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Drowquest [4e] Raiding the Road (Hiatus)

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Vorgrym pulls a javelin from over his shoulder and chucks it at the shaman in desperation, hoping for the best.

[sblock=Actions]Draw Jav, throw at cloud kill. I took the -2 from the cloud and the concealment into account on the att roll(1d20+1) Total: 15, for 4 damage. mark the shaman. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2079024/

Initiative +3
Senses Darkvision; Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 12
HP 10/27 3THP; Bloodied 13; Healing Surge 6 ; Surges Per Day 5/10
AC 18; Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 12
Speed 6
Action Points 0
:melee:Dual Strike(standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8/+6 Main and Off-hand vs AC. 1d6+3/1d4+2 damage.
:melee:Footwork Lure (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and Vorgrym can shift one square and slide the target into the space Vorgrym left.
:melee:Distracting Spate(standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC. Hit: 2d6+9 and the target grants combat advantage to Vorgrym until the end of his next turn.
:melee:Lasting Threat (standard; daily) ✦ Reliable, Martial, Weapon)
+8vs AC; 3d6+6 and the target is marked until the end of the encounter or until Vorgrym is knocked unconscious. No mark can supercede this one.
Cloud of Darkness(minor; encounter)✦Close Burst 1
Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of Vorgrym's next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within are totally obscured and creatures within are blinded until they exit. Vorgrym is immune to these effects.
Darkfire(minor; encounter) ✦Range 10; 1 creature
+6 vs Reflex; Until the end of Vorgrym's next turn all attacks against the target have combat advantage and the target can't benefit from concealment or invisibility


First Post
Raelyn moves a bit closer to the shaman (OOC: move 3 squares SW), trying to maneuver such that the enemy won't be able to hit all of the Drow with his next attack.

"You're next", he says (OOC: Vicious mockery hits Will 16 (without penalties) for 6 damage, -2 to attacks if hit )

[sblock=Raelyn stat block]

Raelyn, Drow Bard 1
Init +1 Perception: 10 Insight: 10 DarkVision
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 13 Will 15
Hit Points: 21 / 28 Bloodied: 14
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9 / 10
Action Points: 1

At Will
Melee basic +4 vs ac; 1d8+1 damage
War song strike +7 vs ac; 1d8+4, allies who hit gain 3 tmp hp tsnt
Vicious mockery ranged 10 +4 vs will; 1d6+4 and -2 to attacks tent

Encounter Resources
Cloud of Darkness OR Darkfire
USED Hunter's Quarry
USED Majestic Word One
USED Majestic Word Two
USED Shout of Triumph
Words of Friendship
Use second wind
Use action point

Daily Resources
Stirring shout


The nearness of victory spurs you all on, and the Shaman is hit stung by both Javelin and Mockery.

Cloudkill@-39 hp (bloodied, mocked, marked)
remaining initiatives:
Javlix/Spider 1
Drisdhaun 20
Djaar 16
goblins 14
goblin guide 13


Lets see if I can get this posted without crashing Enworld again :heh:

Drisdhaun moves closer to the door moving to prevent the shaman from getting past him. Glaring at the shaman he calls out "Surrender and prove your use to us and we won't cut you down like we have the lizard droppings you called allies"

Intimidate =17 vs will


“Yes, yes! I surrender ! I for one welcome our new drow overlords.”
He drops his wand and waves his hands vigorously at the fog, causing it to clear away. The elaborate antler hat bobs on his small frame.
“Would you care for a tour of your new lair? It’s really not that big, just four large rooms, but we are working on an expansion project....

In the room to the south we have the leaders quarters. It is three bedrooms and a meeting area, with wooden walls between them. I can move my stuff to the common barracks, so you have more room.

Then if one of you takes each of the rooms, one stays in the meeting room, and someone could stay in here that leaves ... erm "
he starts counting on his fingers, looks up at you, then starts over. "no wait ... Well ... you can figure that out I'm sure. … how long were you staying?”
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First Post
"This will be our base of operations," Vorgrym says as he climbs up the dias. The drow reaches forward and grabs his javelin, cleaning the tip before putting it back over his shoulder. "Show us the rest of this place, we will be here a while. Don't forget any hidden passages."


First Post
Djaar signs to Drisdhaun, "well played."

Djaar faces the room at large and begins addressing everyone. That makes me in the room to the south, bedroom furthest from the door... Nashquiri, Raelyn, I'd like to meet with you privately in my room. I have questions, that only the two of you may be able to answer...

After everyone is rested, we should regroup in the meeting room to talk over where this is headed... Specifically, what operations this base will be central in carrying out.

Cloudkill I expect you to give Vorgrym a full report of the happenings here in the last month during your tour of the lair. Detail who came into this area, what they know about it, and how often they visit.

I'll be in my room resting while you all decide what this is about.

The unusual outburst ends and Djaar walks to his room, giving his dagger a hard stare down the whole walk...


First Post
Nashquiri will look to Vorgrym and the goblin, deciding whether he should go with them, but then hearing Djaar's words, the drow wizard will look at him inquisitively. "It was uncharacteristic of a drow to ask another for assistance of any kind. This must be import."

Nashquiri will make a show of wiping off a bit of dust that got on his otherwise unmarred robes and follow the other drow into the room.


"The room furthest from the door was mine, the secret door in the back wall leads up into the dragon there." He gestures at the dragon statue in the corner. "and erm... please take the wand under the bed, as my gift to you. It works better the more confidant you are. I'm sure you will have no trouble with it."

“we can start with the new area we are digging out, its just up the main hallway here. The old chief had intended it to be a cell of prisoners or a vault for treasure, whichever we got more of I think... I had suggested putting a dragon statue in the new room, since there is one in each of the others, but the chief didn't know where to find another one. “ He moves back towards the door you came in, and waits for those going on the tour.

“I’ll guard the door, masters” says your previous guide as he follows Djaar, Raeyln and Nashquiri.

You have done it, sezied control of a lesser race and proven yourselves in battle.
No longer are you raw recruits. (see OOC thread)
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