapple? (trying to explore all my options here :) ) If it's already preparing to leap back into the air again, this is probably my only chance to attack it, no sense on taking a full round to move to a spot on th boat where I could climb up into it, then climb into it, only to have the dragon off in the air again where I couldn't get to it.. hehe

Kylala - I thought those things too :D lol! That's actually partly why I wanted to grapple it down on the water - I didn't know it was going to hop into the boat, I figured it was going to fly away. I figured if I grappled it down there, it could at least be kept in range, and I would ahve tried to move it over closer to the ship so that the other melee's could attack it also. Also, figuring if we killed it, he would be holding onto it and it wouldn't sink down in the water, and we would be able to hoist it's body into the ship so that we could get all the good things from it. Scales are always worth money, and wizards and whatnot need rare spell components. :) I'm sure it has a lair somewhere, and now that we know it's NAME, we'd have to go information gathering about it and find out where it nested at and search for it's lair. Of course, that'd have to wait untill after our current mission, but wow.. I mean that's an entire 'nother YEAR of pbp gaming right there! :D hehe

This is why D&D is soooo frickin cool. Stuff that you totally didn't expect to happen or count on, turns out to take your adventure in a new direction that drives the characters to goals! :)


First Post
rules lawyer, attack!

I originally was posting all of this in (OOC: bla bla bla) blocks in the other thread, but then I remembered that's what this thread is for :p

Kylala might want to reconsider her move since it provokes an attack of opportunity, unless she can tumble past of course. Archers don't provide flanking either, so there's no benefit I can see, except for letting Hond move into range. Never mind, letting hond take a full attack is good too, just dangerous unless you tumble really well :)

Between Grim and Velsouvous' castings, everyone should be blessed, which means +1 morale bonus to attack and +1 morale bonus on fear saves. It has a 6 minute duration, so it is still up for sure.

You didn't include bless or bulls strength in last rounds attack bonus, did you add the +4 damage to the crit due to bulls strength? +4 str means +2 damage, which is doubled by the crit.

Sorry to be rules-lawyerish, and no offence intended toward your DM'ing (I'm loving the fight right now) but I think we need all the help we can get :)

If Glitterscale flies away, he should provoke an AoO from anyone he jumps over. He should be unable to use the withdraw action, since the first square the dragon leaves would be next to the character, but then the dragon would leave the square directly above the character, which would provoke an AoO.

Here's my resoning with grappling the dragon. The initial touch, provoking an attack of opportunity(should have gotten improved grapple instead of stunning fist, doh), and grapple check should proceed as normal. If Velsouvous succeeds in making that grab though, the dragon won't be able to fly, because he will be grappling and unable to move, that is unless he takes -20 to his grapple check and only uses one limb to grapple, which would leave his wings free for flying. If you are feeling particularly nice, you might even impose the -20 penalty or a -10 or something on the initial grapple check, to reflect Velsouvous just trying to grab onto a leg or something instead of going for an all-out grapple. Velsouvous' AC is 20 for the AoO he provokes (+1 armor enhancement, +2 dex, +1 natural, +3 wisdom, +3 deflection from Shield of Faith). Oh, I just remembered the dragon was fighting defensively, it might even miss, awesome.

Then the cinematic description:

The dragon, after leaping out of the water onto the boat, trades blows with the humans then leaps off again. During it's second jump, Velsouvous shouts You aren't getting away now! and latches onto the dragon's hind leg as it passes by his head, getting dragged off the boat and airborne in the process. In midair Velsouvous clings to the dragon's leg for his life as he attempts to pummel the dragon's vitals with vicious kicks.
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Super Girl

First Post
oh, oops, I knd of figured at least one of the two characters would take a 5 foot step up, or just stay put and swing a sword or something. Um, since it'll help hond full attack, then I'll still move around past the captain, tumbling to avoid attacks of opportunity. Since I am not going through the Dragon's space, just around, the DC is 15, and I have a +10 to the check, not sure if I can take 10, if I can, no need to even check, if I cannot, just need to roll a 5 or better.

Will Aphram step up so I can sneak attack and do more damage, and so he can make full attack?


doh. missed the Bull Str completely - the damage will be adjusted, bless too huh? It has applied most of the time, and it even saved Grim from the gaze attack. As for provoking AoO's glitterscale only gets 1 per round :( and a lot of people are moving around.

Moving is an action you can take if you win a grapple check (although at 1/2 spd) and you bring the whole grapple with you. Az- what is you total grapple check?

Great discription btw : )

SG - Standing in the square with the ladder is squeezing, you can climb up on the ladder and fight from there (like Hond) or stop in the doorway as the captain is no longer standing in it (obscured earlier by the dragon)


First Post
Total grapple bonus is +9 (+4 base, +2 str, +2 str enhance, +1 bless), the touch attack is +7 due to the flurry of blows earlier in the round. Not nearly high enough to fully grapple a dragon, but I'm hoping it's enough to either hold on with him trying to ignore me or slow him down enough for everyone else to finish him off :)

There was a character in one of my games that did manage to out-grapple an adult dragon (total luck, but he wouldn't have had a chance if he hadn't had obscene bonuses also) My jaw nearly fell off of my face.

From the first page of the IC thread: "our smith knows the secrets of turning hide and claws against their kind."

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First Post
Just one quibble, Velsouvous' unarmed attacks count as magical, though it probably won't make a difference.

*sigh* should have used the death touch, if it had critted it would have been 6d6, and it would have critted on that natural 20, and probably confirmed since it was a touch attack.

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