Eberron NPC List

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Races of Eberron
CR 2; Shifter Scout; shifter; ranger 2; N; Races of Eberron p. 38
CR 3; Tribal Warrior; shifter; barbarian 3; CN; Races of Eberron p. 39
CR 4; Shifter Shaman; shifter; druid 4; N; Races of Eberron p. 39
CR 3; Royal Eye of Aundair; chengeling; rogue 3; N; Races of Eberron p. 53
CR 6; Dusk Steelgleam Owner of the Champion Inquisitive Agency; chengeling; rogue 3/master inquisitive 3; NG; Races of Eberron p. 54
CR 3; Shadowblade; kalashtar; soulknife 3; LG; Races of Eberron p. 69
CR 3; Visionary; kalashtar; psion (seer)3; LG; Races of Eberron p. 70
CR 3; Silvertongue; kalashtar; psion (telepath) 3; LG; Races of Eberron p. 70
CR 2; Dwarf Warrior; dwarf; warrior 3; LN; Races of Eberron p. 73
CR 3; Acolyte of Transition; elf; cleric 3; NG; Races of Eberron p. 76
CR 4; Drow Scout; drow; ranger 3; NE; Races of Eberron p. 78
CR 2; Valenar Rider; elf; ranger 2; CN; Races of Eberron p. 81
CR 2; Gnome information Broker; gnome; bard 4; N; Races of Eberron p. 84
CR 8; Goblin Assassin; goblin; ranger 5/assassin 3; NE; Races of Eberron p. 89
CR 5; House Lyrandar Pilot; half-elf; bard 5; N; Races of Eberron p. 91
CR 2; Half-Orc Inquisitive; half-orc; ranger 1/rogue 1; LN; Races of Eberron p. 94
CR 9; Halfling Lath; halfling; ranger 9; NG; Races of Eberron p. 98
CR 8; Inspired Manipulator; inspired; psion (telepath) 5/monk 2; N; Races of Eberron p. 101
CR 4; Orc hunter; orc; barbarian 2/ranger 2; CN; Races of Eberron p. 104
CR 9; Lanharath; kalashtar; soulknife 5/atavist 4; LG; Races of Eberron p. 138
CR 9; Per; changeling; rogue 6/cabinet trickster 3; NG; Races of Eberron p. 143
CR 12; Baella Swiftstep; shifter; druid 8/moonspeaker 4; NG; Races of Eberron p. 147
CR 7; Liviltali; kalashtar; psion (telepath) 5/quori nightmare 2; LN; Races of Eberron p. 152
CR 8; Mallai Swiftstep; shifter; ranger 5/reachrunner 3; CG; Races of Eberron p. 156
CR 11; Ziv; chengeling; illusionist 6/recaster 5; CN; Races of Eberron p. 161
CR 10; Sever Brave; warforged; sorcerer 7/reforged 3; NE; Races of Eberron p. 165
CR 11; Graven; warforged; artificer 1/fighter 6/spellcarved soldier 4; N; Races of Eberron p. 170

-DM Jeff

P.S. Glad so many folks will find this useful!


Faiths of Eberron
CR 12; Sejra Whitebender; halfling; cleric 5/sovereign speaker 7; NG; Faiths of Eberron p. 35
CR 9; Lovos The Shadow of the Wolf; longstride shifter; sorcerer 6/escalation mage 3; CN; Faiths of Eberron p. 55
CR 10; Brother Micah; half-orc; monk 2/paladin 4/argent fist 4; LG; Faiths of Eberron p. 73
CR 10; Janilya the Fearless; half-orc; rogue 3/barbarian 2/thief of life 5; NE; Faiths of Eberron p. 87
CR 14; Findelas Devotee of Kythri; half-elf; druid 6/planar Shepard 8; CN; Faiths of Eberron p. 109

-DM Jeff


OK, well, it looks like I covered all the current Eberron hardcovers, with one exception, I loaned out my "Player's Guide to Eberron" and won't see it back for a week now...anyone know if there are any NPC's with stats in there? I can't seem to recall.

-DM Jeff

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
I just looked through it front to back and didn't find a single statblock. But it reminded me how much I love that book, and need to read it front to back! :)

ps - You probably saw that I put the Eberron NPCs into the full list in the other indexing thread. If not, I did!

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