EN World City Project: NPC Contest #1... Final Results!!!!


Hail and Well Met, EN Worlders! The EN World City Project would like you to join us in the creation of Mor's End. More specifically, we need your help with NPCs to people the bustling streets of Mor's End.

Mor's End is a city-state on the edge of civilization. The city serves as a caravan hub. As such, it has become a melting pot of diverse cultures, races and ideas. Mor's End has a wealth of natural resources. From the sapphires that are found in the Mor River to the silk produced from the tendrils of the Silk Fish of Lake Enoria.

Being out on the edge of civilization presents Mor's End with unique challenges. The lands to the south of the city are filled with danger. Several humanoid raids have come from there, especially the swamps just south of the city.

The city's population is 10,200. The racial makeup of the city is... 40% human, 20% dwarf, 13% gnome, 8% humanoid, 6% halfling, 6% elf, 4% half-orc, 2% monstrous, 1% half-elf.

In keeping with the Iron DM, Iron NPC, and Ceramic DM traditions of the EN World Messageboards we will be holding a series of contests to develop the inhabitants of Mor's End.

Contest 1 = CR 0 - 2
Contest 2 = CR 3 - 4
Contest 3 = CR 5 - 6
Contest 4 = CR 7 - 8
Contest 5 = CR 9+
Contest 6 = Monstrous

This is the first of that series. Here are the ground rules for this contest.

CR: 0 - 2
Race: Must be from PHB
Time Limit: 48 hours
Ingredients: There will be 4 ingredients per round. One of those ingredients will be a Key Phrase as in "Beggars can't Be Choosers". The other three ingredients can be anything: objects, places, ideas, phrases, etc.

Key Phrase: "Beggars can't be choosers"
Other Ingredients: a scarlet feather, a circle of trees, "Bury the hatchet"

One round will consist of two contestants having 48 hours to create their NPC and post it to this thread.

The ingredients should be used in the background of the NPC. The Key Phrase should be integral to the background of the NPC. How the contestants weave the The Key Phrase into the background will be considered in judging.

The NPC should provide at least one plot hook for player characters to explore. If your NPC background/plot hook requires it... please provide statblocks for all major NPCs with which player characters may need to interact.

Only the main NPC is limited to the CR requirement. Your other NPCs may be other CRs... however, it should be noted that making the CRs too high will limit the usefulness of your plot hook. One way around this is to create more than one version of your other NPC. For example, you can make CR 2, CR 5 and CR 8 versions... or anything in between.

There is no length requirement or limit. Keep in mind that contestants only have 48 hours to complete the NPC.

Judging will be done by two EN World City Project Team Members.

Please use d20 Standard statblocks: http://www.d20statblock.org/standard/examples.html
Here's a useful statblock tool: http://mwtools.thyle.net/sb_gen.html

If you would like to see other NPC Submissions received during our open call check out these threads...

NPC Submissions

Crafts & Trade Submissions

If you are interested in participating in the contest, please post to this thread. Once we have enough contestants we will start the contest.

Good Luck,
The EN World City Project Team

EDIT: Made changes to clarify rules... also for some reason my commas became question marks... weird.
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Arthur Tealeaf

First Post
Re: EN World City Project: NPC Contest

lalato said:

CR: 0 ? 2
Race: Must be from PHB
Ingredients: Four (4) ingredients will be provided per round. At least one ingredient will be a common phrase.
Key Phrase: ?Beggars can?t be choosers?
Other Ingredients: a scarlet feather, a circle of trees, ?Bury the hatchet?
Time Limit: 48 hours

I don't understand this. Am I stupid? Four ingredients per round? What? Rounds? "?Beggars can?t be choosers?" ????

When you say "rounds" do you mean contests, as in contest 1, contest 2 etc. ?

I feel stupid, am I? For some reason I feel like I should have understood this..:confused:


First thing... there is no such thing as a stupid question... :)

There are 4 ingredients per round. One of those ingredients will be a Key Phrase as in "Beggars can't Be Choosers". The other three ingredients can be anything: objects, places, ideas, phrases, etc.

One round will consist of two contestants having 48 hours to create their NPC and post it to this thread.

Judging will be done by three EN World City Project Team Members.

Does that make better sense? Sorry for the confusion...


Arthur Tealeaf

First Post
lalato said:
First thing... there is no such thing as a stupid question... :)

There are 4 ingredients per round. One of those ingredients will be a Key Phrase as in "Beggars can't Be Choosers". The other three ingredients can be anything: objects, places, ideas, phrases, etc.

One round will consist of two contestants having 48 hours to create their NPC and post it to this thread.

Judging will be done by three EN World City Project Team Members.

Does that make better sense? Sorry for the confusion...


I understand everything now:p Thank you very much!

Voidrunner's Codex

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