D&D 5E EN5ider #417 - Mini-Adventure: Night in the Library

It's getting positively bookish on EN5ider today and we want you to embrace it: spend a Night in the Library!

It's getting positively bookish on EN5ider today and we want you to embrace it: spend a Night in the Library!

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 417. Mini-Adventure: Night in the Library. The adventurers are approached by the chief librarian of the city’s university who explains that several important books have vanished, and that theft is suspected. Rather than admit that they have been lax in their duties, the librarians ask the party to investigate the losses. Examining the area reveals tunnels dug into the building and the PCs soon discover that the culprits are an altogether different sort than typical thieves! This mini-adventure for 4 adventurers of 5th–6th level was diligently designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • 416. Enchanted Trinkets: Zap! Science Fantasy. This issue of Enchanted Trinkets is a bit of a departure—to infinity and beyond! When the adventurers come across a truly strange vessel consider rewarding them with an antigravity pack, or if they find the cache of a uniquely different kind of traveler perhaps a harmonic vocalizer or mnemonic calculus instead. Maybe the reigning gladiatorial champion is staying on top because of a disintegrator pistol soon to be taken by the party? Check out these 11 excellent sci-fi inspired magic items and consider bringing a little bit of something extra into your 5E game! Delightedly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Jared M. Boone.
  • 415. Dangerous Scenarios: Mimic Inn. Mimics are a cornerstone of dungeon delves from the old days to keep greedy adventurers on their toes, and mimic colonies are a way to kick that up a notch. The mimic inn is the ultimate challenge in that regard; quite literally, the mother of all mimics. Imagine, in the middle of the night, a member of the party finding an inn appearing very suddenly near where they've camped. They can hear laughter and merriment coming from inside. When they peer through one of the windows however, there's not a single occupant to be found. They find the first floor empty except for fully furnished tables, a functioning bar, and kitchens. Only when they move up to the second floor do they find the recently used gear of the last group of unfortunate souls that ventured into this trap. When they wander back down the tables and chairs have shifted, only ever so slightly—the mimics are restless ready for their next meal. This dangerous scenario for 4–5 adventurers of 5th–6th level was deviously designed by Jonathan Chung, illustrated by Renan Costa Moraes, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • 414. Roadside Encounters. Travel is a part of adventuring that is often glossed over by GMs but those wishing to make the journey more interesting are in good stead: this article provides a number of short scenarios to spring on adventurers on the go. Included among them are a mysteriously abandoned caravan, the remains of a massacre by robbers or monsters, an ambush by a cult feigning need for kind strangers, and more, all with unique rewards and interesting outcomes the party won't soon forget. Distantly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
  • 413. To Smite A Fiend: Part 4. The exciting conclusion of To Smite A Fiend is nigh! With the help of the Angelic Fane and the greatest evils roaming across Holdenshire defeated, the adventurers are finally able to deal with the interplanar troubles at their source: the keep of the errant summoner Kalle Sirkesalo. Once inside they face a host of celestial soldiers, the Spiritual Circuit, the Hall of Holy Flames, the Hall of Light, and finally the mage himself within the wizard's sanctum. In Sirkesalo's defeat however it becomes clear what greater entity has been pulling the strings and an even more epic battle ensues with the fate of Holdenshire, Heaven, and more realms beyond hanging in the balance! Includes 5 different spirit soldiers (ranging from CR 1/4 to CR 7), Kalle Sirkesalo (CR 18), and Nebradakk (CR 18), as well as new cartography by Xanditz.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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