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Eaters of the Dead - Iron Heroes (Closed)


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[sblock=OOC]Our story starts in Daneland. Daneland is part of the main continent of Mannheim. Its boarders are made up of the Eastern Mountains, the Keltish Forests to the far West, the Aeir Sea to the North and the Aramith Empire to the South. Think of Aramith as an early Rome.

Your characters are here in Daneland to join the raiding parties of King Avildar. The raiders travel South into the rich Aramith Empire. Although in your character descriptions some of you expanded on why you would join Rothgar's cause assume that you know nothing of the troubles in his lands yet. Keeping that in mind let us begin our tale.[/sblock]

The River Tholta twists its way south like a great serpent through the heart of Daneland. Its banks are home to many settlements both permanent and temporary. It is the month of the third moon and cold winds blow across the hills of Daneland. Spring is near, but the last signs of winter struggle to remain.

As sunlight begins to peak over the Eastern Mountains its light reflects off the Tholta and the northmen of King Avildar’s encampment begin to stir. This is a raiding camp and soon its drakkars (long ships) will travel south down the Tholta. Slave women of mixed ethnicity collect fresh water and stoke fires that are now mere embers.

In the night a new drakkar has arrived and it rocks in the surf of the river’s edge. The sail is white with two black ravens embroidered on it. A young boy stands on the bow. His blonde hair shines in the morning light and he is the perfect example of an early teen. There are no mists this morning, but out of politeness he stands in plain view of the settlement. He will remain this way for the length of the morning so that he shows he is no threat and to honour King Avildar.

Eight large tents make up the camp of King Avildar. His red banners flutter in the morning wind as his warriors shake off their mead induced slumber. You find yourself here for your own reasons as you stretch to stave off the morning stiffness. You have woke in the King’s tent and slave women pass wooden bowls filled with cold water to freshen. Many lay sleeping about the crowded tent, furs conceal naked forms and low tables are cluttered with half eaten game and tipped mead mugs.

A herald to Avildar enters the tent and makes his way to the still sleeping King. He wakes a slave girl who lies with his lord and has her whisper to arouse her master. Avildar groans and sits up rubbing himself; “What is it Glorfin why do you rouse me so?”

Glorfin (herald) replies: “A ship my lord arrived in the night… it bears the mark of two black ravens. Shall I welcome it?”

Avildar stands being careful not to disturb the trio of slave women whom slumber with him. “Welcome our guests… and bring their voice to my tent.” He wraps a large bear fur about his body and sits upon a stone chair at the head of the tent. As Glorfin departs Avildar dips his hands into a water bowl and splashes the cool liquid over his face.

It is not long before Glorfin the herald returns with the young boy. The boy presents himself to Avildar and kneels before him. “Glory to thee King Avildar, I am Wulfgar son of King Rothgar I seek your aid for my father. An evil of old has returned to my father’s lands... the Black Mist has come!”

Avildar does not take this news lightly and his eyes open wide at the young boys words. “Wulfgar, your father’s lands are far to the north of Daneland and my warriors prepare to move south. I believe you have braved many dangers to reach me… have you asked others to help your father’s plight?”

The young boy appears disappointed and nods. “But none have agreed to return with me…”

Avildar frowns and looks about his tent. “Although I can not aid young Wulfgar are there any among you who might heed his call? Surely, there are those of you who would travel to the Northlands and greet the maidens of Valhalla?”
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Ragnar Gunnarsen

A tall, brawny man with a mane of red gold hair and beard stands, waking the two slave girls who slept with him. He speaks up with a calm, commanding, deep voice. "I, Ragnar, son of Gunnar Hardsailer, will travel with this brave young prince!" He turns a warm smile on the boy. "My father was Sea-Chief for yours for many a year, lad. Let me but dress, and fetch my sword, and I will gladly sail under the twin raven banner!"


First Post
The teen looks to Ragnar and smiles. Although he is just a boy his face conveys a sadness that is undeniable.

