Eat The Monsters--Literally--With Gummyquest

If you've ever wanted to eat a monster's miniature once you've defeated it... now's your chance!


If you've ever wanted to eat a monster's miniature once you've defeated it... now's your chance!

Gummyquest--which has raised over $350K on Kickstarter--is a box of 150 miniatures in 25 different flavours. Each box contains 76 monsters, 15 heroes, 25 potions, and 35 dice--so when you drink that healing potion you can literally consume it.

Minis show in the promotional images appear to include paladins, wizards, purple worms, dragons, orcs, goblins, kobolds, bear-owls, trolls, and more.


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Not sure I would want to eat that purple work entirely by myself. I'll need to convince my wife to join a game then we can eat the worm from both ends like a gross and geeky version of that scene from Lady and the Tramp.
This is the night of the beautiful light, and they call it Bella Nauseau...

Even the sugar free would probably make me sick eating only half of it.

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