E. Gary Gygax Sr. May Have Had Another, More Recent Will?

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Assuming it's authentic the mist recent one is legally relevant?

Here you don't have to file them but you have to be in sound mind. Hand written note pad is legal.

Assuming it's authentic the mist recent one is legally relevant?

Here you don't have to file them but you have to be in sound mind. Hand written note pad is legal.

The most recent one generally overrides all prior ones. If it's legit, and met the requirements for a will, and was in fact more recent, it could change a lot about who owns what in the estate.

Right now though it's pure speculation.

Gary died a little over 12 years ago. Is it estate still in probate or something? Is there a reason Luke Gygax didn't file this sometime in the last decade? It's just weird.

Yes that's explained in the podcast. There was a recent lawsuit against Gail Gygax which was suddenly and mysteriously dropped by a Hollywood Producer (possibly related to this), and then GaryCon was canceled which cost the family a lot of money. So, the theory is they finally are going ahead with this probate so the kids can get control of the Gary Intellectual Property and cut a deal with the producer which Gail wouldn't do because the Producer insisted on including Luke in the deal.

Gary died a little over 12 years ago. Is it estate still in probate or something? Is there a reason Luke Gygax didn't file this sometime in the last decade? It's just weird.

This is an excellent question. If it was valid, the question is why it wasn't filed more recently, and what was the aegis for Gail that was against them in filing?

Seems weird. Hopefully good luck to all involved.

So not even a filing? Pure raw speculation? This is ghoulish.

What do you mean not even a filing? Yes, there is a filing. It's in the first post. That is the whole story. With an image and everything. It is Walworth County Case Number 2020PR000058 In the Estate of Ernest Gary Gygax Sr..

The speculation is as to why, not whether.
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This is an excellent question. If it was valid, the question is why it wasn't filed more recently, and what was the aegis for Gail that was against them in filing?

Seems weird. Hopefully good luck to all involved.

This is what I've pieced together from my readings on this and listening to the podcast. Where there is speculation I will try to put a question mark or simply use the word speculation, but I am no expert on this and it's just a brief summary of what seems to be much more complex than my pay grade:

1) Gary dies, a will is probated by his wife Gail Gygax, the estate goes to her (there is a family trust involved, but those details are too in the weeds for this review).

2) A second will is located. The kids of Gary are made aware of it, and it apparently (?) gives most or all of the estate to them instead of Gail Gygax. For a variety of reasons the kids of Gary don't want to pursue this at the time of discovery. Speculation - they just don't want to make waves.

3) Some of the kids of Gary and Gail Gygax had a falling out at some point. Some of that falling out involved the Gygax magazine. Some good will between some of the kids and Gail Gygax is burnt during that time.

4) A Hollywood producer wants to develop something from the Intellectual Property of the estate. But he wants it to be done with both Gail Gygax (his wife) and Luke Gygax (one of his sons) as co-owners of the IP? Gail apparently refuses due to a falling out she's had with Luke? Speculation - the producer was asking to include Luke because he was made aware of a possible later will and felt his IP rights would not be secure if they didn't jointly agree.

5) The producer sues Gail Gygax over the agreement they had of some sort. But, suddenly he drops the lawsuit recently. Speculation enters - did he drop the lawsuit because he decided even if he won the lawsuit, the second will could be found valid and he'd have won nothing because Gail wouldn't be the owner of the IP he's suing over anyway?

6) GaryCon, which generates revenue for the kids of Gygax every year, was canceled due to Covid-19. It takes place online this year, but there is obviously some level of revenue hit from this. The day GaryCon was supposed to happen this year, is the same day this lawsuit/probate claim was filed by Luke to decide on the new will.

7) Speculation from Tenkar's Tavern - between the double wammies of the producer wanting to produce material from the IP with a kid of Gary's (Luke) and not being able to without a will being decided in the favor of the kids, and the cancellation of GaryCon which was going to bring in revenue for the kids of Gary, the kids of Gary decided it was finally time to adjudicate the second will to resolve these outstanding issues which had such imminent financial implications for them.

Those are the supposed reasons for why now.

I don't really have any skin in this particular game, but I don't know how well Luke is going to fare. I see Gail's attorney has objected to the admission of this new last will and testament as well as the appointment of Lucien as the personal representative (I think that's the executor of the will). It's apparent Luke was fine with how the property was distributed years ago and has only recently changed his mind. I'm not a lawyer, but I can certainly see a judge telling Luke, "It's too late. You were given an opportunity to make your case years ago before the estate had been settled. Objection sustained." In Wisconsin, probate must be finished within 18 months but a judge may grant an extension if necessary. I don't think Luke will fare well here.

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