EB's Adventuring in the Days of Yore - Tyranny of Dragons - IC

"Listen to her everyone, Lord Nighthill wishes to protect his people and he sent us to save you. But you must hurry." After adding his two cents, Filmark sees that Tina seems to be handling things in the church and steps back to his post to prepare for the enemy patrol.

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OOC: Quick head count is little over a dozen.

Eadyan rubs his chin in thought before nodding. "I guess sending the tower guard to save the church was impossible," his voice sighing as he thinks of the loss of the church to the bandits. "I will help you get the people out."

With that he helps the farm couple to their feet, "Time to go, Hamish. Follow these people out the back."

Filmark is at the corner once more, and he sees the shadowy forms of the cultist as the stay at the front watching the battering ram. But of the patrol there is no sign.

Rumdum's fears are realized when the kobold finally gets a flame going and he lights one of the torches. He plants it into the ground and picks up one of the others and sets the head to the flame to light it. Its shoulders shake and he sees a feral grin as it begins to laugh.

William and Sebastian are shocked to see an old couple, dressed in farming clothes emerge from the smoky garden. They help them through the hole, but as of yet are unsure as to what to do with them.


OOC: Battering Ram [roll0] Door 10/30 HP

OOC: Can you post the map showing the area between the keep and the church to the RG so we can easily find it?

EDIT or I could find it https://www.enworld.org/index.php?posts/7421770/

"When you get through the fence, tell someone there I said to start leading you back to the keep along the stream. Stay close to the bushes for cover." Tina says regretfully. She doesn't know what a telephone is but still a sense of dread regarding one fills her chest.

OOC: To confirm, does Rumdum see the kobold try to attempt to light torches, or did the kobold light a torch and is now trying to set fire to some sort of package?

OOC: I think we're waiting on EB as there's nothing for us to do but react to the civilians fleeing the church. Perhaps he's waiting on William and Sebastian to react to the villagers appearing out of the smoke? I'm disappointed that apparently only 2 of the 20 villagers have reached the fence. They should be running out of the church en masse.

"Okay, people, let's move it." Tina says as softly and as extremely urgently as she can. "That door is falling apart any second now. Get off your arses and get moving."

OOC: Rumdum is going to hold off taking a shot at the kobold. The folks should be all moving anyway, and a flaming torch or three isn't going to change anything. If it was something explosive, he'd take the risk.


William looks at the old couple that just made it across the church yard. "Surely there are more of you? How many were holed up in the church?" he asks them, then says into the air, "What's taking them so long?"

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The cloudless night sky is wrought with stars and a half-moon that has helped the church refugees navigate the tangle of brush and roots without much difficulty. William and Filmark stand watch near the old tunnel entrance as the refugees file past them.

Above the trees a false dawn blooms as the church fire rages out of control. Everyone escaped unharmed before the doors burst in and the looting began. It was the greed of the cultist that led to them not pursing the group or their charges, and then it was the mischievous kobold who stopped even the looting as he tossed lit torch after lit torch through stained glass windows.

Eadyan was with Terry and Tyrial at the rear of the small group, still in the trees, trying to explain that it was the dragon that had most of his congregation to frightened to run from the believed safety of their temple. The high cleric was solemn and quiet as they moved until he thought he needed to justify the slowness at their departure. "With the dragon in the air and the bandits unable to get in, we held fast to Chauntea's protection. We prayed and the doors held as they banged against them with weapon or fist. But then the chopped down our orchard's only apple tree and used it against our very own doors. How ironic a story that will make."

Rumdum was leading the church-goers through the tunnel leaving Sebastian and Xull'avin to patrol the flanks. After the last of the refugees was inside and headed to the safety of the keep the bleached gnome came down from his lookout spot to report no cultist or kobolds looking for them, and no sign of the drow Xull'avin, who seemed to had wondered off in the confusion of moving bodies.

Looking back the group can just see the church on the hill, and circling it the blue dragon. They had somehow managed to get the people out of there, but this long night was just starting.

OOC: XP time.
Sanctuary: 80xp to each character (88 if you get a 10% bonus)

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