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D&D 5E Elemental Planes Survival Kit


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My group may be taking our first trip to the Elemental Planes. Probably just going to the elemental plane of Air, but want to be ready in case we get sidetracked or forced to one of the other planes. To that effect my warlock is preparing a kit to keep him alive and well when he's there. I'm looking for advice on any common and/or uncommon magic items that would help me survive, communicate or travel in these environments. Please let me know what you think I should include, thanks!

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I'd think the Necklace of Adaptation would be a good one. In pretty much every plane except Air, breathing can be a problem.

Well as long as you don't go too deep into the Elemental Planes it should not be. They start out dominated by one element but still fairly like the material plane. It's only if you go too far into it that you get to Pure Earth, Air, Fire or Water.


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If you're planning on bring anything flammable to the Plane of Fire, don't

No scrolls. No flammable clothes. No hair. No wood of any kind. Not even if those things are magic.

Try for a Helm of Telepathy, if you can swing it. And some way of storing and retrieving large amounts of cheap food.



That depends, how strictly singular-element are you running the planes?

That is to say, does the plane of air contain any floating islands? Plant life? Water?

Does the plane of fire have any physical ground? Sulfuric springs which could be purified (via: Purify Food and Drink)? Any plants that can take the heat?

Does the plane of water have any islands?

I've seen the planes run eight ways from Sunday and everyone seems to want to get creative with them. So what he needs really depends on how you plan on running them, and what the player can reasonably know about them. There's no point in planning if he knows nothing about them.


First Post
That depends, how strictly singular-element are you running the planes?

That is to say, does the plane of air contain any floating islands? Plant life? Water?

Does the plane of fire have any physical ground? Sulfuric springs which could be purified (via: Purify Food and Drink)? Any plants that can take the heat?

Does the plane of water have any islands?

I've seen the planes run eight ways from Sunday and everyone seems to want to get creative with them. So what he needs really depends on how you plan on running them, and what the player can reasonably know about them. There's no point in planning if he knows nothing about them.

Shidaku has a good point here, depending on how you are planning on running it the Warlock could spend his entire fortune on scrolls of levitation or water breathing because there is not a single spot of land in the planes of air or water (respectively). Or he might not need to spend a single gold piece, there is some form of solid ground around the gate and there can be a few landmasses in the form of islands and whatnot. Sure in a general sense it would be wise to have items that help you fly or not plummet to your death in the plane of air, items to help you climb in the plane of earth, resist fire in the plane of fire, and swim/breathe water in the plane of water.

Other than that you can make him buy as little or as much as you want, of course I'd have them at least go through the planar gate at least once or for them to find a tome of lore depicting the plane itself before describing it to them. Free info on a place literally not of the world you are from is too much for me, sure they can make generalizations but for them to know that, "You should bring a ship to the plane of water because it's dotted with islands." is completely different than, "You will need to breathe underwater because, the planar gate starts at the bottom of an endless ocean, a magical barrier enveloping a small area about a hundred feet around is the sole area entrapped with air that is visible, the area beyond is pitch black."
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This is what the Elemental Planes are supposed to be like in 5e.


Pretty much like the material plane but dominated by one element. Once you go beyond the borders of the map there you get into the Inner elemental planes were it becomes Pure fire, water, etc.

But don't take too much stock in my words if your DM decides to run it diffrently. But if he owns the DMG. I am betting it will be like this.


If you're planning on bring anything flammable to the Plane of Fire, don't

No scrolls. No flammable clothes. No hair. No wood of any kind. Not even if those things are magic.

Try for a Helm of Telepathy, if you can swing it. And some way of storing and retrieving large amounts of cheap food.

Nah dude, it's fine, not even the most powerful fire spell in existence can set fire to anything if you're wearing or carrying it! :p

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