D&D 5E Dungeon Denizens by Goodman Games

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
As I think about this more, I honestly don't really care about the stat block. Sure, it's a nice time-saver, but the REALLY useful part of any monster is the central idea and the unique abilities. If I like something, I'm experienced enough to translate it to whatever game system I'm using. It just means I need to prep a little more.

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B/X Known World
Weirdly, the full-color art in the DCC version is making me hesitate. I’d rather they stick with black and white interior art.

It’s like the odd one out. Over a decade of b&w art on all their stuff…except this one.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
As I think about this more, I honestly don't really care about the stat block. Sure, it's a nice time-saver, but the REALLY useful part of any monster is the central idea and the unique abilities. If I like something, I'm experienced enough to translate it to whatever game system I'm using. It just means I need to prep a little more.

To riff on this, what I would really pay money for is a beautifully illustrated, pithily written, systemless tome of monsters. If the monsters were truly interesting and novel I would shell out $$$ for such a thing.


I crit!


Staff member
I was wondering why @darjr posted twice, the second time pleading to @goodman games. Makes sense now, very sad though.
I remember when we had fantastic threads like
which was just people talking about D&D.

Now this forum is just 100% hard core advertising. I see why everyone left, including the real creators.
Mod Note:

Somehow, you thought it was a good idea to quote and agree with a post flagged with a warning AND noted in a red text mod note. That’s an alarming lapse of judgment.

Clearly, you need a little time to rethink your posting habits here.

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