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Drowquest [4e] Raiding the Road (Hiatus)


Drisdhaun moves towards Cloudkill, motioning him to begin the tour. To Vorgrym he motions with his fingers "keep a look our for any features our new 'ally' doesn't mention to us"

Never the best student of history, or particularly interested in the nuances of rock types and so forth, he will try and determine if this conplex is all of goblin craft or if they are building on to or excavating a complex from another race and looks confused.

Duneoneering = 1, History = 7

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Following Drisdhaun, Raelyn shares what he knows of goblin craft and history, exuding confidence and cockiness, even though his knowledge is rather thin.

OOC: History 11, Dungeoneering 9


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[sblock=In Djaar's new room]

Once inside the room Djaar appraises the area frantically, looking behind curtains and under the bed, anywhere that could hide a nemesis.

Believing the room is as secure as it can be, Djaar turns to his guests, speaking low and quickly,

You two have seen what's been happening, I know it... How do I control the arcane energy that is chaotically manifesting? I've yet to figure out how it travels through my blade or even where it is coming from.
Djaar pauses, twitching his blade hand, sending the dagger over his knuckles and catching it,
They told me it wouldn't come back, that I had no arcane talent! Sending me on suicide missions... After the cave in, and our rest, I have felt things, from my youth. Power. Chaotic Power...

Djaar comes to a crescendo, nearly screaming Chaotic Power. Shaking his head he gets control of himself, snapping a look in Raelyn and Nashquiri's direction, waiting for some response.

Slowly realizing how unnerved he is to have said so much. Djaar begins to think about what he has told them, and the implications they may infer.

Eventually he makes a mental note to look for that memory loss spell his Matron had mentioned. Just for occasions like this...



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[sblock=Room Group]
The drow wizard looks from Djaar, to Raelyn, then back to Djaar during the latters rant, becoming nervous around the other drow. "Slow down, what are you talking about? Chaotic Power? Speak slowly and explain in proper detail so I can understand what you're saying." Nashquiri replies calmly, at least on the outside


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[sblock=Room]Suddenly Djaar moves around the other drow, opening the door just a crack.

Champion Guide, Bring Ratbreath and Gargle or Gargmirror, whatever their name, bring the two who were fixing the cart. They should be in the meeting room by the time we reconvene.

Closing the door, Djaar looks at Nashquiri,

Magic... Not the controlled, calculated, mind bending power you have Nashquiri, nor the arcane tones and vibrations that you control Raelyn. Chaotically manifesting, sometimes through my blade, sometimes through my hands. When I was young this happened, I was sent for a ritual, and came out with nothing but martial prowess. Now it is back... How do I control it?

Realizing the other two may need incentive to help, Djaar continues,
Slaying your enemies would be easier if I wasn't concerned by accidentally catching our party in the blast. Raelyn you have yet to weigh on this, what say you?


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Raelyn's eyes gradually widen as Djaar explains his recent experiences. Then he breaks out in a smile.

"Most of us must study and train in order to harness arcane power, but a few have the magic in their blood. It would seem you are one of them, Djaar." Raeleyn steps closer to Djaar, looking him over, before continuing. "I do not know much of sorcery, but I do know that it can be perfected with practice. Do not fear your power - use it! If some ill should come from it, well, we shall have some good stories to tell, now won't we?" Raelyn slaps Djaar's back jovially.


Although none of you know that much about dungoneering, the walls and ceilings of this lair are covered with worked and finished stone. The lack of bracing, and water damage shows that they were competent, and the wear on the floor flagstones shown that this complex has been here for some time.

A quick check of the bodies, shows that two of the guards survived. The Chief and Eatsblood were carrying about 200gp of coins and cheap jewelry. Their weapons and armor are unremarkable. Eatsblood also had a potion, marked with a H. The Shaman will confirm it is a healing draught.

The main tunnel has a newly dug tunnel about 50’ along. Beside the new opening is pile of stacked facing stone and a thick iron door, currently resting on the floor. Cloudkill calls out and 4 exhausted miners come out of the tunnel. The new tunnel is just raw earth and braced with logs.
“These Drow are our new leaders. They defeated Eatsblood and Chief Chokebat. Any questions? Back to mining then.”

“The other guy asked about goings on in the last month. Mostly we have been mining. The caravan season is just beginning and the nearby road should provide plenty of loot. We have already passed on one or two larger caravans, but you could hit much bigger targets, or even raid one of the nearby villages for loot and slaves.”

He continues on down the hallway. Towards a 4-way intersection. The wounded goblin guide comes from the east hallway and trots down the corridor towards you.

In the Room:
Djaar’s searching under the bed does turn up a rune carved wand of white wood. It has bands of a strange steel-gray metal at either end. It is embedded with several light green or yellow crystals.
With some studying [sblock]
Master’s wand of Dire Radiance +1. AV 110pg
Crit +1d8
Property: each sq a target of dire radiance moves towards you costs 1 extra sq of movement.
Power (encounter, standard) as warlock’s dire radiance power; except that Charisma is used for Attack and Damage rolls.


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Vorgrym stands by, listening intently to the words of Cloudkill. When he brings up the caravans and towns, the warrior finally replies. "Attacking the villages will attract too much attention. Caravans though are another matter. How many men usually guard them?"


Drisdhaun nods in agreement with Vorgrym.

In the drow handsign he says "It will be best to let the goblins carry on as if there has not been a change of command, don't need to call in undue attention at the moment. Keep an eye out at our new vassals numbers and battle readiness. We will have a meeting with the rest of the patrol after the tour."

Drisdhaun will keep an eye open for the numbers and quality of the goblins.


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After the clap on the back Djaar feels more confident. Looking at the new wand he has acquired, Djaar smiles. [Raelyn this wand would be useful to me, however I am loath to give my blades up. They feel right. Will you help me to find a Mages Weapon? Something to fend away my foes, a dagger designed to parry. Give your Oath that you will help to find a parrying dagger fit for a mage, and I will give you this wand.

Any last tips to control the arcane Nashquiri? If not,
shall we reconvene with the others in the meeting area? I'm interested in the report on this place.


In case I couldn't be more blunt... I'd like a "Mages Weapon" "Parrying Dagger".

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