D&D 5E EN5ider #427 - Spells: Frontier Magic

Get your spurs on for today's EN5ider article: we're headed off into the wilderness with some Frontier Magic!

Get your spurs on for today's EN5ider article: we're headed off into the wilderness with some Frontier Magic!

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 427. Spells: Frontier Magic. In the wilderness far from home the usual magics don't always do the trick. Consider looking instead to spells like moonshine to get out of a jam or brew up something good to go with it, rustle herd to appeal to the better nature of a great many beasts all at once, tall tale to make you seem far more heroic than your really are, or the six other great new ways to face the frontier! Distinctively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
  • 426. Dangerous Scenarios: Inn Fighting. There are only so many rooms at the inn and too few beds for all the travelers keen to stay the night—and negotiations for who's staying where are fraught with tension. The adventurers must navigate the social intrigues gripping Rodecker's Rest, using their guile and suave to smooth over wrinkles between a sellsword, a dwarven merchant, and a strange hermit mage with a giant musk ox lest things become unpleasant. Discreetly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • 425. Over the Next Hill: Street of Dreams. The Street of Dreams is a mysterious avenue with crowded shops selling various arcane, magical, and bizarre items of all types, staffed by exotic individuals seemingly from distant lands or even other worlds. That alone would make it unique but the street itself is enchanted — appearing briefly in random cities where it is accessible by chance or by those who know how to find it, then vanishing as if it had never existed leaving behind only strange memories and the objects that customers have purchased. This entry in the Over the Next Hill series describes some of the street's exotic inhabitants, the shops, their keepers, and the strange items that they sell. Dreamily designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Phil Stone.
  • 424. Tip of the Tongue: Part Two. Following on the heels of the first chapter, this installment of Tip of the Tongue takes the adventurers through the Mnemonic's Maze and into the tomb of Ipo Aisun-Aiji where they find the indecipherable tome known as the Kitabu Mitk'. Soon after the rulers of Bellek start dying left and right, each the victim of a brutal assassin, and strange warriors from another world begin appearing around the countryside! As the threat of more invaders looms the party travel across the realm, winning over the rulers and armies of Budal, Sahasi, and Zakai to their cause before the war for ideas breaks out—though even if they are victorious, the quest to stop Mitk' must continue with the Forbidden Inquisition. In addition to chapters 2 through 5, this PDF includes rules for settlements and a new type of magic item: Kurtaric weapons.
  • 423. Mini-Adventure: Massacre in the Lost Warrens. This mini-adventure (easily used as a one-shot or inserted into an ongoing campaign) is about being a day late and maybe also a dollar short. There were once kobolds here but another party of adventurers—the Green Blades—have already cleared them out. These adventurers may become allies or rivals of the party, but they're playing with a dangerous treasure they don't know the danger of and keen to protect their newly won loot! Diligently designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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