Dresden Files RPG possibly available at Origins?


What Fred said.

Actually, what I SHOULD have said in addition to what I said is that we're sensitive to the idea that people might not want to use our system for this, and we think we're putting enough in there for folks to go off and do whatever Dresden makes them happy. :)

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Actually, what I SHOULD have said in addition to what I said is that we're sensitive to the idea that people might not want to use our system for this, and we think we're putting enough in there for folks to go off and do whatever Dresden makes them happy. :)
For those of us who DO like the system though, a sneak peak at a rule or two would be nice.

I know that with the Character Archetypes, a little info was given, yes. But explaining a mechanic in a little more detail as a clear preview would also be cool. For instance "Here's a sample foci item, and here is how foci items work". "This is A specific spell, and how it works". Hopefully there are a few things you can view in isolation without needing all the other rules explained.

A lot like how WotC does their excerpts.


For those of us who DO like the system though, a sneak peak at a rule or two would be nice.

Once we're far enough along that we can afford the extra time it takes to prep a preview, we'll likely be adding some additional system specific preview stuff to follow the current Old World Order biweekly preview we're doing on the site -- though that's slated to run a few more months (and good thing, too, since I think we're quite full up with stuff to keep us busy at present).


First Post
When I heard about this news I was totally stoked, I have all the FATE rpg's to date, but this is the book I've been mostly waiting for. :)

Lord Ernie

First Post
I'd heard rumors of a Dresden Files RPG, but I didn't know who was making it, or when it was coming out.

Summer 2010 can't be here soon enough.


I'd heard rumors of a Dresden Files RPG, but I didn't know who was making it, or when it was coming out.
This is why I posted this. :) So folks would find out!

You should check out the website I linked. It's chocked full of goodies going back several years.


That's Latin for "cool"
Well, maybe not 600. I wouldn't be shocked if we exceeded 400 though.

That wouldn't surprise me either.

I've got inside sources, too. I had a great dinner conversation with one of the authors the other day. He was telling me all kinds of groovy things about the book and all the attention to detail they were putting in. He got me so excited about the RPG, I started reading the novels! And furthermore--

... oh wait ... that was you I was talking with, wasn't it? ... :blush:

Seriously, though. If even a half of what evilhat told me about the book sees press, the only way this RPG is going to suck is if Jim Butcher personally comes over to everyone's house and takes a gigantic dump on the game table.

Voidrunner's Codex

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