Well, I am very sorry for the folks who put a lot of time and effort into something that got canned.
But I am very happy that project got canned. To be honest: it was a mess. The beta was shocking in how incomplete it was - I wouldn't have called it an alpha, much less something that should have been shown to the general public. I jumped into the beta within an hour or two of its initial release and was so disgusted I didn't even try to play with it again. It was six months to a year from finished, I'd guess - and that's because what it needed more than anything was to be thrown out and entirely redone.
I agree with the other poster that Pirate Cat responded to: this isn't rocket science. There are probably a few people on this board who could make that program in a few months, given compensation. Or maybe someone already has, or has started. It's possible, but whatever was being made wasn't it. Stop trying to get in the way and just get OUT of the way, WotC!
And finally, like others have said: the very, very, VERY loose idea that THIS was why we weren't getting legit PDFs of our books is now finally snapped. There is 100% NO REASON not to give us PDFs now. Not that there wasn't before, but now even the pretend excuse is gone. WHERE ARE THE PDFS.