Eldeen reaches

“The Circus Comes to Town”

DRAVAGO 14, 997

The three adventurers have enjoyed some time off retelling their adventures to any that will hear them. Each time Piik retells it, there are more creatures involved and many have magical abilities (more than they had originally).

Piik and Gilfer have each gone to the healer to buy more potions. Even Leaffa looked into buying some.

Today begins as most have recently for them. Leaffa is talking to Kato the halfling healer while Piik and Gilfer go to the Wine Tree for drinks. The two druids are still discussing how the world will end- by Fire or Ice. Arkoose is adamant that it will be destroyed by fire. Piik agrees in many ways. The sores have healed on his legs and the hair has just begun to grow back. Task won’t budge. Ice will destroy everything. Sir John, the retired adventurer whom has a story for everything merely smiles while smoking his pipe and cleaning glasses.

Gilfer goes outside to check on Leaffa and her animal companion Nite. The Badger is hanging out in the bushes by the healer’s hut digging and looking for something to eat. It stops and cocks its head as if to hear something. Gilfer does so also and thinks he hears something. He stops and listens for several seconds then is certain he hears something. In the distance there is a rumble. Not thunder but a deep rumble all the same. It is coming from the east through the woods along the trail that leads through the small town.

Horses. Horses and a wagon or two. Leaffa pokes her head out the door with Kato peeking out from between her legs. Eight mage-bred horses lead two carriages quickly to their area. They slow down as they near the three buildings that mark the town (Healer’s Hut, Wine Tree Tavern and the Blacksmith). Gilfer notes the two bolts stuck in the side of one carriage. It appears there are either bandits or more doom druids active on the road again. Before Gilfer has a chance to wonder how they escaped either threat the doors open and the occupants step out.

From the first wagon steps out a female gnome dressed in green. She seems out of place as she wears gems and jewels of a noble. Four humans climb out after her carrying their gear. Next steps out a human wearing the emblem of the Silver Flame on his tunic. He has a presence that suggests he is a paladin or cleric of the spiritual belief. He takes in the whole town in one slow turn. His eyes return to the healer’s hut and nods to that direction.

From the second wagon steps out a male human warrior. He looks like an adventurer. His armor is dented and gouged. After him steps out a female elf. She smiles and whispers something to the warrior and shakes her head gently in disbelief. Then four halflings spill out. They seem very excited to be here and begin to check things out quickly. The warrior scowls at them and then heads for the tavern. Once everyone has unloaded the two wagons start out again.

Through the windows of his tavern, Sir John watches the show. “The circus has come to town.” He announces.

The Paladin goes to Kato’s healer shop. She has one extra room in the back and offers it to him. Leaffa doesn’t hear anything else they had started to say to each other as she crosses the street to the tavern where everyone seems to be going. Nite shakes off the worse of the dirt and follows her in. He tries to find a quiet area within the tavern to lay down and watch the show.

“I am Karl Slieghfest and this is my …. Traveling companion Keria Stillmorning. We are in search of a room then some food and drink.” The human warrior declares to Sir John as he steps up and sits heavily at the bar. Piik checks out the elf. Cute.

“I have several rooms upstairs and I have limited food and drink but its all for sale.” He smiles as he thinks about Kato and her “Ca-Ching Ca-Ching” saying she makes when making money from adventurers. The druids continue to discuss the ongoing debate of ice vs. fire. However, Task seems distracted by the new arrivals. The halflings run in like little children into a toyshop. They are all smiles and laughing. Piik frowns as they run under his legs. He has them plopped up on a seat that he doesn’t want to give up but suspects he will need to. Still frowning, he looks across the room to where the Gnome has just entered with Gilfer talking to her. Leaffa is also there. Piik smirks. Looks like they may have a job soon. Good. He has not squished anything in a while.

“Hey there!,” yells Sir John as the halflings leap and run around a table. “Don’t touch that! And be careful! That animal might bite! Leaffa! Nite is in here again……” One halfling skids to a stop as he almost runs into a squatted badger whom bears it’s teeth and a quiet snarl.

One halfling hops onto the bar and says he wants a room also. “I have one room left that you can share with your friends IF you get off the counter.” Sir John’s want of gold is being tested by these halflings.

Piik lifts one leg to give a show to the elf but only the gnome notices. She has a startled look on her face for a moment then redirects her attention to Gilfer and Leaffa. Piik leans over to say something to the druids but finds only Arkoose there. Looking for Task he finds the human has moved to stand beside the human warrior. Piik pouts at being put out by one of the druids. “Damned circus.” He growls to himself before giving up the chair to a halfling. The halfling smells the chair and sticks out his tongue and winces at the smell of the bugbear’s feet. He happily then drags the chair to the table where he then climbs up and stands on it along with his fellow halflings.

