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[E6] The Red Hand (IC I)


The dry hills danced with fire.

Across the wild badlands, called the Blood Hills by humans, great bonfires had been kindled atop the high ridges that looked down on the Elsir Vale. And between those ridges gathered thousands of warriors - any army of titan spawn the likes of which had not been seen on land since the divine war. Among them as well were the scaled ones, towering over the hordes, they were things of neither the titans nor the gods, heralds of a race though consumed in the war...

For so long they had fought each other, tribe against tribe, race against race, engaged in the endless test of battle, feud and betrayal. But, tonight... tonight they stood together, hated enemies shoulder-to-shoulder, shouting together as brothers. And they saw that they were strong, and together they danced and sang and shook there blades at the smoke-hidden stars overhead.

"We are the Kulkor Zhul!" they shouted, and the hills shook with the thunder of their voices. "We are the People of the Dragon! Uighulth na Hargai! None can stand before us!"

One by one, the tribes fell silent. Armor creaked as thousands turned to look up at the Place of Speaking. There, a single champion emerged from the assemblage and slowly climbed the ancient stone stair cut into the side of the hill. A hundred bright yellow banners stood beneath him like a phalanx of spears, each marked with a great red hand. The warpriests holding the banners chanted in low voices as the champion ascended.

On the hundredth step he stopped to face the waiting warriors. He was tall and strong, but dull scales gleamed along his shoulders, and jutting horns swept back from his head. To any outsider, it would be clear that he was born mutated from the effects of the Blood Monsoon, were it not for the presence of the Scaled Ones themselves...

"I am Azarr Kul, Son of the Dragon!" He cried. "Hear me, warrios of the Kulkor Zhul! Tomorrow we march to War!"

The warriors roared in appoval, stamping feet and clashing spears. Azarr Kul waited, holding his hands aloft until they again quieted. "The warpriests of the Hand have shown us the way! They have taught us honor, discipline, obedience - and Strength! No more will we wates our blood fighting each other. We will take the lands of the weak and make them our own! Under the banner of the Red Hand we march to victory and conquest! Remember that you stood here this night, warriors of Kulkor Zhul! For a hundred generations your sons and your sons' sons will sing of the blood spilled by your swords and the glory you win in the nights to come! Now, my brothers - TO WAR!"

The burning hills were to small to hold the shout the Kulkor Zhul gave in answer to the warlord's call.

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Terrelton is a small, dusty and foul smelling town, the latter owing to a number of tanneries on the nearby hills just outside of town. It's also the next to last town in the settled region of Elsir Vale, just one tinny river crossing town lay between here and weeks of wilderness before settlements started again.

Unfortunately for the small group seeking lost traders, all of them seemed to have pasted through here, the same as the other towns along the Dawn Way so far. The misfortune came from the fact that, if the pattern held for Drellin's Ferry, 2 days away, that claiming the offered rewards would involve scowering leagues of badlands for clues.

All they can do at this point is to pray for favor from Tanil and Enkili before they start towards Drellin's Ferry...

There have been a couple of run-ins with local bandits, but they were all human, and hardly worth the small effort to deal with; nothing that would have threatened an experienced trading party.

Terrelton is a dump, so nothing of great interest here. The only goods for sale are things of local use - they primarily trade leather with traveling traders, so don't stock much of interest to yourselves.

This is just for introductions and the like.


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Shadow grips the folds of his cloak and holds them close to his nose as he stares out at the dusty street from beneath his hat. He was frustrated to hit another miss in his search, but he was nothing if not persistant. As another tendril of the odor of tanned leather slipped through his impromptu barrier, he curses aloud and begins to walk faster.

Not far to the right of the man, his animal companion patters along in the dirt road, easily keeping the man's pace. He doesn't seem to be very pleased with things, however, and keeps his nose low to the ground despondently.

"Ha!" Shadow exclaims. "Aren't you glad you have that nose of yours now, mutt?"

The dog's response is to shift his head up and angrily bark at the man. Then, he quickly brings his nose low to the ground and lets out a soft whine.

"Hopefully we'll be out of this town soon, and out onto the road!" He turns his gaze down to the canine, trying to console him as he speaks. "Then we can track down those merch--" His speech is halted forcibly as he bumps into someone.
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Zook walks along carefully in the shadows, very silently. His black studded leather was of a dull color and almost imperceptably blended in with the shadows. He had a paid a good penny for this armor and for his trusted sidearms, a very deadly sharp rapier and an equally dangerous kukri. He may not have the flare or style of many of his fellow Thieves guilders,but he was twice as silent and thrice as deadly. Not to mention he was deft enough to make up for his lack of intelligence. With nimble fingers like his, who needs to know exactly what they're doing?

I will make it to this Drellin's ferry soon enough. The guilders will be pleased at how fast I got here. Not bad for a little gnome. Surely the reward is up for the grabbing, and I plan to make it mine. But I will need assistance but I am horrible at dealing with people....What to do?

At this point shadow bumps int othe gnome not seeing him and Zook daydreaming for a moment. " I bet you were expecting me to be mad. Actually, I fancy when that happens, means I'm doin my job right. You look a little big for this town. Where you headed? If yer affer the reward fer tha Drellin's Ferr-a thing mayhaps we should travel together?


