EB's Adventuring in the Days of Yore - Tyranny of Dragons - IC

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OOC: I'm in a bind. The kobold is up to no good, but I'd like to sling a stone at him right as he's trying to light whatever he's lighting, then escape in the confusion. If I miss, you guys are in trouble. If I shoot and shout a warning, I'm in trouble with my short little halfling legs, and I could be bringing trouble to you on your flank.

OOC: The frontal assault on the church will killl the townsfolk long before the church actually catches fire. The enemy forces will probably burn the church whether they find townsfolk inside or not. So killing the kobold to save the church structure is futile. Killing the kobold to save the townsfolk is ignoring that they only have a few rounds left to live anyway if they don't pour out of the church en masse soon.

OOC: Rumdum is staying still. He still hasn't been noticed, but cannot attack without possibly enabling ourenemies to come at you en masse via a flank. So far they haven't looked to be coming around the fence.

Tina finds a length of rope and gives it to William to hold as she moves quickly into the smoky garden. She sees Tyrial finishing to hide the bodies of the dead cultist. (Is he looting them btw?) And the open door of the church. Frantically looking around she notices Filmark at the corner of the church watching for the return of the kobold patrol.

The end of the rope in her hand, she doesn't see many places to tie it off, except maybe through the torch scone near the back door. As she does so she notices no one is coming out the open door.

Rumdum watches the kobold who can't get the torches he was carrying lit. The halfling holds his breath knowing that there will be chaos once he strikes a flame.


The cultist continue to work on the doors in at the front.

OOC: DMG [roll0] Door: 16/30 HP

OOC: How many people does she see?

In a low growl, Tina looks the nearest civilian right in the face and points at the door. "Get up and get moving. NOW!" She manages to say without actually raising her voice too loudly. "All of you, up! now!"

Filmark arrives at the doorway and sees Tin just inside scolding an old farm couple huddled together on the floor near the door. The woman has her head buried in the man's chest crying as and the guardsman hears him as he speaks to the female warrior. "Go...go out there?" his voice says cracking a bit. "They will catch us for sure." With that the woman whimpers a bit louder.

Before Tina can totally lose her cool, Filmark sees the man he spoke to at the doorway come around the bend in the corridor with a rather large man in priestly robes following him.

Eadyan.jpg "Ah! Welcome our rescuers," he says with a genuine grin. "We a grateful for your timely arrival. I am Eadyan, the high priest here, how may I serve."

OOC: He seems very calm in the face of impending death. But he is a cleric maybe he knows something. LOL

OOC: still want to know how many people are in the church

"Sir," Tina says to the farmer. "They didn't get us. They won't get you." To the priest she says, "You can help by getting everyone in here to follow that rope through the hole in the fence and follow my friends outside to the keep. We only have a short amount of time to get this done. That door --" she point at the splintering front door "-- will not hold for long and they are also setting fire to the building. Dying here is a certainty. Living requires getting out that door."

She starts tying off the rope to a nearby sconce. "Just follow the rope. There's smoke out there. The rope will ensure you don't make a wrong turn."

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