Nite decides he can’t stand the noise and the halflings and goes outside. It grunts to Leaffa to let her know it is going outside. The halflings pull out a deck of cards and some painted pebbles while debating if Nite is a wolverine, badger or a small bear. In unison, they say with salt and pepper it would be dinner and laugh loudly.

Sir John tries to listen in on Leaffa’s discussion with the gnome as she describes what she is doing here but is also listening to the elf that is asking about the surrounding area.

“The ruins should be near here based on the map I have. The necklace I am looking for is within a temple underground near the mountains. It is triangular in shape with three overlapping circles. It is blue and green in color.” The Gnome Gussa tells Leaffa.

“You said it was very important to you. Is it magical?” asks Gilfer.

“It is and it belongs to my people. It was stolen during the early days of the war. It was only recently we located the thief. Before he died he told us where he hid it and provided a map. This is the closest settlement there. Do you think you could help us? I merely need a guide. If there is trouble I will pay extra for that. The necklace is important to my family.”

“Your people or your family…?” asks Gilfer.

“Both.” She frowns at the shifter and does back to talking to Leaffa.

Gilfer is slightly put out but gold is gold.

An agreement is made to meet here at daybreak.

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“The Failed Adventure”

DRAVAGO 15, 997

“SHORT journey through the forest then back.” Says Gilfer staring at the Gnome.

She sneers at him and his height joke.

Piik wonders what he missed before stretching and scratching his neck.

Gussa discusses the direction they need to travel based on her map.

The eight of them begin walking down the road the wagons traveled on. They turn to the south after walking a few hours.

Gilfer needles the gnome a few more times with height jokes. He has truly taken a great deal of exception to her dismissing him the prior evening at the Wine Tree. Finally Leaffa falls back to walk beside him. “What is your problem?”

“I don’t like her. I don’t trust her. I think she is up to no good.”

Leaffa walks a few dozen steps before answering. “Sir John pulled me aside last night. He warned me about the entire group that came in. He feels they are all up to doing something bad.”

“He tends to be right on this stuff.” Gilfer adds.

“Yes but this is a paying job and we have seen nothing to suggest she is evil.”

“So back to work.”

“and be nice.”

“Whatever.” And he picks up the speed and returns to his normal scouting position next to Piik whom smiles at some joke only he knows.

Walking across a large grass field they come onto a section of forest. The forest is thick and dark. Gilfer warns everyone that this looks like a spot for a good ambush. Piik answers by pulling out his battle-axe. Walking up slowly and listening to every sound real and false, Gilfer scouts ahead. He spots a large dead tree that has fallen across the trail. Looking and listening he senses nothing wrong. “Piik- can you remove that tree?”

Piik smiles and replaces his axe with the huge eight-foot tall hammer. He walks up to the tree and as he is about to swing another tree with no branches strikes him- hard. Then it rises as if to strike him again. Gilfer then spots the Hill Giant hiding within the dense foliage. The three adventurers try to stop him but his size is too overwhelming. Suddenly Leaffa sees a small burst of energy and Gilfer spots a green bead of energy arc up to the giant and fly behind him then suddenly burst into fire. It bellows then strikes Gilfer very hard.

The giant’s reach is holding the group in check but a second burst of energy is seen as Gussa casts a second fireball spell. The giant is fading fast after the second blast. The first blast was largely absorbed by the trees around it. Not so with the second blast. Piik kneecaps it and Nite chews on it ankles keeping it where it is. Unable to flee Gilfer finishes it off.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were a mage?!?” asks Leaffa to the Gnome.

“Everything is short about her. Short in height and in notice.” Sneers the shifter soul blade.

Piik says nothing. In fact he seems distracted.

“I am indeed a sorcerer but I do not know the area. Thankyou Piik and Leaffa for the help.” Says Gussa from within her ring of protective guards.

Gilfer spits out some blood before taking a healing potion he traded for.

That night they camp at the ruins of a small stone building. Only the stone floor and pieces of the walls remain of the 25-foot square structure. Gussa and her guards sit on one side of the fire and the three adventurers and Nite on the other.

Gussa pulls out the map and compares it the stars and considers her location. When Leaffa walks over, the gnome partially hides the map. “We should reach the site tomorrow around mid day.” The Gnome sorcerer says while rolling up the map.

“Are you sure?” asks the shifter.

Piik, bored with the on going height jokes curls up in the corner of the ruin. Nite settles down near him.

