D&D 5E EN5ider #430 - Dangerous Scenarios: The Last Stop

Tonight on EN5ider the weather turns foul just as the landscape becomes a dour swamp that offers only one refuge: the Last Stop.

Tonight on EN5ider the weather turns foul just as the landscape becomes a dour swamp that offers only one refuge: the Last Stop.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 430. Dangerous Scenarios: Last Stop. The landscape around the party gradually turns darker, slowly transforming into an oily marsh—but a storm rushes onward, forcing them to seek out shelter. The only respite in the bog is the Last Stop Coaching Inn, though the adventurers soon discover the people in this cursed place are much more than they seem! Deviously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Xanditz, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
  • 429. Tip of the Tongue: Part Three. This section of the mind-bending adventure about a cataclysmic idea includes the statistics for monsters and NPCs encountered in part one and part two, from the rulers of cities the party must entreat for aid to the alien monsters that invade their world! Baroness Tenvi Sahasika (CR 5), caulborn (CR 7), Duke Girman Kai (CR 6), Hirsli Aptal (CR 6), Kit Mha (CR 8), Kurtaric Kahraman (CR 11), Lord Percival Budali (CR 2), Mitk’ (CR 12), vergeten commander (CR 3), vergeten scion (CR 6), vergeten soldier (CR 2), and yithian (CR 9).
  • 428. Enchanted Trinkets: Planar Trinkets. From the many dimensions about the Material Plane come 9 unique enchanted trinkets, each suffused with the power of realms beyond. Find confidence in your reflection from a celestial mirror, draw forth an aquatic ally from the fishbowl of the sea queen, or find your way with a wind compass—though be wary of employing any of these from the places where they were created lest the magic fade away. Distantly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
  • 427. Spells: Frontier Magic. In the wilderness far from home the usual magics don't always do the trick. Consider looking instead to spells like moonshine to get out of a jam or brew up something good to go with it, rustle herd to appeal to the better nature of a great many beasts all at once, tall tale to make you seem far more heroic than your really are, or the six other great new ways to face the frontier! Distinctively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
  • 426. Dangerous Scenarios: Inn Fighting. There are only so many rooms at the inn and too few beds for all the travelers keen to stay the night—and negotiations for who's staying where are fraught with tension. The adventurers must navigate the social intrigues gripping Rodecker's Rest, using their guile and suave to smooth over wrinkles between a sellsword, a dwarven merchant, and a strange hermit mage with a giant musk ox lest things become unpleasant. Discreetly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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