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Drusilia Naïlo: The Making of a Watchman


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Vurt said:
@Dru: Great update! Hope things are feeling better for you.

@Look_a_Unicorn: Nailo is listed as one of the elven family names on p. 16 of the PHB, which could be where your friend picked it up.

*Slaps self upside head*
I've only read that half a dozen times! Thanks Vurt :)

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Drusilia Nailo

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"I wonder what these potions do?" Dru walked beside the wagon that carried the dead body of their former enemy. "I'm fairly certain that they're potions, anyway, and not alchemical."

"They're potions," said Di'Fier quietly, casting a sidelong glance at the wagon several times.

Dru watched him out of the corner of her eye. She was worried about him... he was clearly not as comfortable with the idea of killing as she was. She hoped that he didn't lose heart. She already couldn't imagine being partners with anyone else on the Watch. "It was self-defense," she told him. "Not murder."

"I know," he sighed.

The wagon stopped in front of Watch Headquarters, and Dru eyed the building nervously. "I'm certain that there are going to be people that are upset with us."

"Yeah," said Di'Fier, moving towards the wagon. "We'd probably better get this over with."

"You did what?!?" The desk sergeant turned six shades of red, and half rose to his feet, staring at the body with incredulous horror. "Do you have any idea of what you've done?"

"He was resisting arrest," Dru told him, dropping the body onto the floor. "Was I supposed to let him kill us?"

The sergeant's red face became purple, and he sputtered. "You can't just go around killing people! You're not supposed to do that..."

Dru and Di'Fier looked at each other, and then turned back to the sergeant.

He sat back down, putting his head into his shaking hands. "Fill out your reports," he said with a sigh. "The higher ups are going to kill me." He peered up at them. "Couldn't you have done this on Donnach's watch?" When Di'Fier opened his mouth to say something, the sergeant just waved him away. "Never mind. Just go fill out the report. I'll be surprised if you're still around tomorrow."

The Report of Watch Private Drusilia Naïlo
After I recovered from the wound given to me by Davius Coyin, and the wound fever that came with it, I returned to my duties. Di'Fier and I were walking the beat at the corner of Sea Watch and Alewind Street , immediately after one bell sounded on the second dog-watch , when we smelled decaying flesh. When we went to investigate, we found another victim, slain in the same style as all of the other victims of Coyin. It was in Washerwoman Alley, back against one wall in the shadows. The corpse was three days old at the very least. When we left to report our finding, Coyin confronted us at the mouth of the alley. He said that he had been waiting for us, so that he could kill us. He pulled a longsword, and said that everyone would assume that my father sent an assassin to kill me, along with my partner. I think that this was just an attempt to make me angry and careless, because nobody intelligent would ever assume that Tensin Naïlo would be so clumsy as to send someone like that to kill anyone, let alone his estranged daughter.

His stupidity aside, he was a vicious fighter, and more than once I thought that Di'Fier or I was going to be killed. Di'Fier told him to surrender repeatedly, but he refused to do so. I used my rapier, and Di'Fier used his sword, coupled with some magic spells. Eventually, Coyin slipped in some wet blood (mine, I believe) and fell at my feet. Di'Fier told him to surrender again, but Coyin told Di'Fier to f*ck off, and then pulled out a dagger, and tried to stab him. To protect my partner's life, I was obliged to deal him a heavy blow, right between the shoulder blades. Di'Fier then finished him off with his own blade.

This is when we sent Di'Fier's bird for backup. We waited for the backup, in the form of a wagon and horse, and were not accosted by anyone... probably due to the fact that we were dripping with blood and gore, and were standing over the body of someone who we had just killed. The back-up arrived, we loaded the body into the wagon, and returned to Watch Headquarters. We reported to Desk Sergeant Witters, who told us to fill out the reports, and warned us that we would probably lose our badges the following day. We departed, off duty for the rest of the night.

The Report of Watch Private Di'Fier Anton:
Watch members involved: Di'Fier Anton, Drusilia Nailo, Bas Cigo, Unin Verranad, Rius Sever

While patroling the docks, Dru and I smelt rotting flesh near Washerwoman Alley. Upon investigation, we discovered the body of a human woman. Cause of death: mulitipule stab wounds. From the state of decomposition, we surmised that the body had been there for more than a day. After securing the scene but prior to calling for back-up we were confrounted by Davius Coyin. Coyin had been hiding in the alley for us, perhaps since he killed the woman. After threatening to kill us both, he attacked with an elven longsword. (currentlly in locker G-92 in the evidence room)
I recieved 3 wounds from Coyin. A Slash to the upper thigh. A deep gouge under my right arm and a grazing cut to my shoulder and neck. Watch Private Drusilia Nailo recieved a number of wounds: the extent of which I am unsure of but which included one across the stomach and a ham string injury that bled profusely.

Once prior to his attacking, and mulitiple times while we were trying to subdue him I told him to stand down and surrender. I attempted to subdue him using magic but he shrugged off the effects. Our only break came when he slipped in the bood pouring from Dru's leg. He dropped his sword and I told him to surrender. He seemed to oblige and then lunged at me with a
dagger (also in locker G-92.) Dru and I both hit him and he dropped. After seeing to our injuries we checked on him but he was dead. At that point I sent Ampiel for back-up. Ten minutes later, Watch Privates Unin Verranad and Rius Sever arrived, followed five minutes later by Bas Cigo with the wagon.

The knife wounds in the victim were consistent with the knife that Coyin used but the body is in such bad shape that positive identification is impossible. Other items that are currently in the evidence locker are 3 magical potions, exact properties unknown. one coin purse containing: 15 gold pieces, 15 silver pieces and 34 copper pieces.

Captain Donnach rubbed his temples, studying the reports. With a sigh, he said, "I won't lie to you; there are people that would like to see your heads roll."

"Were we just supposed to let him kill us?" The question sprang to Dru's lips before she had time to think about it. She frowned then, and stared at Donnach defiantly.

"No," he said, going back to rubbing his temples. "Which is the argument that I used to keep your jobs. You're not fired," he said. "Though you are on probation. And to appease them, I had to agree to suspend you for three days. You are to give me your badges immediately."

Dru and Di'Fier exchanged a look, and then Dru shrugged. Why not? It's not like it's permanent, anyway. She fished her badge out of her pocket, and dropped it onto Donnach's desk with a clunk. Di'Fier's badge followed hers, landing immediately beside it.

Captain Donnach was studying the last of Di'Fier's report, and then said, "Davius Coyin is not going to need his money, nor will he need those potions. I'm going to remove this part of your report. Do you understand?"

Di'Fier looked confused, but Dru nodded. "I do," she said, with a faint smile.

"I thought you might," he said, glaring at her. "Just don't get out of control with it."

A few minutes later, Dru and Di'Fier were splitting up the loot. "Are you sure that he meant for us to just take them out of the locker?"

"Yes," said Dru, filling up her purse with her share of the take. "Otherwise, he'd have left your report alone, and the stuff would have gone to waste." She grinned, then. "It'll be paid time off, even. We should celebrate."

Di'Fier shrugged, not looking very happy. "Actually, I think that I'm going to go," he said. "I need to break the news to my father."

Dru watched him leave, and felt another surge of worry for him. She didn't imagine that his father, former watchman himself, was going to approve of this entire situation. She hoped that she would see him again when they reported for duty in a few days' time.
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Jon Potter

First Post
I love the dichotomy of both style and content between the two watchmen's reports of the incident.

Very expertly done.

Edited for spelling. Stupid silent h!
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