“So what is the necklace again? An heirloom?” asks Leaffa.

“It doesn’t matter to you. I have…..” the gnome begins to say while feeling defensive.

“Yelp!” Cries out Piik as vines have quietly stretched out and wrapped around his legs. Nite has rolled away the vines as they try to ensnare him also.

Piik is quick to reach for his axe and cuts away the binding vines. Gilfer also steps up and burns the vines with a piece of burning wood from the fire even as they reach out to grab anyone remaining in the back of the ruins. Piik finishes off the assassin vine very quickly once on his feet.

Piik choices a different corner to lay down and everyone else settles down now that the threat is over.

The next morning comes without further incident and they continue on their way. Gussa and Gilfer continue to glare at each other. Leaffa tries to get the shifter to stop and Piik continues to be in his own world. No one notices his distraction.

“Shortly” (as Gilfer would say) they arrive at the ruins they were searching for. Looking to show off, the shifter races up the wall to check out the roof. The stone building is roughly 50ft wide and 75 feet deep with a stone flat roof. One section of roof has collapsed. There are no windows, only a wide front entrances with no door. Thick vines cover the entrance instead.

Peering into the holes on the roof the shifter can hear something within the building. As he calls out two large monstrous mantis creatures jump from over hanging trees and land near him. A third one charges through to the doorway and between the vines and a surprised bugbear stops there.

Gilfer flees the rooftop luring the creatures to the edge where Gussa pulls out a wand and strikes them with a magic missile spell. The fighters surround her as guards. Nite snarls the creature within the doorway but can not get at it. Piik smacks it hard but not hard enough as he is struck in return.

Leaffa climbs onto the roof but is snared by a mantis that easily grapples her. Finishing off his mantis Piik tries to climb the wall to help Leaffa but is himself grappled. With a person in each hand, the insect is uncertain which to chew on first.

Between the spells and psionic knives, the second mantis is killed. Leaffa pulls free and slides off the roof to heal herself. Piik pulls free and destroys the mantis…. Over and over again. NEVER piss off the bugbear.

Going inside, they discover the building is sub-divided into three rooms. All are empty except for a set of stairs leading down. Gussa is quick to enter the descending stairs.

After several light spells are cast and even more torches are lit, they begin to explore the stairs going down several dozen feet. Just as Piik was about to complain about the length of the stairs they reach a small room. From this room are three doorways.

Gilfer checks out one door and tries to pick it only to have Piik push it open. Unlocked. Gussa smiles and giggles at the embarrassed shifter then pushes past him to be the first to possibly glimpse the necklace.


It leads to an empty room.

Turning, they try the door opposite of this one. Also unlocked and empty. Turning slowly to the last door with an unnerving grin, Gussa asks Piik to level the door. He does with his hammer. Gilfer is beside himself. He is tired of her slights. “Short on manners?” he commits but she has already entered the hallway beyond the now smashed in door.

A 50ft long hallway leads to a large round room with a round raised stage. On the stage is a pedestal. Gussa hurries to it and finds what looks like a bust lacking the arms and head…. And necklace. Nothing.
Piik and Nite’s sensitive noses find something very sinister behind the platform. A dead beholder. Burn marks from magical attacks and arrows are embedded into its monstrous body. “Looks like someone was here already and looted the place.” Says Gilfer. He then begins to laugh.

Now extremely angered, Gussa slowly turns to him and waves her hand and says something too quietly to be heard by the others. Gilfer finds his body is not his to control. He drops his shield and dissolves his weapon. Then he begins to pummel his own face. Piik rushes over to grapple him worries there are evil spirits at work. Gilfer stops hitting himself but does nothing. He stands there rigid and at attention. Gussa walks up to him and stares at his face.

“Servant… follow me. We are leaving.” And she leaves with him following her. Piik is slack jawed and Leaffa wonders if a spell was caste onto him by the gnome.

Eventually the shifter returns to being himself. He snarls and throws a tirade but once he makes eye contact with the gnome he quiets down and redirects his aggression elsewhere. It is a long and quiet walk back to the Wine Tree two days later.

Each are paid their 100 gold then dismissed. Two days later a carriage arrives and they leave with Gilfer giving her a wave and an universal sign of displeasure. Piik sighs quietly. Things are returning to normal.

“Epilogue: Secrets”

Gussa and her four human guards get on board the carriage and begin their return trip to Karrnath. She is still angry that the necklace was “stolen” from her and also irritated by that shifter. She may have to return to deal with him at some other time. She pulls another necklace out from her traveling outfit. It is green. Emerald green. She concentrates and a hazy image of a near skeletal image appears within the claw pictured on the necklace.

