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Droid101's Story Hour, "Of Gods and Devils" Updated 10/12!


First Post
“Hm, bad news,” Adlai says to Ogrim, Viknen and Eltharion. “I scryed Enzonito, and it looks like he’s trapped. He’s in what looks like a solid white room. He’s just sitting in there meditating. I sent him a sending message, and he responded with ‘In Hell, send help, Gryrtag’s prisoner.’ Looks like you know what your mission is.”

“Wonderful, so now we have to go to Hell?” Eltharion sounds dejected.

“Indeed. Once you all get back, hopefully he’ll know enough about the prophecies to be able to help us locate the final stone of power,” Adlai says.

“Let’s find Bloodthorne, he should go with us,” Ogrim states.

They go off and find Bloodthorne at the tavern drinking.

“I asked you before why you do that. You’re dead!” Eltharion says.

“None of your business mate,” Bloodthorne responds.

“We need your help. We’re going to Hell,” Eltharion says.

“Come get me when you’re ready to leave,” Bloodthorne replies.

Viknen retreats to his room for the rest of the afternoon. Eltharion and Ogrim walk back to the tavern after escorting Viknen, and a huge crowd has gathered near the fountain. Lots of talking and commotion is heard.

“What’s goin’ on here?” Ogrim asks a passer by.

“The Prophet is here! He’s going to bring peace to the world!!” a fanatic babbles.

“Now we get some answers,” Eltharion says. They wait in line to see the Prophet; and quite a line it is indeed. They wait for almost an hour and finally, with the crowd dying down, they see the Prophet.

He has very long perfectly white hair. He’s wearing pristine white robes and has a cross-like symbol around his neck.

“So you’re the Prophet?” Eltharion blurts out.

“Yes I am my children. I have come to bring you hope in this seemingly bleak future,” the Prophet responds.

“You are saying that we will turn back the dark elf army? And the demonic gates of the Dark Tide?” Eltharion asks.

“Absolutely. With the gathering of the stones of power, the gates will never be realized. And shortly after that, the brunt of the dark elf assault will falter, and Baron shall be victorious,” the Prophet speaks slowly and clearly.

“What makes you think you can be sure of all this?” Ogrim asks.

“I am the Prophet. I have seen it,” he replies.

“I see…” Eltharion and Ogrim look at each other, perplexed. With nothing further to ask, they nod and walk off.

“What do you think?” Ogrim asks.

“I don’t buy it. How can he know we’ll win?” Eltharion asks back.

“Hmph,” Ogrim grunts, and they continue toward the tavern.

Adlai follows them in.

“News guys, come sit down,” Adlai says.

“What’s happening now?” Eltharion asks.

“Looks like people have been popping up all over the place with, well, white hair,” Adlai says.

“So?” Ogrim replies.

“They go to sleep one night, and wake up the next morning ‘inspired’ with this stark white hair. They also have the ability to cast healing magic…” Adlai explains.

“Oh,” Ogrim nods.

“About four people have come forward. Other people have started calling them ‘Prophecy Priests.’ We’ve been getting them all together and letting them stay in the castle so we can study them,” Adlai says. “But there’s more.”

“And that’s not enough already?” Eltharion shakes his head.

“Well, I was having one of them cast some curative magic, just to see it for myself, and I accidentally dropped one of the anti-magic spheres on the ground next to him. The spell went off anyway,” Adlai starts. “So, this prompted more tests. Looks like the Prophecy Priests are able to cast magic in our anti-magic, whereas all other magic is nullified.”

“Hm…” Ogrim thinks a moment.

“I know what you’re thinking, and the King of Baron plans to use it to our advantage. We’ll let the large anti-magic sphere go when the battle starts, and we’ll still have support magic from these Prophecy Priests, while the dark elves will have no magic whatsoever. That’s our ace-in-the-hole,” Adlai seems a bit excited.

“That’s great. But I still don’t trust that Prophet guy, or his priests…” Eltharion sighs.

“Just wanted to let you know what’s going on. You’re going after Enzonito tomorrow, right?” Adlai asks.

“Yes,” Eltharion responds.

The next day, Bloodthorne, Eltharion, Ogrim, and Viknen gather outside of the city.

“How are we supposed to get to Hell with no magic-user?” Eltharion asks, looking to each of them.

“It is time,” Viknen says as he holds out a bag. He reveals it to be a plant of some kind. He takes it over to a small campfire he had started before everyone arrived, preparing a pot with a few other ingredients.

