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Dragonwriter's Music-Inspired Insanity


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Twi'Tar's head turns quickly back anf forth between Tom and Shavallah.
"OOH! I don't know those ones. I love learning stuff though, especially stuff like languages. It's just like a big puzzle."
He turns his head toward Tom, "That sounds complicated, I bet it's fun to figure out how to say different stuff. Sometimes I switch languages around to see if they sound okay together."
(in Hadozee)
"I learned this when I was still little,"
(in Aquan)
"and this from the sprites to talk to fish and stuff, but only the smart ones."
He looks toward Shavallah, "Yours sounds alot like that, but earthier, I bet they're similar."
(in Elven)
"This one's 'cause lots of stuff in old books is in it, and lots of old sages are Elves."
(in Draconic)
"and this is cause lots of scholars use it and a lot of old books are written in it (did I already say that one though?), that and because dragons are really big and if I meet one, I wanna be friends. But then I guess most people would?"
"Of course they would, most stuff that speaks that can be bad news, and nobody likes to get killed. Well they might not mind, I dunno, nobody I know ever told me for sure, but I bet it hurts. I'll be okay thoug, cause I try to be nice to people i don't know and I can be real quiet when I have concentrates on it"
He stands abruptly then sits down quickly, "I bet all of you know lots of neat stuff. Most people you meet are just boring old humans and dwarves and elves and stuff, bet you guys get all kinds of attention when you're around cause people don't see people like you much. It's okay though, happens to me all the time, for some reason people think I like bananas alot. Do you guys like bananas? I hate 'em, taste all chalky and stuff. I like apples much better. Oh I know some local stuff too but I can't teach it" He ends with a visible wink.
He then sits attentively as though he had asked an important question.

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Just as Twi'Tar is finishing up, the other door in the room opens up and the young half-elf girl that gave each of you the note walks through with a smile on her face. "Dinner is served. And Master Ferrinzo is waiting. Come with me," she says pleasantly and leads you through the door into a comfortable dining hall, with a large fireplace burning and crackling away. The table has seats enough for sixteen people, and only the head seat, on the opposite end of the table from the door, is occupied. A toureen sits near him, with a large platter of breads and cheeses close by.

The man, who must be Connor Ferrinzo, seems middle-aged, with light brown hair, streaked slightly here and there with grey. Sitting down, it's hard to tell how tall he is, but his fine attire does not look strained to stay on. His dark green shirt is laced down the front and you catch sight of ruffled cuffs as he waves at all of you. "Come in, come in. Have a seat. I am Connor Ferrinzo, and we have some business to discuss. But first, please help yourselves to the stew, bread and cheese, our appetizer, if you will."


Thy wounds are healed!
looking like he was following all the conversations in all the different languages Jasper was about to speak when the half-elf girl entered. getting up and following his lute swung over a shoulder but his pack left by the chair he occupied.

After being told to be seated he complied and with a nobles grace, and taking forth the linen napkin avaiable he set it in his lap and waited to be served by the help.


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Platinus was surprised that so many spoke one of the few other languages he did and was going to say something, but he couldn't seem to get a word in edge ways as the monkey jabbered on. He switched languages every half thought or so, which made the dragon's head swim. Platinus shakes his head on his long neck, and a row of fringed spikes that had been laying flat down the back of his head and down his spine razed a moment and clanked menacingly against his plate armor before returning to their original orientation.

The dragon enters the dining room behind the others after the messenger greets them. "Greetings master Ferrinzo, I am called Platinus - Bahamut's Sword of Earth. You have my thanks for the invitation into your home." He takes the seat at the opposite end of the table so as not to crowd the others as they found seats down the sides of the long table.

Frozen Messiah

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It was obvious that Twi'tar didn't understand what he had said but the amount of other languages impressed him anyways and after he was he was done talking he gave him a nod. When he was talking about not knowing how death was like Tom muttered to himself as he looked at his nailless right hand "Believe me it's a hell of a trip."

"Ah, good dinner I was begining to get slightly hungry and curious of our employer. I geuss this is two birds with one stone." Tom says to Platinus giving him a slight jab with his elbow to his chest, it mildly hurt Tom's shoulder and didn't get even a chuckle out of Platinus.

Tom walks into the dining hall and gives a small bow to the lord. After that he takes his seatat the corner of the table, after seeing Jasper put his napkin on his lap Tom does the same, less that he cares but more that he has found it better to not offend the client. "Lord Ferrinzo my name is Major Tom Robinson. We do indeed have some buisness to talk about but I am glad that you have your priorities in order." After Tom says this he takes a rather large bite out of some bread to make his point.


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Twi'Tar nervously walks into the room, only stopping to mutter a brief greeting to the master of the house before sitting at the table and pronouncing "I'm starved, anybody else?"
He begins with soe bread and cheese mumbling "this is great" through mouthfuls


First Post
As Shavallah finished her glass of water, the Duskling noticed the girl from earlier that day entering to inform the group that the master of the house was awaiting their arrival in the dinner hall. She rose, handing her glass to the elven girl(or the servant from earlier if he was present), and then she followed the group, the form of the Gray Render flickering as she walked through the house before she took her seat, tail swaying back and forth as she allowed the others to speak... or otherwise occupy their mouths before she spoke up.

"Eat... then speak?" The woman asked simply, observing the others words and actions as a sign that food was to come before business.


First Post
Ferrinzo nods to each of you as you sit. He chuckles a little, saying, "We can speak now, during or after eating. It makes no difference. All I ask is that you listen and consider my little job offer. I know each of you has been hurting for-"

The half-elf girl suddenly approaches Connor and whispers in his ear. He listens, then nods, saying quietly, "Yes, please bring her in Merel." The half-elf lass nods, curtsies and walks out.

He pauses for a moment, then states plainly, "It would seem that somebody showed up a bit late. I will continue once she joins us."

Merel returns momentarily with a pale-skinned young-looking human woman with blonde hair. She gestures to a seat, saying to the woman, "Please sit and help yourself to the food."

Ferrinzo smiles cheerfully as the latecomer is lead in. "Now, I know your name, but no one else does. Please introduce yourself, enjoy the stew, bread and cheese, and relax. The main course will be up shortly and we can continue to business. And can Merel or Robert get you a drink?"


Celest got a slightly later start moving to get to the villa, and when she knocked on the door, no one answered for several moments...

Finally, the half-elf girl that handed her the note earlier opens the door. She smiles to Celest, saying cheerfully, "Oh, you got here after all. Most of the others have already arrived and dinner is just starting. Please follow me, and Master Ferrinzo will explain his offer."

The lass leads Celest into a well-appointed dining hall, motioning to a seat and saying "Please sit and help yourself to the food."

The middle-aged human man at the table smiles cheerfully as Celest is lead in. "Now, I know your name, but no one else does. Please introduce yourself, enjoy the stew, bread and cheese, and relax. The main course will be up shortly and we can continue to business. And can Merel or Robert get you a drink?"


Guest 11456

The young woman curtsies to each of the ones sitting at the table. Then she sits and finally speaks. "The innkeeper told me my name is Celest." She smiles nervously before looking over the food on the table. She decides to grab some bread and cheese first. She then turns her attention to Ferrinzo as she starts munching on some bread, while nibbling every so often on the cheese.


Thy wounds are healed!
Staring in awe and the marvelous creature before him, Jasper is shook from his thoughts at her words. "The innkeeper? Do you mean the innkeeper knew you or gave you a new name?" he asks looking confused.

Voidrunner's Codex

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