“My queen….. I have failed to retrieve the necklace of immortality. Someone else has collected it ahead of us.”

Piik sits down in his timber home and settles in for the night. He picks up a whetstone and his axe. He is about to start his daily ritual of sharpening his axe but stops. His gaze wanders to the hammer. The wonderful oversized hammer. He puts the tools away and looks briefly at his axe. A weapon he has possessed since leaving his tribe in Darguun many years ago. He frowns with tightly pressed lips then places the axe aside. He picks up his hammer and looks at the solid metal head of it. “Hello Lord Gutterson. What stories of glory can you tell me tonight?” The hammer’s head gently glows and the bugbear quietly sits back in his hammock and closes his eyes. He dreams. He dreams of the glory that was Lord Butaral Gutterson Planeswalker. He dreams of what glory may be his.

The tavern keeper has had few stories to tell in the past few days. The arrival of the explorers worries him. Task, a druid that worships the cold and has questionable ethics has gone missing. He believes he has gone with the human and elf. Perhaps nothing will come of it but he still wonders and fears several of the “what ifs” that can happen. Then there is Gussa. There is an aura of evil about her though nothing can be detected magically on her. The necklace she described to Leaffa is familiar to him. It is largely what brought him to the Eldeen Reaches. Quietly he unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt. He pulls out a necklace. A triangle with three overlapping circles. The necklace of Immortality. He first found the necklace in the year 766. Over 2 hundred years ago. That is a long time for a human to live. A very long time.

and thus the third story is completed. This was a short one due to time restraints I had and the kids were only 500 pts from leveling up so I looked for something just to get them over the hump. They now have two possible returning foes. One of House Cannith and the other the Emerald Claw. We also got to know a bit more about the team's lore expert. More on Piik and his Maul of the Titans at a later time.

Feel free to comment (the kids will love it as well as myself). later when we begin Mama Jura.

We're back.

A death in the family delayed the game including Tim's destiny so here we go again......

“Mama Juro”

Nymm 3, 997

The small little settlement hidden in the southern most part of the Eldeen reaches along the Byeshk Mountains is growing. Once it held a small tavern, a healer’s hut and a blacksmith’s forge. Now a paladin from outside of the forest is building a small temple. Other small settlements are being built nearby. Most by farmers but others by retired adventurers and soldiers from the war looking for a place to call home.

As such, the influence of the Dragonmarked Houses is increasing. Today it is by a gnome on a magebred horse. He rides in and stops at the Winetree. He hops off and stretches his legs from the hard ride. Getting an envelope out of a bag he marches into the tavern.

“Welcome to the Winetree. I have little for Zilargo fruit wines but perhaps an Elven wine?” offers a friendly old man smoking a fine looking pipe. The other people here also take note of the traveler. Gilfer, a shifter adventurer, a bugbear wielding a hammer eight-foot long and a druid named Arkoose whom is an Orc.

“Later perhaps. First I must locate a noble from Aundair.”

“You have found him I believe.”

“You are….?”

“Sir John ir’Gunther of Aundair now of Eldeen Reaches.”

The gnome hands over the envelope. The tavern keeper looks it over then opens it while looking at the gnome. “It’s from my granddaughter.” A look of concern mixed with happiness falls onto his face.

As the others are waiting for more, another druid enters the room accompanied by a badger. The final member of the Eldeen Heroes has arrived along with her animal companion Nite.

“Kerri is coming here in a few months. To visit.” Sir John says absently.

“Who is Kerri? Asks Leaffa.

“She is my granddaughter. She is also an adventurer of sorts. She will be here in a few months to visit.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

A short pause then Sir John begins again. “She and I don’t talk much. If she is here, it is not for me…. She is looking for something.”

Before anyone else can ask more questions another stranger enters the tavern. A farmer whom looks haggard and tired. He sits at the bar and asks for a drink. After a few sips he gulps his drink and says thankyou. “I am looking for three people said to live in this area. The Heroes of Eldeen.”

Piik dips his head low and shoulders himself to hide from view. Gilfer says nothing and waits for Leaffa to say it all. “We are here. What can we do for you?”

“I am Gus Furok from Green Valley. I have come here looking for you.”

“Here we are.” The druid says while motioning to the table where Piik and Gilfer are.

“A beloved member of our village is in trouble. We fear for her and want someone to help her. It may involve the talents of experienced adventurers. Adventurers like yourselves.”

“What is wrong?”

“We are uncertain but we believe it involves one of her children.”

“We can help you and her.” Leaffa says in new concern for a mother in need. “What is her name?”

