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[ELH] Epic level Prismatic spells: ???

Dark Eternal

First Post
Ok, so I realize that I'm probably way behind the times, but the fact is that our main D&D campaign has only recently reached Epic levels (finally!) and therefore our Dungeon Master has only just recently lifted his ban on players looking through the ELH.

So I promptly got to work on the one thing that I've been waiting for: Epic level magic. It's great and all, but...

I've kind of run into some difficulty here. I want to create an Epic manifestation of the Prismatic effect, but I can't figure out how I should do it. The only way that seems feasible based on what I've seen so far would require combining half a dozen different spell seeds! By that process, an Epic spell that exactly duplicated Prismatic Sphere would have a spellcraft DC somewhere in the 40 - 70 range, which is way beyond what a 17th level mage could cast. Am I missing something? Can anyone shed some light here?


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The EN World kitten
Dark Eternal said:

should I have posted this in another forum?

Well, considering this is sort of a "how do I do X within the rules" question, it probably should have gone in the rules forum. At least there you would have probably gotten more feedback than you did here. Maybe a moderator will slide it over for you.


First Post
I've kind of run into some difficulty here. I want to create an Epic manifestation of the Prismatic effect, but I can't figure out how I should do it. The only way that seems feasible based on what I've seen so far would require combining half a dozen different spell seeds!

Yep sometimes thats the only way you can do it, its not a very good system (imo its sh*te) and very rigid unless your GM can work it into their game without too many bugs.
What your better off doing is just trying to modify the existing seeds to come up with somethng interesting rather than re-working normal spells to make them epic. That way you can add-lib a little in their effects with GM's approval.

By that process, an Epic spell that exactly duplicated Prismatic Sphere would have a spellcraft DC somewhere in the 40 - 70 range, which is way beyond what a 17th level mage could cast.

Yep, thats the idea, keeps the lowbie riff-raff out of the trade.
Cya in about 3-5 more levels of wizzo or sorc before you can reasonably throw some of the bigger ones around :D
Epic = 20+ levels mate, soz

Knight Otu

First Post
Thresher said:

Yep, thats the idea, keeps the lowbie riff-raff out of the trade.
Cya in about 3-5 more levels of wizzo or sorc before you can reasonably throw some of the bigger ones around :D
Epic = 20+ levels mate, soz

Errm, he was talking about the non-epic spell Prismatic Sphere, engineered as an Epic Spell. :D

Your best bet might be either ad-hoc-ing the prismatic effects, or develop a Prismatic spell seed using the sidebar in the Epic Spells chapter. Obviously, both paths require the DM's approval.

Geoff Watson

First Post
Dark Eternal said:

should I have posted this in another forum?

Maybe wait more than quarter of an hour for a responce?

Firstly, wait until you are 21st level (at least) and get the Epic Spellcasting feat.

Then, grab your +30 to Spellcraft item, and you should have little trouble with the skill check. What do you mean you don't have one? Well make one then.

Or make up a new 'Prismatic' seed based on one of the 'Prismatic' spells.



First Post
So let me get this straight, you want to create an epic version of a 7th lvl spell? Umm... why?

Need a bit more info about what you are actually trying to do here...

Dark Eternal

First Post
Okay, I believe I should clairify somewhat.

My observation regarding the 17th level wizard was only by way of pointing out that, as I understood it, the spellcraft dc's for successfully casting Epic spells were based on the lowest level of wizard that could cast a spell that did some form of what the Epic spell does. Since Prismatic Ray is the lowest level prismatic spell, then I would have expected that the spellcraft dc for an epic spell that basically duplicated said Ray should be somewhere around 26. Instead, it looks like it would be twice that.

As for what I was actually trying to do...

My character in question is a 23rd level sorcerer who has just acquired the Epic Spellcasting feat. He has a history of researching spells that are based on the Prismatic special effect; it's kind of his signiture spell progression. For my first Epic spell, I had in mind to develop a Prismatic Missle spell... you know, what if Magic Missles were made up of Prismatic energy instead of Force? I thought that this would make a good candidate for Epic level magic, as it goes beyond what traditional ninth-level magic can do, but it's really not that much more powerful than existing ninth level spells. Especially if it created, say, 1 missle per 10 levels of the caster, instead of 1 every 2. Thus, my 23rd level sorcerer could cast a spell that would, at best, target two opponents with the full nine yards of Prismatic goodness.

So, other than trying to persuade my DM to allow me to develop a Prismatic Spell Seed (which, by the way, is a really good suggestion, and one that hadn't occurred to me), does anyone have any advice? My character's spellcraft skill check is +44, so I have to be able to make the spell work with a final DC of less than about 54 to have even a 50/50 chance of it working.

Thanks, and thanks.

(And next time, I'll ask in the rules forum. ;) )

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