He places them in and allows them to heat for a short time. He sits down, beginning a low chant. He motions to each of you to sit around him, forming a triangle, Viknen in the middle. He begins to draw symbols in the dirt, strange earthen figures, not alike in form or geometry. He fills a small crude cup, one for each of the Heroes and himself, with the liquid from the pot.

“Drink it now, it be losin’ da potency right quick!” he mutters as he tilts his cup back and drains one mouthful of greenish liquid.

The taste is terrible, and it’s difficult to swallow, but they do so. Not so for Bloodthorne; he pours it in easily.

The slightly herbal, slightly magical concoction begins to take effect.

They can no longer tell if their eyes are open or closed. Color, light, sound, feeling and thought begin to fade together. In their sitting position, they feel as if they are falling back. Tumbling back down father and father, not able to right themselves. Vertigo; the word not making any real sense anymore as there is no up or down, there is no left or right, there is only falling. Falling back into an endless space in time in the universe. Colors begin to come back. Red, green, blue, yellow, violet, indigo. Then shades. Light to dark, neon to pale, stripes and dots, spirals and stars; their vision is filled with all color simultaneously.

One color begins to overtake the others. Red dissipates, green vanishes, yellow is disintegrated. Slowly, black begins to destroy all color. Soon, tendrils of black flow over the Heroes; they feel them brushing across their face; seemingly too weak to lift a hand to brush them away, they grit their teeth and deal with the silent onslaught…

Did the Heroes make it to Hell? Or did Viknen just get them high? Will they find Enzonito? And hey, where has Bink been all this time?? Find out, next time!
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First Post
Wow, I am really enjoying the curve you just gave us. I dunno if I would trust the "no magic" zone since it appears healing works. Do you normally have "divine" magic in this world or is it strictly "arcane"?

I will also admit, I don't really know which characters are PC vs NPC. There are a few I would think are real, but I can't even quarantee that.

I will also be saddened if/when you end this thread. I missed it terribly when you weren't posting as often (bad work, bad! :p).

Thanks again for writing this.



First Post
sandtiger said:
Wow, I am really enjoying the curve you just gave us. I dunno if I would trust the "no magic" zone since it appears healing works. Do you normally have "divine" magic in this world or is it strictly "arcane"?
There is a divine and an arcane difference. Divine and arcane magic both don't work in the antimagic, but those white-haired Prophecy Priests' magic DOES work. So perhaps it's something different altogether...

sandtiger said:
I will also admit, I don't really know which characters are PC vs NPC. There are a few I would think are real, but I can't even quarantee that.
You've got time to sort it out. ;)

sandtiger said:
I will also be saddened if/when you end this thread. I missed it terribly when you weren't posting as often (bad work, bad! :p).
As far as I can tell, it'll never end. My new campaign is in the same world, but 100 years later. I just started it, and after just the first session, there have already been 3 or more pretty good references to this campaign. Trust me, it'll be good. Would I lie? ;)

sandtiger said:
Thanks again for writing this.

Thanks for reading!!!


First Post
Their eyes open.

Barren wastelands. Volcanic explosions.

It was Hell all right.

“We be makin’ it all right. Now den, we gotta be findin’ dis friend ‘o yours,” Viknen says as he slowly stands.

“That was crazy,” Eltharion says, looking to Bloodthorne and Ogrim.

Off in the distance they could see what looks like a huge white column rising up into the black-clouded sky.

“Let’s move, that’s as good a place as any to go,” Ogrim points to the column, and they start for it.

Off in the distance they could see horrible shapes moving. Demons, devils, all fighting.

“Hope they don’t notice us,” Eltharion says.

A small green form could be seen flying in their direction. Eltharion squints his eyes and peers up. It starts to fly in a little faster.

“Something’s coming…” Eltharion readies his Sun-sickle and Moon-scimitar. The others similarly ready their weapons. Viknen cast fly on Eltharion and Ogrim. Those two and Bloodthorne flew up to the level of the thing.

“Bring it on, then,” Bloodthorne chuckled as he spun his two longswords.

The creature finally came close enough to identify.



(Queue Flashback)

Partially surrounded, the dragon turned to Eltharion.
I hope you know how to swim, morsel, the dragon thought. It took to the air and flew at him fast, too fast. Eltharion had no time to jump into the river first. The dragon placed a giant clawed hand into Eltharion’s body and pushed him into the river, diving in with him.

