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[E6] The Red Hand (IC I)

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OOC: Standard attack on the nearest bandit, making a 5' move if required. If I cannot reach him this round, I will instead use my round to move to engage the nearest.
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Just kill the mooks already...

Taking advantage of the fact that the would be ambushers haven't yet attacked, Zook quickly darts up the steep incline, slashing at one of the creatures, first pinning it with his rapier and then following up with his kukri, leaving the titanspawn bleeding vigorously and spewing obscenities in what passes for it's language.

Still on the road, Shadow recognizes the speech of the creature. Though he never learned it, he knows the tongues of goblins well enough to recognize it. Based on the size and armorments, these must be hobgoblins. Swiftly, he plants an arrow into the head of the one Zook injured, silencing it. Before the first arrow hits, he's already sent another one into the hobgoblin north of him, pinning it in the chest.

The dog quickly bounds up the roadway, clamping his jaws around the legs of the hobgoblin his master just wounded, pulling the creature down into the undergrowth.

The remaining creatures open fire, seemingly unaware of the degree to which they are outmatched. One manages to just graze Shadow, one misses Zook and two more try, and fail, to hit Elgar. The one pulled down by gobstoper tries to rise, only to have the dog set it's jaws on it's throat, spraying the underbrush with blood.

Shadow takes 1 hp of damage (after DR).

R3 is Dead, R4 is prone, fatigued, and stunned (and almost dead too).

I'm pausing here for Elgar's action - since the embankment is rough terrain, you can't charge up it.


First Post
After realizing what kind of threat the party is facing, Durn utters some magic words "Hostes...Dormile! and casts sleep on the attackers, centering on the nearest one.


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"I knew it had to be goblins!" Shadow exclaims. "It always is!" As he prepares to move to a more favorable position in the battle, he yells out to encourage his canine companion. "Show 'em what you're made of!"

The dog growls in acknowledgement and prepares to bite into the flesh of another one of the furry creatures!


Once more, with Feeling

Elgar, already having been made a target of two archers, marches right up the slope, hammering his large blade down onto the nearest hobgoblin with a wet crunch.

Smoke does much the same, though his mace doesn't do quite a much damage as the goliath, it's still enough to leave the creature greatly wounded.

Durn's words of power echo over the sounds of battle...

Elgar - 13 damage to R4.
Smoke - 8 damage to R1, plus 4 nonlethal.
Durn - You can target any 1 hobgoblin, or a pair of the northern ones, but not without having Elgar or gobstopper in the area. Your call, anyway you do it, the affected hobgoblins fail there save.

This brings us to the start of round 2.


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Smoke grunts with the exertions of combat. He hit the hobgoblin hard, but he was still standing, and then ... he fell asleep! Smoke takes a quick glance around. He is quite far from the rest of the combat, so he heads across the road.

OOC: Spend the round moving towards R2. Should mean by round 3 I can make a 5' move and attack.


First Post
OOC: I am confused as to where I am meant to post Smoke's actions and rolls. Some people appear to be doing it in this thread, and others in the OOC thread. Can you clarify?
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First Post
Elgar, infuriated that the hogoblin still stands, brings his greatsword around in a backhand slash at neck level, aiming to take the creatures head right off.

[sblock=OCC]I am assuming that R4 still stands. Attack and damage rolls here .

Sorry for not posting but for some reason the control panel wasn't showing me that anyone was posting here so I was just waiting.[/sblock]


Zook quickly dashes through the brush at the nearest hobgoblin, but this time his strikes aren't nearly as deadly, as the creature isn't taken off guard as his first foe was.

Shadow looses another pair of arrows into the last unharmed hobgoblin, both striking hard and true even as his dog, quite literally, rends the remaining life out of the creature he took down into the brush.

However, the creature struck by Shadow downs a potion of some kind before sending his own arrow into the ranger, though without nearly the impact, though it's far from an ignorable blow. The hobgoblins engaged with Elgar and Zook try, but fail, to bring longswords to bear against them.

Elgar, despite the force of his blow, fails once more to put and end to his foe, managing only to batter in a portion of his skull, leaving a bloody, but still living, mess collapsed on the ground.

He can tell it still lives from the screams it tries to get out.

Smoke draws up near Shadow's position, though by the time he arrives, Gobstopper is stepping out of the brush, having dispatched, messily, the hoboblin the cleric was aiming for...

Mistake on my part, Elgar is fightin R6, not R4. I corrected the damage in the status post.

Shadow takes 6 damage from a hobgoblin arrow.

R2 joins the dead, and R4 heals some of his damage.
R6 is nearly dead and stunned to boot.

Durn is up, then round 3.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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