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and Shadow Marches. Yrlag is at the very top on the right. IMAGE 02 SHADOW MARCHES COUNTRY MAP.jpg

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Looks like we are lacking in the healing department, so I'll get to work on a cleric of some sort. Will try to have a decent concept nailed down by this evening.


First Post
Aric d'Brennan

Here is a level 5 Human Artificer for consideration.
I believe the character itself is complete, though I will be revisiting his gear tomorrow, to see what I can craft instead of buying at market cost.

[SIZE=+2]Aric d'Brennan
Male Human Artificer 5
Neutral Good
Representing Mark

Height:5' 3"
Weight:155 lb
Total Hit Points: 30
Speed: 20 feet [armor]
Armor Class: 21 = 10 +6 [magic chainmail] +2 [magic shield] +2 [dexterity] +1 [natural]

  • Touch AC: 12
    Flat-footed: 19
Initiative modifier:+2= +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:+3= 1 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save:+3= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save:+4= 4 [base]
Attack (handheld):+3= 3 [base]
Attack (unarmed):+3= 3 [base]
Attack (missile):+5= 3 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check:+3= 3 [base]
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
33 lb. or less
34-66 lb.
67-100 lb.
100 lb.
200 lb.
500 lb.
Languages:Common Elven Gnome Orc
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
+1 Light Crossbow [1d8+1, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]
+1 Chain mail [medium; +6 AC; max dex +2; check penalty -4; 40 lb.]

  • Point Blank Shot+1 Ranged Weap Atk/Dmg within 30 ft
    Precise ShotNo penalty for ranged attacks into melee.
    Heroic SpiritExtra Action Points: 8 + 1/2 Level
    Rapid Infusion1/Day, Cast any Infusion as a 1 round action.
    From Magic of Eberron.
Skill NameKey
AppraiseInt6 =+3+3 +2 for weap/armor
BalanceDex*2 =+2

BluffCha2 =+2

ClimbStr*-4 =+0
ConcentrationCon2 =+2

Craft_ArmorInt8 =+3+5
Craft_WeaponInt8 =+3+5
Craft_3Int3 =+3

DiplomacyCha2 =+2

Disable DeviceDex10 =+2+8
DisguiseCha2 =+2

Escape ArtistDex*-2 =+2
ForgeryInt3 =+3

Gather InformationCha2 =+2

HealWis0 =+0

HideDex*-2 =+2
IntimidateCha2 =+2

JumpStr*-4 =+0
-4 [speed 20]
Knowledge (arcana)Int9 =+3+6
Knowledge (architecture)Int8 =+3+5
ListenWis0 =+0

Move SilentlyDex*-2 =+2
Open LockDex10 =+2+8
Perform_1Cha2 =+2

Perform_2Cha2 =+2

Perform_3Cha2 =+2

Perform_4Cha2 =+2

Perform_5Cha2 =+2

RideDex2 =+2

SearchInt11 =+3+8
Sense MotiveWis0 =+0

SpellcraftInt13 =+3+8+2 [Knowledge, arcane]
SpotWis0 =+0

SurvivalWis0 =+0

SwimStr**-8 =+0
Use Magic DeviceCha10 =+2+8 +2 for Scrolls +2 for items of a type I can create
Use RopeDex2 =+2

* = check penalty for wearing armor
Craft_Weapon/Armor >=5 ranks gives +2 on related appraise checks.
Know Architecture >=5 ranks gives +2 on search checks for secret doors.
Search >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks while tracking.
Spellcraft >=5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks on scrolls.
Use Magic Device >=5 ranks gives +2 on spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls.

First-level Artificer spells: 4 (3+1) per day

Second-level Artificer spells: 4 (3+1) per day:


Third-level Artificer spells: 2 (1+1) per day:


  • Extra feat at first level (already included)
  • Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
  • One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
  • New class per Eberron campaign setting
  • Artificer knowledge - 1d20+INT+Artificer Level. DC 15. 1 minute. Determine if an item is magical.
  • Artisian Bonus - +2 on UMD checks for an item of a type for which I have the creation feat.
  • Disable Trap - Same as rogue.
  • Item Creation
  • Scribe Scroll
  • Brew Potion
  • Craft Wonderous Item
  • Craft Homunculus
  • Artificers are entitled to bonus feats every 4 levels
  • These are metamagic or special Eberron feats.
  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor
  • Retain Essence - Salvage XP from magic items and store it in Craft Reserve.

