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Drenai -> d20/OGL starting point?


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It saddened me a great deal, too. I got the impression that, whatever our apparent considerable differences of opinion would have been, I would've liked the guy. And either way, I have a lot of respect for him, and I'm glad that his legacy will live on in this world.

Speaking of which, I am going to try moving the date forward for "the Drenai campaign that WILL happen". There have been other delays, but I am more committed than ever now.

Here's hoping.

P.S. Anyone else had any luck not only starting a Drenai campaign, but actually proceeding with it too? I'd definitely like to hear any accounts people might have of that.

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I've just figured out the game to run this with (its been 4 years- its less a necro and more I'm just slow :) )-

Heroquest 2

I was reading this review and it all clicked for me- Its a game that allows you to be the best at a certain noun. If the GM uses regular difficulties and skils for NPCs (1 or 2 masteries at most) then you can be the deadliest killer of the age or greatest general with a skill of Sword 10w4 or Great General 10w4.

Its also a game where relationships and personality traits can augment (positively or negatively) your other skills and even combat abilities. Magic would be limited - I'd have to think how Source Priests work, but it would be fairly easy to describe mechanically.

I think I've found it!



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Oh. My. Gawd. :eek:

Not sure Mr. Gemmell (R.I.P.) would approve of such blatant, open necromancy! ;)

Glad you've found the one you're after, SJE. It's very much what some (incorrectly!) refer to as a 'Narrativist' game, as I understand it. All the best for your campaign! :cool:

Along the same lines, you might find this one interesting too. Free what's more, so worth a look, regardless. Hm, I'll have to check some time, and make sure it wasn't already linked to. Heh.

So many more decent options now (than a few years back) - wow! Whether you go for more 'story-like' rules, or combat+freeform / combat+skills, or something else. A veritable cornucopia, or something. :)


What can I say- like his books for me, this game idea never died. It just took a moment of pure sartori to finally have an idea in the back of my head to suddenly click!

Did you ever run your game Aus Snow?



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Dear lord! it's that rarest of breeds.... the twice-necro'd thread. The unundead, as it were!

Although, truth be told, I love this thread, so I'll let it slide. If only there was a good conversion of Gemmell's Troy series, one of the few fantasy series I actually enjoyed.

Ahhhhh.... the twice risen thread.

These days, if I was going to stick with d20-based I'd go for a combination of Fantasy Concepts and Trailblazer.

Fantasy Concepts:
Samardan Press - Lulu.com

Trailblazer - Bad Axe Games | RPGNow.com

Fantasy Concepts would form the core and then individual bits from Trailblazer would be grafted on.

Another solid alternative in my book would be either Grim Tales (done by the same fellow that did Trailblazer, but now out of print) or the _old_ version of the Lone Wolf rpg done by Mongoose. The old one is a modified version of d20 that I quite like, no clue what the new version is like other than it's using its own system.

Going with a non-d20 based game.... well, there's an awful lot of 'em out there; picking one becomes a bit more a matter of what you want the game to focus on (relationships, combat, "epic adventure", etc.).

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