Avildar nods to Ragnar in approval. "Is that all? Only a lone warrior brave enough to travel to the Northland!" Many of the slave girls depart the tent as more men wake to the shouting King Avildar.


First Post
Ágeirr -

Rousing himself from a deep sleep, grainy eyed Ágeirr hears the dire news.

He is a big man with a lot of messy blond hair and a short beard. Piercing blue eyes that seem to see the depths of a man. He is covered in many scars, each with its own story. A story he is happy to relate if anyone were to ask.

" Mead i need more mead. drinking down a tankard of mead that was handed to him and wiping his hand across his mouth. I Ágeirr will go. I have one good battle in me yet. To fight, I love to fight all here knows that. Have I ever told you about..
... head hit the table and promptly passes out again....
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Blind Azathoth

A man of merely average height, but clad only in trousers that show off the ample muscle of his upper body, rises, and steps forward. His long hair and short beard are both dyed a striking red, and his dark brown eyes stare at Wulfgar as he approaches the prince. When he nears the young prince, he bows his head, and announces, "I would be no man if I did not join you. For the glory of Thor, for the honor of my people, and to repay the great debt my family has long owed yours, I, Svartulf Vargsson, will journey with you, Prince Wulfgar."


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Young Wulfgar seems relieved that some warriors have volunteered to join his cause. King Avildar seems pleased that others are willing to help the prince. "Are there no more? I expected a greater showing! Perhaps the promise of southern gold is too great for some to leave?" The King grins and shifts his weight on his stone throne. "I will give a share of our spoils to all that assist Prince Wulfgar in his time of need."


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Ragnar Gunnarsen

"THOR'S THUNDERING MEMBER! Are all others here women, or nithlings, that you would require good King Avildar's gold to travel and aid this brave young prince?" A cold fire burns in Ragnar's blue eyes, and his already impressive physique seems to fill the room. "A grim day for Daneland, this..." He then takes up a bronze-hilted broadsword, and lifts it over his head. In the morning sunlight its magnificent craftsmanship is obvious to all. "I swear, by my father's sword War-Fang, that I shall travel to Rothgar's Hall, with these two brave warriors only if need be, and face this Black Mist. We shall tell you of this deed, either on the banks of the Tholta, or in Valhalla!!"


First Post
The tent falls utterly silent... It would seem that Ragnar's voice had shaken many in the room to the core. After a long pause King Avildar stands from his throne. "My dear boy (referring to Wulfgar) take these three men and be on your way. Perhaps you will find others to join your cause during your travels home."

Wulfgar nods to Avildar obviously dissappointed, he then turns to the three who volunteered. "My drakkar is resupplying we shall be on our way shortly. Gather your gear and meet at the ship soon. I thank you for assisting me." The boy then walks past the sleeping Ágeirr kicking him as he goes and shouting: "That means you too!"

The morning sun rises and the camp is very busy as Wulfgar's men load the ship and barter for supplies. The southern winds continue to blow, banners flutter and dance upon the breeze. Wulfgar's ship is made of strong and sturdy wood and his mast is straight and tall. Its a fine vessel that will no doubt cut through water swiftly.


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Ragnar Gunnarsen

Ragnar exits the tent, now clad in warm woolen tunic and trousers, with knee-high boots strapped snugly to his calves. A mighty wooden roundshield bossed with iron hangs at his back. At his left hip, from a broad copper-studded leather girdle, hangs War-fang. The two slavegirls vie for his good-bye kisses as they hand him a burnished helm adorned with a white horse-hair crest, and a cloak trimmed with fur. He then takes up his pack -from which the metallic sound of an oiled hauberk issues - and swaggers towards the raven-sailed drakkar, studying it with a professional eye.

"Who is sea-chief here?" he bellows as he claps Wulfgar on the shoulder and gives him a confident smile.


First Post
The crew is busy tying down supplies and preparing the drakkar for its trip up the River Tholta. An overweight northman steps forward with long dark hair, tied back with some leather. His face and hands look tougher then leather. "I am the cheif of this drakkar... My name is Odelin. Are you a companion to the young Wulfgar?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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