Blaze cast
gate, opening a portal directly under the surface of the water.

“I banish you to HELL,” Blaze said with authority. And so he did.

Eltharion and the dragon were expelled onto dry land, surrounded by barren gray wastelands. Firey explosions and volcanic activity could be seen off in the distance. The sky was covered in dark, black clouds. Eltharion and the dragon fell to the ground quite unceremoniously.


“Uh oh…” Eltharion muttered.

“I knew I’d get my chance at you, morsel,” the dragon’s voice boomed out over the barren landscape. Another form flew in from the side. A form glowing in brilliant rainbow colors…

…and Bink cast web on the the green dragon. The webbing stuck to its wings and kept him from flapping. The dragon let out a loud roar as it plummeted to the ground. Viknen staggered backward at the impact, but stayed standing. Eltharion, Ogrim, and Bloodthorne decended instantly upon Drelhornsdrathdin.

Bink let out a lightning bolt at the dragon, which howled in pain again. Bloodthorne’s blades slashed and sliced, digging deep past the thick scales of the huge dragon. Eltharion unleashed a flurry, and Ogrim slammed into the dragon with a few well-placed hits with his Orc-Killer axe. Combine all that with Bink’s pretty constant magic missiles, and Drelhornsdrathdin let out its final roar.

Eltharion stabbed him one last time for good measure, then looked over to Bink.

“What are you doing here!” Eltharion shook his friend’s hand heartily.

“I’ve got business in Hell. Actually, I just found a path to the Second Level of Hell, and that’s where I’m going,” Bink replies.

“We’re trying to find Enzonito. We think Gryrtag is keeping him prisoner. You want to come with us?” Eltharion asks.

“No, I’ve got my own things to attend to, but I’ll go with you to the Second Level. I think that’s where Gryrtag’s palace is anyway,” Bink responds.

“Gryrtag’s palace… great…” Eltharion mumbles.

They continued on toward the white column. As they approached, they could see what looked like a staircase on it, along with a huge hole below it, with a golden-red glow coming from it. A huge city sprawled out in the hole, and so the Heroes flew down, avoiding the staircase, as many strange and hideous forms were ascending or decending it.

They bid Bink farewell, and quickly touched ground and headed for an alley. The cobblestones were made of brass, and they were burning hot. Ogrim’s boots were thick, and Bloodthorne couldn’t feel it anyway, but Eltharion and Viknen had to fly along next to them.

The brass buildings were hot to the touch as well. They avoided what strange creatures they could as they found an alley.

“So, how do we find Gryrtag?” Eltharion asks Ogrim and the others.

“I’m not sure. Perhaps we should ask someone?” Ogrim answers.

“Devil hunting?” a man with a snake’s tail instead of legs slithers past them down the alley, and pushes open a wall and goes down some stairs, motioning the Heroes to follow…

Will they find Gryrtag’s palace? How can they get in? How can they kill him? How can they find Enzonito? How can they succeed?? Find out, next time…
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First Post
“Sssso, are you looking for sssome weaponssss?” the half-man, half-snake thing hissed as they entered a small, nondescript room. A few wooden boxes sat by the walls.

“Perhaps… what ‘ave you got?” Bloodthorne asks.

“If it’ssss devilsss you’re hunting, and why elssssse would people like you be in Hell, then I can help,” he says.

“So how can you help us?” Eltharion asks.

“Take a look at my waresssss…” the snake thing hands Eltharion a piece of paper. It reads…

1. Scrolls of Holy Aura – 1600
2. Scrolls of Cloak of Chaos – 1600
3. Holy Water Flasks – 50
4. Scrolls of Magic Circle Against Evil – 850
5. Scrolls of Magic Circle Against Law – 850
6. Scrolls of Greater Magic Weapon (Holy) – 1200
7. Silver Longswords, Shortswords, Battleaxes, Scimitars, Daggers, Greatswords, Greataxes, Halberds and Maces – 500
8. Scrolls of Spell Immunity (Power Word: Stun, Meteor Swarm, Power Word: Kill, Suggestion) – 1600
9. Scrolls of See Invisibility – 1200
10. Scrolls of Spell Resistance – 1200
11. Scrolls of Anti-Magic Field – 1200
12. Scrolls of Neutralize Poison – 1200
13. Scrolls of Invisibility Purge – 1200
14. Scrolls of Spell Turning – 1200
15. Scrolls of Protection from Elements (Fire) – 800
16. Scrolls of Dimensional Anchor – 800

The Heroes conferred, and came up with a list of what they wanted.