“Mama Jura.”

“Mama Jura’s Problem”

Nymm 4, 997

After traveling the next day to the Green Valley, the Heroes of Eldeen begin to travel up the trail that leads to the woman’s home. The village is poor and simple. Crops do not grow well in the rocky soil and the farm animals seem underfed. Mama Jura is described as being something of a hermit that is highly respected and honored by the people of Green Valley.

Going up into the higher hills the group reaches the entrance to a cave where Mama Jura is said to live. Gilfer stops the group at the entrance. Looking into the dirt and sand he spots several footprints of small figures that appeared to be running out of the cave. Looking further into the cave he sees huge reptilian footprints.

With more caution, they enter the cave. About fifty feet in the cave branches to the right. At the entrance of this area Gilfer spots four small sets of foot prints mixed in with the fleeing ones and reptilian ones. Still being cautious, the four of them enter the area of the cave the footprints lead to. Inside is a set of four beds and a chest to place extra blankets. The beds are sized for humans.

“Nothing to squish.” Says Piik looking around. His battle-axe readied.

“Where is the woman?” asks Gilfer looking around.

“What made these tracks?” asks Leaffa looking around at the small humanoid tracks.

“Maybe whatever chased them off is to be squished.” Says Piik.

Nite sniffs at the reptilian tracks and shakes his head in disgust. Leaffa is about to ask what it is that bothers him so much when Gilfer leaves the room and goes further down the hall.

They reach another branch but skip it. Warm air can be felt from ahead of them. Maybe it is Mama Jura’s health. The four sets of small tracks lead in and can be seen fleeing also. They follow the tracks to the next area around the corner.

“WHO IS THERE?” A loud voice calls out. It vibrates within their heads and body.

Piik swings his axe around to strike. Gilfer powers up his mindblade. Leaffa debates whom to summon up and Nite just continues to pod up behind everyone ready to attack…. with some hesitation.


Piik looks at Gilfer and together they rush around the corner. As normal, Leaffa has cast a light spell on Gilfer shield. The lit shield reveals….. a large scaled and horned head. The head of a green dragon! A HUGE green dragon!


“oh carp.” Whispers the bugbear.

[ Tim says something that makes me remind him about the use of adult language ]

Leaffa stops and stares.

Nite stops outside of the room deciding it would be better NOT to enter unless the druid insists.

“We…. We were sent here by the villagers.” Says Leaffa with a great deal of caution.


Gilfer spots something under the dragon. Something green and blue with a rough surface. An egg!

“We came from below. The villagers were … afraid…. The villagers were concerned for you.” Continues Leaffa.


“No. We were under the understanding that you needed help. Our help.” Leaffa says with the most calming voice she can muster.


Gilfer motions to Piik. Piik sees the eggs now himself. He lowers his axe and does not put it away. He is not advancing either.

“Who are… the little people?” Gilfer asks.


Piik scratches his arm in uncertainty. “So many halflings….. which ones?”


The three of them turn to look at each other with rolling eyes. In unison… The Ghallanda Halflings.

“What did they take?” asks Leaffa with a lot of caution and fear of the answer as she now also sees the eggs.


“uhhhhh….. I don’t understand.” Stumbles the bugbear. Gilfer would kick him in the shin if he were closer.

“An egg? They took an egg?” asks Leaffa.


Piik feels stupid and uncomfortable around the dragon. Maybe even a bit fearful (though he would never admit it.)

“Do you….. do you know where they went?” asks Leaffa.


The three of them look over their shoulders towards the exit.

“PLEASE. WILL….. WILL YOU HELP ME?” A look of great and deep sorrow crosses the Dragon’s eyes and body. Her pain is nearly as felt as the fear aura she had sent out.

“It’s what we came to do. Yes we will help you.” Answers Leaffa.


“Yes.” Says Leaffa. Both Piik and Gilfer whirl around and glare at her in disbelief.

“Follow Those Halflings. ”

Nymm 4, 997

Uncertain at what else to do the Eldeen Heroes begin with what few clues they have.

Four Halflings

One has a Dragonmark

They are Hyperactive and will stand out

They have a large bulky egg they are carrying

They left foot prints at the mouth of Jura’s cavern home

They begin by following the tracks as best as they can.

The halflings are not true adventurers. They have not tried to hide their tracks and they have taken the main road to the village and presumably out of it also. While in the village of Green Valley they are able to get some weak horses to travel with and a small hay cart. One villager had spoken to the halflings. He learned they were headed to the Lake Galifar.

So the Eldeen Heroes begin to follow them again.

