[E6] The Red Hand (IC I)


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A visible grimace could be seen on Shadow's face as the other man came and invaded his personal space, if any were able to see through his hat and the cloak clutched to his nose.

"Yes... Six months too... long," he says as he coughs slightly.

As if in spite of Shadow's discomfort, Gobstopper rushes over to Smoke and wags his tail. Disturbing the dirt and causing a minor sandstorm in the road as he continues to wag his tail, the dog sits down on his hind legs and looks up towards Smoke, almost expectantly.

Coughing again, to clear his throat, Shadow continues. "I'm sure you've heard of the merchants passing through Elsir Vale that have gone missing recently. It seems all sorts of odd characters have come out of the woodworks to look for them." He nods at the assembled group. "Well, one more couldn't hurt. Your magic would certainly come in handy."

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Smoke knelt down to Gobstopper, grabbing the old mutt fondly and rubbing under his jaw. The dog pushed against him, his tail wagging in delight. Still kneeling, stroking Gobstopper, Smoke looked up to Shadow and his new companions.

"Why do you think I am in this dive, Shadow? I didn't come here for the nightlife. One way or another I am going after those lost traders. I owe it to Tanil! Of course, I would be happy to tag along if you are also heading in the same direction, and the power of Tanil will be with us. Anyway, this old mutt looks like he needs some good company!

Hey guys. The name is Arondal Merconta, but everyone calls me Smoke, and not because of the roll-ups either. I am part of the Merconta family. Big traders across these parts and the whole of Vesh. Anyway, I guess I am the errant son in the family. Not errant in a bad way, mind. I follow Tanil, and she has focused me.
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The little gnome looks up at the big goliaths stony hands and shakes it slowly, not really fathoming how to wrap his hand around the giant's. "Zook's da name. Acrobatics is me game.

Zook smiles a wry little smile with his crooked teeth" I got an idea for when we hit combat. You look mighty strong. I betcha if you threw me at some fool they'd know not how to react when I hit 'em. It could be pretty devastating! Anywho, These smoke and Shadow characters seem to know each other a'ready so mebbe we should stick together. Not That I dont trust them, hell one's a holy man and you don't ever cross a holy man, but it always helps to be buddiedup. D'ye get ma meanin'?


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Durn's attention is somewhat drawn by the mention of the 'Merconta' family. He believes he can recall that his father, also a wealthy Vesh merchant, had dealings with the family. Though uneasy about joining in the conversation, Durn leans forward towards the group.

You're from the Merconta family? That's a very famous trading family indeed. Very good to meet you. My name is Durn Vasher. I too am on the trail of these lost traders. Would you accept my company?

The loosening of his hood reveals the typical olive features of the Vesh but a horribly disfigured face, his this nose mutated by some horrible magic, it would seem, and his face horribly scarred.


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"A Vasher, eh? Heck, I'd have a Vasher watch my back any day. My cousin, Sarilia, she married a Vasher. Nice lad, runs the warehouse side of things across the southern towns.

Well guys, it looks like we are all heading in the same direction and for the same reason. it would seem to make sense to pool resources, right? Shadow, its gotta be your call mate, I don't want to piss on your parade.

And eh, if you don't mind me asking Durn, what happened to your face?


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Elgar gives Zook a last smile, pats him a little too hard on the back. "Sure thing little buddy." Of course, something in the way he says it might lead Zook to wonder if he caught the full drift of what Zook was trying to say.

Elgar then moves over to the new comers and gives each man's hand a firm shake, though he does his best to not make it too firm. They are so frail, I must remember to be careful with them.

He shakes Durn's hand solemnly and inclines his head to the mage as he does so. To Elgar's people such scars are the mark of a true warrior who has backed up his actions with blood.

Elgar smiles broadly all around, "It seems we are now a proper war party. The raiders will will not stand a chance against us. Our acts are sure to be great and long remembered!"


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"Yeah, right," Shadow says. "Great deeds long remembered. Story and song, and all that."

"More importantly..." The man continues. "Unless you guys think we'll be picking up any more oddballs in town, what do you all say to getting ourselves properly supplied for this grand adventure and heading out of here?"

He looks out towards the path leading out of town, still clutching his cloak to his face. "I, for one, will be glad to leave this town for good."


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To Smoke: I was injured in an accident when I was a boy. I liked to play with some dangerous toys, as all boys do. My father was always telling me off for meddling in things I shouldn't, and I guess I learned my lesson.

To Group: Let's be off as soon as we're properly supplied, since we all seem to be in agreement on that.


Moving on

Leaving behind the smell and general uselessness of Terrelton, the impromptu group moves on towards Drellin's Ferry. Another uneventful day passes on the road, as well as a night before yet another day opens, without much promise.

The afternoon sun beats down through the hot, still air. The scenery is the same as the rest of the sparely populated vale has been so far, growing monotonous with the dusty trails and grasslands. A few miles away, Drellin's Ferry is the last of the fly-speck towns for weeks, on the borders of the Witchwood, and the last place where there is a chance to get a clue about the missing merchants.

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. It's just like a dozen other spots that have rolled by today alone, but this time something feels wrong...

It's probably just the tedium of it all...

Then the sun glints off of metal in the brush beside the road.


Fierce warriors, tall, hairy man-like figures with wide mouths and flat faces, are lying in wait!

At least three of the would be ambushers are on either side of the road, hiding in the brush above the steep escarpment on either side.

Sorry for being abrupt, but I think the meet-n-great has served it's purpose.

Battle Map

You can start out at any spot on the road from 6-10, so claim a spot, roll initiative and do that voodoo that you do so well.

Initiative and such will be in the second post of the character sheets thread.

Oh, and you are traveling east to west.
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