“Okay, we want one scroll of Holy Aura, one of Cloak of Chaos, and one of Spell Immunity. We also want two scrolls of Protection from Fire,” Eltharion says.

“I’ll be ‘avin’ two silver longswords,” Bloodthorne says.

“I’ll take a silver battleaxe,” Ogrim states.

“We’ll take five flasks of holy water, too,” Eltharion adds.

“Okay, that comesssss to… 6700 gold…” the snake-man says.

The Heroes empty their sacks and pouches. They gather up all the platinum they can find. Any random gems, jewels, or other such valuables. They even throw in a couple of magic items they hadn’t used in a long time.

“Thissss will be enough. If you don’t mind me assssking, which devil are you going after?” the yuan-ti asks.

“His name is Gryrtag, he’s a general here, so we have heard,” Eltharion says.

“Oh yesssss, of coursssse he issss. As a matter of fact, I think I might have a proposition for you. Sssstay here…” the yuan-ti slithers out of the small room.

“Think we can trust him?” Eltharion asks.

“We don’t got no reason to not be trustin’ him, now den?” Viknen says.

After about fifteen minutes, the yuan-ti returns.

“I have sssspoken to my contact, and they would like to offer you something. My contact workssss for Baalzebul. As you may or may not know, Baalzebul and Disssspater, the ruler of the sssecond, are bitter enemiessss. Baalzebul isssss willing to pay you ssssubssstantially for slaying one of Dissspater’s generals. If you ssssuccessssfully slay Gryrtag, you will be rewarded with 10,000 gold pieces, plus any bonus he sseesss fit to give,” the yuan-ti says.

The Heroes look at each other for a minute.

“Deal,” Eltharion says.

“Excellent. Now, if you want to approach Gryrtag’s keep, you’ll need a plan. Busting in the front door will get you killed fasssst. If you want my advice, seek audience. Ssssince he is ssssomething of an overssseer in these partsss, ssome folk go to him for problemsss or dissputess to be ssolved. Problem iss, if you look like, well, heroic, you’ll never be admitted. You have to make yourselvesss look more… well… evil. You’re fine,” the yuan-ti points to Bloodthorne.

“As are you,” he points at Viknen. “You two, however, need to look more dastardly. High elves aren’t welcome in Disss, nor are those who worship Moradin,” he points to Ogrim’s holy symbol.

“If you ssseek audience, you’ll need a problem or dispute. It needss to be ssomething urgent and something important to get his full attention and gain you admittance,” the yuan-ti finishes.

“Thank you for your help. I think we can handle the rest,” Eltharion says. “We will be leaving the city directly after the job is done, so how will we get our reward?”

“It will be delivered to your dwelling. Where do you live?” the yuan-ti asks.

“We have the large house in Sigil on 1st street,” Ogrim replies.

“It will be done,” the yuan-ti says.

And the Heroes set out into the city of Dis. Viknen must recast fly every so often so he and Eltharion don’t touch the hot brass. They approach a marketplace of sorts. All kinds of spiny, spikey, hairy, scaly, horned, and any other adjective that can be thought of describe the salesmen.

“We’re emissaries from Archon, here to strike an alliance in the Blood War with Dispater,” Bloodthorne says. “So we need to look the part. Let’s go shopping.”

Will the Heroes be stylin’? Will the plan work? Can they get close enough to Gryrtag and find Enzonito? Is it wise to accept money from a devil? Find out next time!


First Post
Sandain said:
I am still reading and still enjoying. Are the PC's character sheets listed anywhere?
No, no sheets available right now. I can however post the character's levels and stats at the current time. Ask any specific questions you want and I'll be happy to answer.

Bloodthorne - Curst Human Rogue 13 / Urostifter 3 S18 D18 C0 I18 W16 Ch16

Ogrim Oakenshield - Dwarf Fighter 8 / Cleric of Moradin 1 / Dwarven Defender 9
S18 D14 C22 I13 W15 Ch12

Viknen Shadowdweller - Gnoll Adept 8 / Hexer 10
S7 D5 C8 I16 W23 Ch13

Eltharion Ulthuan - Elf Ranger 5 / Druid 5 / Ancestral Avenger 8
S18 D24 C12 I13 W15 Ch12
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