The first day of travel is very slow. The donkeys are slow and slowed even more by pulling the cart. Tracking the halflings is not easy. But then again none of the group are excellent trackers. Nite seems to be the only one that can follow them.

The next day picks up with them stopping at another small village. The halflings stand out and everyone remembers them. One villager remembers something about the Queen of Aundair was mentioned by the halflings.

They follow on through the ever-thickening forest on their way to the Lake and hopefully catch up with the halflings…. And the egg. On their way they come across a broken down wagon. The wheels are broken and the animals are gone. There are no people there.

“What happened?” asks Gilfer as he looks at the broken wagon.

“Halflings.” Says Piik with no uncertainty.

“No. Not them. Something else.”

“Are you sure?” asks Piik as he kneels down. “Four sets of footprints… all small. Looks like they were playing in the mud. Stupid halflings.”

They gather around the puddle and indeed, there are four sets of tracks. The tracks go forward then split up and exit into the woods. Walking slowly the four of them spot new tracks. They look like… warforged tracks! The tracks are two toed and block shaped. However they seem small for warforged. Piik, once had seen small warforged in Breland. They are called scouts. Looking at the tracks, they seem to be following the halflings. Piik, Leaffa and Nite go to one side following the tracks. Gilfer goes to the other side in case those halflings have the egg.

Instead they of the halflings or warforged scouts they find…. Strange warforged-like creatures with claws and crystals on them. They charge as best as they can within the forest. Piik switches to the hammer to destroy the constructs. He finds the hammer works better on non-moving doors and walls. The battle goes poorly especially as more of them show up challenging Gilfer.

In the end they win and defeat the rampaging constructs.

But still no halflings.

Further up the road Gilfer hears a strange loud sound. It sounds like a familiar sound but not quite the same. They reach a bridge and see several very large frogs in bog. A small foot is sticking out of the mouth of one of the frogs.

“uh-oh….” Says Piik thinking what the others are all thinking….. is that a halfling foot in its mouth and if so… is there an egg there also?

Gilfer moves to the edge of the bridge and calls up a mindblade. Piik figures this means its time to squish. Leaffa summons up a wolverine to rip and tear any frogs as they reach land (assuming they will). And yes, they are still hungry and hop forward to attack. Piik and Gilfer find them to be tougher than expected. But in time they are all killed. Leaffa also had summoned up a crocodile to attack them. Her control over it is not very good as one takes a frog to the bottom and plants it there for “later”. As the bugbear and shifter are cutting open frogs looking for halflings and eggs Leaffa mentally battles her summoned ally for the last body. Eventually it does bring up that one also (the one with a leg sticking out) and find nothing but a halfling. One of THE halflings.

And no egg (or the remains of).

“Let’s get going.” Leaffa says.

“Random Encounters to the Lake”

Night of Nymm 5, 997

Too tired to continue the Eldeen Heroes stop and camp deep within the woods but not far from the road leading to the Lake Galifar. Piik sharpens his axe while staring at his hammer. Gilfer cleans his clothes from the mud and slime of the dead frogs. Leaffa uses up her healing spells on the others then prepares to meditate for her next days spells.

During her turn to watch the campsite she hears something in the forest. A distant screech like an owl but more from a giant owl. She watches the night sky in case of a Giant Owl that is hunting. She spots no giant owls but hears a few tree branches crack nearby. She immediately tries to wake everyone. Gilfer is slow to awaken but Piik merely rolls over and gently burps the prior meal. Another branch breaks but closer now. Another growling hoot can be heard… very close now.

Gilfer, nervous from the sounds grabs a small branch that is burning and “tickles” Piik’s foot. Piik awakens from the pain. Snarling and sweeping his clawed hands at everything around him he tries to attack the source of the fiery attack. Just as he is realizing he is attacking Gilfer the cause of the noise charges towards them. As large as a Dire Bear but with the head of an owl and taloned claws with a thick coat of armor-like feathers the Owl Bear strikes. Nite is knocked clear across the camp. It then turns onto the two arguing fighters.

Instead it moves around the stunned heroes and the horse is nearly taken down in one blow. Snapping out of it, Piik attacks and nearly takes an arm off. Gilfer strikes with his powered up mindblade. Followed by arrows from Leaffa the owl bear’s savage attack comes to a sudden end.

Leaffa finishes her rite to renew her spells and uses them to heal the villager’s horse and the team.

They reach another village late in the morning. Stopping for supplies, they learn of the halflings crossing through the day before. One tavern owner asks if they are traveling to Passage for the festival. A festival where the queen herself will be attending. It is where the halflings are going. One halfling had a large bag.

