E2: The Secret of Gemhold [Patlin Judging]


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Ridik quickly follow the feeling enemy for a short moment (one round) and look if he see him somwhere. If he see him, he will shout "Comeback!" at the hobgoblin. (Command spell)

[SBLOCK=Spells]Spell Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance x2, Light, Read Magic
1: Bless, Command, Divine Favor, Doom, Shield of Faith, *Comprehend Language
2: Bull Strength, Calm Emotion, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, *Speak with Animals
3: Magic Circle against Evil, Prayer, Protection from Energy, *Dispel Magic
4: Divine Power, Speak with Dead (D)
*Domain Spell[/SBLOCK]

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First Post
Nars momentarily laments that his hands are full and he can not throw a dagger at the fleeing goblin, but does not want to drop Felhunter. He moves after the goblin as quickly as he can.

Run action if possible to catch up to the hobgoblin. If not possible, he takes a double move, but will quickly be outpaced by the longer legged hobgoblin.


Rodimus almost smacks the goblin cleric out of reflex before realizing who it is. He closes his eyes for a moment, forcing his body to recover from some of the damage it has taken, and then stands.
If everyone is dashing after the fleeing hobbo, Rodimus will do likewise (and quickly run past the others thanks to his speed), otherwise he will start looting the corpses.
[sblock=OoC]Wholeness of Body heals 16hp.[/sblock]


Nars takes off after the hobgoblin, passing a couple of doors before arriving at the shut door at the far left of the corridor. Rodimus is not far behind having recovered a lot of his injuries already. Ridik and Percy take up positions just inside the door to the antechamber. As Nars throws open the the door he sees the injured hobgoblin drinking a potion. Another two hobgoblins tip over a big heavy table and crouch down behind it.

ooc: roll init for the last battle of the game!


[Round 1]

The hobgoblin who fled initially grabs another potion from the belt of one of the two that is behind the table and drinks it. He shouts at the top of his lungs, "We's got company! Get 'em boys, specially that orc."

The other two load and fire crossbows. They both target Rodimus and fire bolts at him. The first hits hard into the monk's shoulder and he starts to feel poison course through his veins.


[sblock=ooc]Description. The hobgoblins are at the far end of the room roughly 20' away on the other side of a heavy table. They have good cover from you unless you are standing next to the table. The room is not too wide perhaps only 10-15' and long-ish though oddly shaped.

Rolls: init for the hobgoblins (1d20 7=24)
atk 27, dmg 6, atk 13, dmg 7)

Rodimus roll fort save DC 24 vs. purple worm poison

Percy - 55hp (AC24) - bless
Rodimus - 14/74hp (AC17)
Ridik - 58hp (AC19) - bless
Nars - 49/49hp (AC20) - bless

Hobgoblin 1 - 55 damage - FLED [now healed a bit]
Hobgoblin 4
Hobgoblin 5

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