ClassHP rolled
Level 1:Artificer6
Level 2:Artificer3
Level 3:Artificer6
Level 4:Artificer3+1 to intelligence
Level 5:Artificer2

Aric d'Brennan's Equipment:
  • 45 lb
    1 lb
    2 lb
    2 lb
    1 lb

    5 lb
    2 lb

    4 lb
    2 lb
    1 lb

    8 lb

    5 lb
    1 lb
    79 lb
    Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
    Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x1
    Case (for map or scroll)
    Flasks x1
    Flint and steel
    Grappling hook
    Oil flasks x1
    Parchment sheets x3
    Signet ring
    Artisan tools
    Thieves' tools


9,000 Start
1,335 - +1 Light Crossbow (level 5) (crafted)
665 - +1 Buckler (level 5) (crafted)
800 - +1 Chainmail (level 5) (crafted)
2,000 - Handy Haversack (purchased)
750 - Wand of Burning Hands (purchased)
750 - Wand of Magic Missile(1st) (purchased)
50 - 1 Expeditious Messenger (crafted)
250 - 20 levels of level 1 or 2 scrolls (crafted, See list below)
500 - 20 levels of level 1 or 2 potions (crafted, see list below)
1,000 - +1 Amulet of Natural Armor (crafted)
125 - Elixer of Hiding (crafted)
125 - Elixer of Sneaking (crafted)
450 - Hand of the Mage (crafted)
200 Remaining

Crafted Scrolls
- Flaming Sphere (2 levels)
- Heat Metal (2 levels)
- Charm Person (1 level)
- Disguise Self (1 level)
- Locate Object (2 levels)
- Spider Climb (2 levels) (lasts 2 hours)
- Restoration, Lesser (2 levels)
Crafted Potions
- Cure Moderate Wounds x 2 (4 levels total)
- Cure Light Wounds x 2 (2 levels total)
- Darkvision (2 levels) (lasts 2 hours)
- Invisibility x 2 (4 levels) (lasts 2 minutes)
- Remove Paralysis (2 levels)
- Restoration, Lesser (2 levels)
- Resist Energy (Fire) 10 (2 levels) (lasts 20 minutes)
- Resist Energy (Cold) 10 (2 levels) (lasts 20 minutes)

Craft Pool currently at 4 points.

Look into Crafting:
Goggles of Night (6,000 GP, 480 XP, 12 days, UMD Check DC 23 (1 success out of 13 attempts))

About Aric:
Aric d'Brennan is a blooded member of House Cannith, though he bears no dragonmark. He has trained with the finest artificers of the house, and showed advanced skills with elemental bindings. He was assigned to work with the gnomes of Zilgaro during the Last War. His primary duties involved maintenance and repair of vehicles damaged in battle. He was secretly assigned the task of learning the gnomes' secrets for binding greater elementals. This secret mission was considered a failure by many of the house, since Aric was never able to learn the secrets. Aric believes he would have been able to complete his mission, if the war hadn't ended so abruptly. The end of the war meant he was no longer needed to repair war-torn equipment, and he was recalled home.
Publicly, Aric was given commendations for performing his duty well during the war. Behind closed doors, Aric was informed that his failure to learn the Zil techniques was a disappointment to the newly fractured house, and he needed to get some distance. Aric took this in stride, and set out as a freelancer and sometimes adventurer. The rumors of new discoveries in the Shadow Marches seems like the perfect opportunity for Aric to restore his standing within his house.


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There is a LOT of Ranger love expressed in this thread... I forgot how brok- er, good Ranger was for dipping.

Ironically this was my first cast the Rogue3/Ranger2, I made it the first day of this post, the idea of possible tempest TWF build. I then built a Rogue3/Fighter 2, changed feats to suit Shadowdancer, with the ability to take Shadowdancer at level 6 but I ran out of time to spend on this so defaulted to the tempest rogue.

Scott DeWar said:
I will drop ranger and come up with something else.​

if you want to build Ranger, since you have the in depth backstory already, I dont mind changin up as i mentioned above, and building a shadowdancer rogue. I wasnt going to go more than a few levels of ranger though to begin with.​

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So here are some of the concept ideas I'm considering (Opinions/advice welcome):

1. Half-orc Ranger 3/Fighter 2- a House Tharashk 'roving troubleshooter', sent to investigate recent events. (Further progression to R3/F4, then as Dragonmark Heir and/or Extreme explorer); mostly melee/two-weapon.
2. Shifter Ranger 1/Druid 4- a young apprentice Moonspeaker on a visionquest, drawn to the strange nature of this new area. (Further progression as Druid, to Moonspeaker PrC). Healer/support
3. Warforged Fighter 4/Barbarian 1- Anyone need a bodyguard? (Further progression as Fighter). Basic tank
4. Human Barbarian 1/Dragon shaman 2/Fighter 2- From Argonnessen, a young warrior out to prove herself after being exiled. (Further progression fairly evenly split between DS and FTR). Melee/support.

I like the Shifter Druid

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