Leaffa pushes for them to hurry and get after the halflings. She hopes to reach them before they begin to cross the lake. The supply shop owner she spoke to had mentioned the halflings were asking about boating costs at the lake.

Late in the day they are riding through an area of high grass and tall shaded trees. Watching the area and recognizing it as a good ambush point, Gilfer spots something in the large tree ahead of them. The tree over hangs over the road. He spots a straight “branch” that he recognizes as an arrow as it is being drawn back.

Leaffa stops the cart which disrupts the ambush as several skin pebbly skinned humanoids run out of the grass with javelins drawn. Piik screams out loud and leaps into the air in a crazed charge. He annihilates the creature in one blow (charge +critical with battle axe- personal record for 6th level character- 93 pts in one single blow! And no magic enhancement to boot!!!!)

Several more Forest Trolls come out. Gilfer attacks the “tree” which at first confused Leaffa until a stunned and injured troll falls out of the tree. Nite takes a bite out of one ambusher and finds they taste extremely poorly.

Leaffa uses her bow and fires onto the last troll as Gilfer finishes off his despite its regeneration. Piik and the druid finish off the last one. Nite is sick from the flesh of the troll, which is vile to begin with but decays quickly once away from the main body.

They reach the shore a few hours later. The village of Verdant Shore has a large dock area that acts as a trade center for Eldeen Reaches to Thrane and Aundair. Gilfer is caught more than once staring at the seamlessly endless water as he looks at the huge lake. Piik looks about and mutters something about being in Aundair again. “Again?” asks Gilfer. Piik ignores him and motions to a ship that appears to be for rent.

They learn the halflings have already been here and taken a ship to Passage. Leaffa makes it clear that they need to catch them. They are directed to a smaller ship with a strange configuration. It is a special magical ship used by the Dragonmarked house of the Storm- Lyrandar.

Leaffa tries to convince the ½ elf captain that they are on an important mission and need to reach Passage as soon as possible. He agrees… at the standard rate. Only by pooling their money and resources can the young heroes afford to hire the captain to head to Passage immediately and in a hurry. Even then, it will take nearly two days to reach Passage.
Leaffa insists on taking the horse and wagon. The captain is okay with that so long as they do the loading. Easier said than done as the dock is narrow and there is nothing but planks to load and unload supplies.

The crew is entertained for many minutes as they try to figure out how to do it. Piik doesn’t have the rare strength to pull or push the scared horse and wagon. Gilfer has no skills for animals. Leaffa tries to calm the horse and lead it. For the effort, the horse almost falls into the lake! Frustrated with it, Gilfer suggests calling up some help. To the amazement of the crew a Dire Ape arrives and aids Piik to wield the wagon as Leaffa once more calms the horse and gets it to cross the plank. This done, the crew clap and cheer and they begin their first water adventure.

“Random Encounter on the Lake”

Nymm 8, 997

Piik is not doing well on the open water. Gilfer is not enjoying it either. Leaffa regularly calms the horse that is scared from the roaring wind that drives the elemental ship. It is fast and travels over halfway across the lake by dawn. At this point the crew has settled down but do not mingle with the heroes.

Captain Tudaraen d’Lyrandar warns them about their papers (or lack of). Passage will require such papers to travel especially with the international festival that is occurring there now. Having never left the border of Eldeen both Leaffa and Gilfer ask Piik about this. Piik admits he had illegally sneaked across borders to reach Eldeen from Darguun.

Late morning, Gilfer looks up and spots something in the sky. Something large and flying on feathered wings. When he tries to point it out, the creature flies in line with the sun making it impossible to see. The captain is certain he is imagining something.

Gilfer is very certain he saw something. The captain suggests it could have been a dragonhawk which are sometimes seen in Aundair though rarely over the lake. Then the captain sees it. He is certain it is a dragonhawk though a bit big. It dives down at them but the air elemental ring pushes it away from the crew whom gathers under its protective cover.

Arrow and mindblades are used to try to hit it but all miss. It flies high above the ship again then dives once more. The horse is startled this time but Gilfer gets one hit in. It circles again just out of reach of the arrows. The creature circles again for a few minutes. Everyone below readies their attacks and fire as it attacks once more. Several hits make it land on the deck wounded. The creature resembles a giant eagle but with molted feathers. The skin below is black and almost rocky in appearance. The eyes are blood red. (Giant Eagle with Chaos Creature Template).

The ship begins to slow down as the land can be seen in the distance. Many masts are visible in the bay that leads into Passage. Navel flags represent many different nations and noble houses. The captain looks at his ship and the crew and sighs deeply.