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"Sorry, there, kid. Didn't, uh, see you..." Shadow begins apologizing roughly, unaccustomed to such social niceties. When he takes a look at who he bumped into, however, he stops.

"Drellin's Ferry, eh?" He says. "Small town, two days from here. Caravan passed through there recently and has gone missing... I assume that's what you're talking about?"

He casts a conspiratory glance down towards his companion. "That's where we're headed, too. The two of us aren't too used to travelling with company, but if it's really goblins - or worse - that have caused the merchants to disappear, it certainly wouldn't hurt to go together... Actually, would've left the town sooner, but I heard an acquaintance of mine was here, and was looking for him..."

"Shadow's the name, by the way." He extends his hand to shake Zook's. "And you can call the mutt whatever you want."

The dog doesn't seem too pleased by this and begins gnawing at Shadow's boot.


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A human figure clad in nice robes lurks in the background, not engaging in conversation with anyone in particular. His face is mostly covered by a hood, though occasionally one can catch a glimpse of horrible scars on his face. What features are visible make him appear to be from Vesh, to the south.
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Elgar's path has led him to Terrelton. His nose wrinkles as the smell of the tanneries hits him. Gods how do humans live in such places. He decides not to linger on such thoughts and instead decides to the enter the town with an open mind. However, the townsfolk seem more taken aback by Elgar's appearance than the goliath was by the town's odor.

He stands over 7-1/2 feet tall and all of it muscle. His obviously fine armour is covered in spikes and he carries across his back a sword longer than most men are tall. Many of the townsfolk gape at bald-headed warrior and more than a few scramble to get out of his way. So it is that you first sight of Elgar is him walking through town glancing around him as the villagers stare and fall away from him in fear.

But any thoughts you have that this warrior is an immediate danger are vanished by the expression on Elgar's face. He seems completely bewildered by the reactions of the townsfolk and maybe even a little hurt by it. When he spots the human and the gnome speaking in the street, obviously not locals, his face clears and he walks directly over to them with a friendly smile.

"Ho there friends, I see that you are travelers and warriors just as I am. I do not know these lands well and I am searching for signs of some lost merchants. They would have passed through here not too long ago, a matter of only a few weeks at most. Pray, have either of you heard word of these missing traders? Or perhaps could you lend me some knowledge of the lands hereabouts?


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Shadow mutters to his canine companion from the folds of his cloak "I think we should paint a sign. 'Mercenaries Wanted' and wave it around. Get this done with quicker."

The dog tries to be amused, but still seems to be ill-affected by the horrible odor and only lets out a half-hearted bark.

Turning away from the dog, he looks up at the giant. "You're in the right place, then. It seems that everyone's looking for those merchants. With a strong arm like yours, we're sure to be able to deal with anything that goes amiss..."

He takes his right hand off of his cloak and quickly grabs it with the other, clutching it towards his face again. With his right hand, he moves it forward to shake the goliath's. "Shadow's the name."

He begins to regret it immediately as he realizes just how large and strong the goliath's hand is!


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Elgar frowns a little at the sign waving remark, not quite getting the joke. But his face soon brightens with a broad smile when Shadow introduces himself.

"Elgar Grizzlygrappler. Well met indeed!"
, he says as he shakes Shadow's hand enthusiastically at first, then, when notices Shadow's grimace, with a little more care.

He then turns to the gnome and says, "Ho there little one! I am Elgar Grizzlygrappler, well met!" Elgar bends well down to bring himself almost down to the Zook's eye level and extends his huge hand out for the gnome to shake.


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Smoke stood outside the tavern, pulling back a long drag on the thin roll-up he held cupped in his right hand. He had been to this town before, been to this tavern before, and just like last time, the place was still an unmitigated dump.

Across the way from him stood the strangest little party he had ever set eyes upon. A giant of a man, a midget, or perhaps one of the little races, and a man who seemed to be speaking to a large dog. "The ale is too weak to be getting to me" Smoke muttered to himself, watching the commotion across the way. The noise of the tavern spilled out into the night. It wasn't much of a noise, if truth be told, more just the hacking cough of old man Rashnick. "Tanil help me!" he muttered. "I could be wrapped around a young lady back home, and instead I am up here chasing shadows!"


Hey, that guy with the dog... That was Shadow!

Smoke threw his roll-up off to the side and bounded off after the three men as they moved down the street.

"Oi, Shadow, hold up old boy!" he shouted into the night. The men stopped and turned. Hell, it was Shadow all right, with that stinky old mutt Gobstopper.

"It's been a long time mate, long time." He nodded to Shadow's companions. "Got yourself a proper little adventurers party going here!" he laughed. He turned to the other men.

"I am Smoke, been drinking Shadow here under the table for years now. He is a good man, once he gets a drink in him." He slaps his old friend on the shoulder, feeling genuinely pleased to see him again.

"It has been almost six months mate. And I am guessing you are here for the same reason as me? Freedom, glory, fortune?"
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