EN World Milwaukee Game Day?


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Barendd Nobeard said:
Paging James....paging James.....
Hmmmmm, I have a feeling he will post here shortly.....

Sorry, was busy and email notice is obviously not working. Thanks for the phone call though :) Now if we can just get EnWorld to phone call ...

Barendd Nobeard said:
How many different tables can we set up, without impinging on the store? I've seen gamers in the back area, plus by the front door. I assume we can get 3-4 tables running at once.

We have one table for gamers in the front of the store. Then the back area (about 400sqft) has several tables, easily fitting 2 game groups. 3 there would be crowded, but certainly doable. Then in front of the counter is an area that can be filled with tables for whatever reason. Some of the isles can support some card tables. We do 30 player MTG tournaments on Fridays and thats about the number of chairs and tables we have... so something more then that might require some creative use of the space/tables/chairs.

As for prizes, I'm sure I'll have several tickets to Game Fest, I have about 8 or so used 3rd edtion books that someone donated to the store to give out to people. Several Fractal Mappers v6.0 from Nbos.com that I can hand out. Some t-shirts I have as well. So without begging, the store can hand out a good amount of swag. :)

As for a date, I think that the 3rd would be hard to get people since it's a holiday weekend that many travel. June 19, while closer then I'd like, will have to do.

What else can we (the store) do to help and or promote? Do we want to do an auction? I'm also considering a midnight sale where we give 20% off to everyone who comes out that late and 25% off for everyone in costume. Maybe we can mix the event. We normally close at 8pm.

Anyway, anyone willing to take the bull by the horn and help promote that would be great. Stop in and I'll get you flyers to pass around town.


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First Post
Lets try again

I think that with proper organization and time we can make this work. Lets give a second go.

Peace and smiles :)


Jaws said:
I think that with proper organization and time we can make this work. Lets give a second go.

Peace and smiles :)

Sounds good to me. We should call James at the store and ask about dates. I'm busy all weekend, but you can call or I will call him next week.

Let's keep it pretty informal, if we can. I would suggest that we run 3-4 games (at most) in the morning, and the same # in the afternoon. The store is big, but a lot of that space is taken up by product. There is some room to have a table or two out "on the floor" as well as a couple in the back.

Any thoughts on a timeframe? November? December? January?


First Post
Barendd Nobeard said:
Sounds good to me. We should call James at the store and ask about dates. I'm busy all weekend, but you can call or I will call him next week.

Let's keep it pretty informal, if we can. I would suggest that we run 3-4 games (at most) in the morning, and the same # in the afternoon. The store is big, but a lot of that space is taken up by product. There is some room to have a table or two out "on the floor" as well as a couple in the back.

Any thoughts on a timeframe? November? December? January?
I was thinking January. The holidays are a busy time.

I believe you should give James a call since you know him better than I do. I only go there once in a while because I have a couple game stores closer to me.

Peace and smiles :)


p.s. Barendd, send me an e-mail, jjaws9@charter.net , about the drive down for the Chicago gameday.

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