Grateful for the help the Heroes of Eldeen did that saved his ship and crew he decides to help them. He arranges for a means to get papers and a cover story to avoid the authorities… at least for a bit. Once more they entertain the crew to move the horse and cart off the ship. At least this time proper ramps are offered.

“Festival of Nations”

Nymm 8, 997

It nearly costs the heroes the remaining money they had but House Sivis sets them up with Ids and Traveling Papers. The Gnome grumbles a great deal with making papers for Piik.

Now for the hard part…. To find three Dragonmarked halflings within a city that is celebrating a world wide festival filled with food, art and festivities.

As they walk around the city looking for clues to where the halflings are. Security more than once watch and follow Piik but he somehow avoids them.

“How will we ever find them?!?” Leaffa says in frustration.

Gilfer spots a bulletin board that lists events for the festival. They go to it and find out about several food related parties. However there is nothing about the queen.

“Now what?!?” Piik growls.

“Anything about the queen?” asks Leaffa.


“Passage is a big place.” Says Piik.

“we know that.”

“What I mean is it’s big…. Important. Does she have a home here?”

“Hummm…. Good point.” Gilfer looks at the map. “Nothing….”

“She would be well guarded…. Maybe we need to think that way. Where is the most guards?”

“Where to look?” asks Piik again.

“Look for the fanciest place?” offers Gilfer. The three of them turn and stop as they spot the flagged towers of a very tall building. “There.” They say in unison.

They fight the crowds, which become denser as they near the building. Security is more so. “How will we get in there?”

“We can’t give up…. Not yet… not now.” Leaffa looks about. She then spots motion. Staring into the dense crowd she sees…. Three halflings! “There!” As she points the laughing halflings suddenly stop and frown. They note she is pointing to them and they spot her… and Nite. A vivid memory of Nite is all it takes for them to turn and try to run. Generally the ground disperses as Piik charges through them. Though no weapon is drawn they are clear to see.

The halflings run around a corner and Piik and Gilfer give chase. They go down an alley and they go to follow but find themselves suddenly sliding and slipping. Piik crashes into a wall and Gilfer then into him. Leaffa goes over and discovers magical grease on the ground. The halflings literally gave them the slip. So close yet so far away.

She looks back to the entrance and sees the three of them enter the main gate. The halfling with the bag stops and speaks to the guards. He points in their general direction. That guard then calls out to others and they look to the Eldeen Heroes.

“Time to go.” Says Gilfer.

“But we can’t stop…. Not yet.” Retorts Leaffa.

“Too late.” Grumbles Piik.

They turn and find themselves with several guards drawing weapons including one with a wand that is glowing.

“Hold and be accounted for.” The female dwarf commands.

“oh carp.”

“Unexpected Aid”

Nymm 8, 997

This next segment will be more of a footnote. The day after we ran this game my mother (their grandmother) passed away unexpectedly. For the next month I did nothing but deal with the issues related to a loved one passing away. In that time I have forgotten much of the details of the segment so here are the DM notes I had written down slightly fleshed out.

1) The group learns officially the halflings are to cook the dragon egg for the Queen of Aundair as a high light of a food festival hosted by House Ghallanda.
2) When guards are not looking they escape
3) Return to the Resturant
4) Look for ways in
5) Be watched by a woman in the crowd
6) Attempt to sneak in
7) Chased away by guards that are aware of their wishes to enter the building
8) Watch from the rooftop of the building next door
9) Woman that was watching them comes to the rooftop
10) She has been monitoring them for some time and wants to know what is up
11) They tell her the entire story
12) Intrigued, she decides to help them
13) Leaves then returns with a very fashionable dress and asks Leaffa to wear it.
14) Using a pass, she gets Leaffa into the resturant while the guys watch
15) Takes time but they locate the egg…. Still intact
16) The mystery woman distracts the guards within the resturant as Leaffa steals the egg
17) They meet up with the guys
18) Guards and halflings are going nuts below
19) Piik notes the mystery woman seems pleased
20) Gilfer asks for her name. “You may call me Thorn.”
21) They flee the city with the egg
22) The woman known as Thorn is happy to complete her mission. (Nyrielle Tam is a Dark Lantern for Breland. Her mission was to embarrass Aundair (Queen is even better) and embarrass the Dragonmarked houses some also.
23) Get back to Mama Jura’s home with the egg intact
24) Mama Jura thanks them and reminds them they may collect one item from her
25) As she sayes this the egg cracks and tears.
26) Baby Green Dragon is hatched. All get to watch.
27) In sincere gratitude Jura names the child after them- PiikLeafer
28) PCs swear to visit whenever possible.

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