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Dungeon Raiders: The Wolf's Den


Aeiyan, still wielding his scimitar, takes a couple of seconds spent watching the now-frozen chieftain before he realizes that the combat has ended.*

Once he notices that, he stoops to retrieve his dropped bow with his left hand; then he edges slightly farther into the room to cut off any escape of the last archer, though escape does not appear imminent at the moment.

"Is it time for us to regroup? If it is, we may want to bind the one who looks unconscious before he wakes up," he says to his companions.

"And if you have your healer's kit handy, I might need a touch of help here," he adds; "when it's time."

*[OOC: Aeiyan is of ordinary intelligence, so he is only ordinarily quick on the uptake -- or that's how I'm trying to play him. It takes me minutes to type these posts, so I can easily let him take seconds to react.]
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(OOC - Gah, so sorry everyone. Switching to my tablet over the weekend meant I lost my place in most of my games! Not to mention I didn't have nearly as much time as I thought I would... Enough excuses though! Onward!)

[OOC: I hear that. Good luck with the changeover. Do take your time.]

[OOC: Personally I do know about taking one's time when changing computers: I've slacked so badly lately, I'm still moving files from my old Pentium4-based PC running Windows XP (from the 2000's) to my newer CoreDuo-based PC running Windows 7 -- that I bought in February, 2010. That's nearly four years of procrastination for the change-over. (I kept on using the old PC because I am accustomed to the way XP runs. There are still a few Fonts and Applications and user data that I need to port over.)]


"And if you have your healer's kit handy, I might need a touch of help here," he adds; "when it's time."
Rejik claps his hand on Aeiyan's shoulder. "Nothing I can do for you that sitting down for five minutes won't accomplish just as well. We need to catch our breath while we decide what to do with her." He throws a look in the hobgoblin's direction, his face neutral on the matter.

He holds his holy symbol aloft. The magic cast upon it throws harsh light and angular shadow in equal measure, revealing little of the cave. "We also need to get our bearings. We could be standing twenty feet from a goblin dormitory for all we know. Anyone up for any scouting? I'll take a look if no-one has any better ideas."


* As far as I can tell, the Medicine skill helps only with stabilization, which isn't needed on Aeiyan, and Rejik doesn't have any healing magic left. A short rest seems to be the order of the day.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The druid cleans his scimitar, and slips it back into its scabbard. "Is the room secure?" he asks, looking around. Bartleby heads towards the cowering figure, passing by Rejik by as he goes: "That was some spell. I am grateful to you and your god for it. You have my thanks." He gives the cleric what is meant to be a reassuring squeeze on the arm as he goes, but between all the layers of armour it's not clear if he felt it. "Are we resting or moving on?" he asks of any who will answer him.

As he approaches the cowering figure he crouches down in front of it, and grabs the chin of its muzzle. to ensure it's looking straight at him. He switches languages, "What's beyond this room? Can you tell me that?"

[OOC: Bartleby has healing if we're not taking a short rest.]


[OOC: Bartleby has healing if we're not taking a short rest.]

[OOC: Seeing that Aeiyan took 6 damage (of 11 HP) and is down to 5 HP currently, he is likely to need a short rest. However, according to the latest packet, a short rest takes an hour, not 5 minutes. I also misremembered the uses of a Healer's Kit -- in a previous packet, uses of a kit were needed to permit the spending of Hit Dice, but that's no longer the case. A short rest would let Aeiyan recover 1d10 + 1 HP.]

"Let us discuss our plans for further action as a whole group," Aeiyan suggests.

"For now,
I think you should conserve your magic until we are again desperate for quick repair."

He calls out to Sulannus, "That was a mighty spell! It stopped the fight abruptly. Come inside, for the combat is over -- you have ended it."

As the group shifts out of combat mode into guard mode and planning, Aeiyan sheathes his scimitar, fastens his bow behind his left shoulder with leather straps, and goes to recover the Light hammer that he had thrown at one of the Hobgoblin spearmen. He stows it in the usual place, then draws his dagger and carries it in an off-hand style.


[OOC: re: Short Rest, ayuh, my head was still in 4E for a minute there]

Rejik grunts in the affirmative to Aeiyan, then turns towards Sulannus as if just reminded she's there.

"You alright there, princess? For a living or just for gold, killing's a dirty business." He retreats a step, then pauses. "That was good work," he offers, not catching her eye, then slumps down against the wall, cleaning splatters of blood from his armour and awaiting the consensus on what to do next.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
While Bartleby presses the surviving hobgobber for information...

[OOC: Hey everyone! Two observations:
1. I think we're all too polite here to say we loot the bodies, but… we need to know if this is where the hobgoblins are based, or whether there is a dormitory further in, or whatever.
If there are things to be found (clues, treasure) we want to find them.

2. An hour's wait seems really long, especially since that's what we were unwilling to wait before the attack. We were impulsive when we attacked; sitting around for an hour seems unlikely to me at this point. ]


2. An hour's wait seems really long, especially since that's what we were unwilling to wait before the attack. We were impulsive when we attacked; sitting around for an hour seems unlikely to me at this point. ]

[OOC: the omens seem propitious (?) that we'll be allowed to have that conversation in character once everybody in our group is in the same room.]


First Post
In response to the others, Sulannus cautiously picks her way between the stones into the other chamber...trying for straight-backed dignity and to her credit only falling just short of it. Emotion is a bit too close to the surface on her face despite her attempts to seem unruffled, and her hands twitch slightly with restless energy she can't decide what to do with.

She hesitates on seeing the distraught hobgoblin and swallows nervously. She clasps her hands together, then drops them apart again.

"It...wasn't a mighty spell," she tells Aeiyan. "It was a little thing; a cantrip. I may as well have cast a stone at its head."


"Ah," Aeiyan replies. "Fairly spoken. The frost had an effect that appeared mighty; but that was a snap-impression on my part, formed in the midst of battle. I am still learning some of these things."

Aeiyan looks at the rest of the party, then rests his gaze on Tock. "Whither next, and when? Are we binding prisoners, or resting, or scouting? If we push on now, I might be less effective taking point than before."

"And Bartleby shouldn't take point, in my opinion, since he wields the last of our magical healing -- if I heard aright -- so we don't want him dropping first again."

Voidrunner's Codex

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