Elven/Elvish Names, Anyone Need One? (Closed, Use new thread)

My elven names are...

  • ...just made up to sound neat.

    Votes: 28 23.5%
  • ...somewhat elvish-sounding.

    Votes: 56 47.1%
  • ...Pure Elvish.

    Votes: 35 29.4%

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Witch Doctor

First Post
Are you still taking requests? at work and no time read all of this, but here goes:

College friend needed a cool non-english name for a sword in a short story. Runes on the sword translate into "death killer".

I suggested Elven for the language, but neither one of us know the language. Please, can you help us out?


First Post
Witch Doctor said:
Are you still taking requests? at work and no time read all of this, but here goes:

College friend needed a cool non-english name for a sword in a short story. Runes on the sword translate into "death killer".

I suggested Elven for the language, but neither one of us know the language. Please, can you help us out?

I'll be taking requests as long as people keep making them. ;)

As in Death Killer i.e. killer of death? Kinda Ironic, but here ya go:

Oyandengin Gurtha (One Who Slays Death)
Last edited:


First Post
In response to your survey.. I typically use Welsh (or my bastardized semi-understanding of welsh conjugation) when I'm really ambitious, not being quite nerdy enough to actually have a Quenya dictionary.. It gives a different sound, but a similar flavor in my opinion.

And to keep you entertained, Angcuru, I suppose you could take a crack at these:

Light (as in weight) shadow

Silver Shade

Wind's Song and/or Singing Wind

Sky Rider

Voidrunner's Codex

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