D&D General Dungeons & Dragons art discussion


I'm a huge fan of fantasy art. I try to get signed prints from all of my favorite artists and display them in my home. Fantasy art has never been given the recognition it deserves (although some of Frazetta's originals have sold for a ton of $$$, but I feel like he is a special case).

I'm curious, who are some of your favorite artists who have done work for D&D (any edition)?

I think my favorite has always been Jeff Easley. The first two D&D books I ever had was the orange spine 1st edition DMG and PHB. The cover of the DMG with the guy in the green cloak has always been iconic to me. I have an 8x10 print of it signed by Jeff, but unfortunately I think the original piece is missing (as is a lot of art from that time) and he does not have large prints available.

I also have to comment on a piece by Larry Elmore. One of my closest friends (we've been friends for 26 years) is a huge Dragonlance fan and always loved the "Heroes of the Lance" piece that he did (the heroes sitting around the campfire). My buddy always said that piece made him think of our gaming group. So, a couple of years ago I got the rest of our group to throw in together for Xmas and got him a big print of it and had it framed. The gift touched him so much he cried.

The power of art.

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I agree with both your picks: Easley for the DMG and the Manual of the Planes, Elmore for... well, Elmore. And I'll add Brom to the list.

To be fair, Elmore sometimes had issues with awkwardly posed characters, and of course he was overly fond of cheesecake, like most TSR artists. But man, when he was on, he was on.

As for more recent artists, I don't know that I can think of any who grab me to the extent that I make a note of their names. At least not in a positive way. (I know a lot of people love him, but I can't stand WAR's style.) I like 5E art better than 3E's dungeonpunk aesthetic or 4E's... whatever 4E was... but it still seems kind of forgettable.

I think my current favourite is Martin Grip, who does breathtaking art for a number of Fria Ligan's RPGs (Symbaroum, Alien, The One Ring 2nd ed, etc.).

EDIT: sorry, forgot that the OP was looking specifically for artists who have worked on D&D. In that case, yes, I'll cast a vote for Elmore.

There's a cool thread about this over in General, talking about the quintessential D&D artist. Lots of great examples in there (I voted Trampier, Otus, Easley). Easley's 2nd edition DMG cover is my favourite D&D piece of art ever. But when it comes to favourite artist overall, I have to go for Brom...

wanderer's journal.jpg

There's a cool thread about this over in General, talking about the quintessential D&D artist. Lots of great examples in there (I voted Trampier, Otus, Easley). Easley's 2nd edition DMG cover is my favourite D&D piece of art ever. But when it comes to favourite artist overall, I have to go for Brom...
Maybe it's the intended result, but I find Brom's art* in general to be very off-putting; something I'd rather look away from than look at.

* - I'm more familiar with it from Magic cards than D&D.

Though neither has to my knowledge ever done any art specifically for D&D, there's much to be said for the art of both Roger Dean and Rodney Matthews.

I think my current favourite is Martin Grip, who does breathtaking art for a number of Fria Ligan's RPGs (Symbaroum, Alien, The One Ring 2nd ed, etc.).

EDIT: sorry, forgot that the OP was looking specifically for artists who have worked on D&D. In that case, yes, I'll cast a vote for Elmore.
I hadn't heard Grip's name before, but I looked him up and I definitely recognize his work. Great style. I really dig the dark aspect of it.

With Easley and Elmore being mentioned, the other half of the "Big 4" from the AD&D days need to be mentioned. Clyde Caldwell has some truly iconic work (my favorite being the original Ravenloft cover). I also really admire Keith Parkinson's work. His color choices create a realism that really stands out. Lord Soth's Charge is one of his best.

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