D&D 5E EN5ider #399 - Three Puzzles of the Feywild

Today's issue of EN5ider features a trio of puzzles with riddles and obstacles to test your party's skill with wordplay and logic!

Today's issue of EN5ider features a trio of puzzles with riddles and obstacles to test your party's skill with wordplay and logic!

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 399. Three Puzzles of the Feywild. Around the next corner of the dungeon or amidst a curious grove the adventurers encounter something they can't just fight or sneak their way past: a puzzle. Perhaps they have to answer riddles to pass Through the Looking Glass, outwit the Lily Pad Blinking instead of swimming through acid, or play between darkness and light with The Bright Flower—in any case they are in for a good session! Deviously designed by Will Gawned, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
  • 398. Mini-Adventure: Mr. Kite's Flying Circus. As the party recovers from their latest adventure they are treated to a surprise when the circus literally flies into town. Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus proves to be a series of mechanical marvels and spectacles powered by enslaved elementals, all open to the public for a mere few coins admittance. Skydive endlessly while held aloft by wind elementals, enjoy fireworks produced by fire elementals, and beat the heat with treats kept arctic cold by ice elementals. The adventurers may balk at the idea of enslaving elementals or enjoy the shows, but afterwards they’ll have a decision to make as they find a steam mephit stowed away in their gear. This mini-adventure for 4–5 PCs of 2nd–6th level was dastardly designed by Andrew Engelbrite and illustrated by Renan Moraes, with cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • 397. To Smite A Fiend: Part One. The macabre horrors of the Dark Winter have passed with the changing of the seasons and now Holdenshire County is preparing for an idyllic summer—a respite that will be denied. For a long time the reclusive Kalle Sirkesalo has been studying in earnest, delving into the nuances of magic as his servant Roland acquires secretive packages from afar each filled with rare and exotic reagents for arcane experiments. Now his research is nearly complete and the most critical phase has begun: the wizard is prepared to permanently summon divine beings to be his servants. The mage's ambitions are greater than his mastery however, and before long he brings much more to the realm than he ever intended. This PDF is an introduction to an all new adventure that brings the To Save A Kingdom Adventure Path to a conclusion, continuing right where To Stake A Vampire left off to take four PCs of 10th level up through 12th level.
  • 396. Dangerous Scenarios: Wyvern's Apprentice. While traveling across the desert you hear a cry from above, instantly spotting a winged shape soaring through the air. The next moments are a blur as kobolds suddenly appear all around you and magic starts assailing you from above, a blast of lightning turning the sands just a few feet away into glass! This Dangerous Scenario in the desert was deviously designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 395. Tabi's Automata. Tabi is a gnomish inventor and tinkerer who specializes in clockwork devices, particularly small automata designed to help adventurers and laborers with annoying but necessary tasks. These items are available for rent or lease, but she is quite reluctant to sell them as each is a labor of love—so all of them are time sensitive and if a client tries to abscond with the device it might stop working, becoming a nonfunctional assembly of gears, pistons and pulleys, or even be rigged to self-destruct if mishandled or stolen. These 10 mechanical wonders are extremely expensive to buy but are available for renting with a sizable deposit, so try out a Clockwork Mule to carry things about, a Map Minder to avoid getting lost, or consider a Mr. Handy to help out during the next dungeon delve! Dynamically designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Xanditz.
PSSSSSST: Issue #400 is amazing and you absolutely positively 100% should be looking for when it drops!

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Aaron L

Can we please give the "Feywild" a new name? Feywild just sounds so cutesy and twee. What happened to just calling it Faerie? Even calling it Faerieland has more of a classic pedigree. Just like "Shadowfell", which, as that old Penny Arcade strip points out, basically just means "The Darkbad" (with Double Hell, Scarytown, and the ultimate badness of Shadow Shadow Bo Badow below it! ;)) What happened to the plain (heh) old Plane of Shadow? These cheesy neologisms just irk me... not because they're new, but because they sound really cheesy to me.

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
Can we please give the "Feywild" a new name? Feywild just sounds so cutesy and twee. What happened to just calling it Faerie? Even calling it Faerieland has more of a classic pedigree. Just like "Shadowfell", which, as that old Penny Arcade strip points out, basically just means "The Darkbad" (with Double Hell, Scarytown, and the ultimate badness of Shadow Shadow Bo Badow below it! ;)) What happened to the plain (heh) old Plane of Shadow? These cheesy neologisms just irk me... not because they're new, but because they sound really cheesy to me.
In Level Up it's "the Dreaming"? :)

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