WOIN Elements of Magic General Enhancements Table


The Elements of Magic system has the table of General Enhancements, which includes duration, range, area of effects, and casting time cost reduction.

Unfortunately for my sanity, there's multiple versions of the table. The table changing from 1.1 to 1.2 wasn't much of a problem or a surprise, however the table available on the woinrules doesn't match either of them.

For the range and duration this isn't an issue since those columns haven't changed, but for the duration and casting time reduction there's a pretty significant difference, and they also make an impact on other aspects of the system, e.g. duration, spread being drastically affected by how expensive a 1 minute duration is.

So the question just comes down to, which one is right? The one in the 1.2 hardcover, or the one on the website?

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I'd love to help, but I've never used the WOIN Magic system, so I'm unqualified to advise on this question. I'm currently running a modern day espionage action campaign using the NOW rules primarily.

The Elements of Magic system has the table of General Enhancements, which includes duration, range, area of effects, and casting time cost reduction.

Unfortunately for my sanity, there's multiple versions of the table. The table changing from 1.1 to 1.2 wasn't much of a problem or a surprise, however the table available on the woinrules doesn't match either of them.

For the range and duration this isn't an issue since those columns haven't changed, but for the duration and casting time reduction there's a pretty significant difference, and they also make an impact on other aspects of the system, e.g. duration, spread being drastically affected by how expensive a 1 minute duration is.

So the question just comes down to, which one is right? The one in the 1.2 hardcover, or the one on the website?
The EoM and magic item systems are two parts of the ruleset that would need some official cleanup. I know that a 1.3 is not even planned, but I hope that it will eventually tackle some of these issues.
In the meanwhile I'd go for the table that results in the best gameplay experience at my table


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Honestly, I don't remember how those got different or what order they were posted in. Which are you using?


Honestly, I don't remember how those got different or what order they were posted in. Which are you using?
I've mostly been using the one in the book right now because it's the one in the book, but I like the balance of the one on the website better, and it has more granular duration costs. I've just recently started using the one on the site in my games but it hasn't come up enough yet for me to have strong feelings from play.

Voidrunner's Codex

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