D&D 5E EN5ider?


How does one get EN5ider? I have looked at the EN5sider page and it seems kind of messy. I just want to pay a one off fee or whatever and download a whole issue or whatever the format is (I have no idea). I would prefer a one off fee or whatever as well per month or year. Assuming it is worth getting IDK what are peoples opinions so far?

Is there a list of articles anywhere one can look at and how do you get the "back" articles?
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
How does one get EN5ider? I have looked at the EN5sider page and it seems kind of messy. I just want to pay a one off fee or whatever and download a whole issue or whatever the format is (I have no idea). I would prefer a one off fee or whatever as well per month or year. Assuming it is worth getting IDK what are peoples opinions so far?

Is there a list of articles anywhere one can look at and how do you get the "back" articles?

You can't buy individual articles. It's a patronage system - you pledge an amount for us to write *new* articles. You choose how much you want to pledge, and then you get each new article as it is published. You can see a full list of article by clicking on "Index" at the top of the page, or get an explanation of patronage by clicking "Confused?"



First Post
I pay $6 a month and plan on donating more later once I'm done moving and shifting my family to a new place... That $6 a month gets me access to EVERYTHING put out that month by EN5ider.

My opinion so far, I love it. Not everything has been amazing, but the majority of the content offered has really contributed to my DM bag of tricks.


5ever, or until 2024
You can't buy individual articles. It's a patronage system - you pledge an amount for us to write *new* articles. You choose how much you want to pledge, and then you get each new article as it is published. You can see a full list of article by clicking on "Index" at the top of the page, or get an explanation of patronage by clicking "Confused?"


Can you get back articles?


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
How do you become a writer for En5ider?

yes there's the link in there with all of the info you need. James is very nice to work with. I just suggest you do something simple the first time. there is always a chance for you to try something more complex.


Assuming it is worth getting IDK what are peoples opinions so far?

I love it, myself. Just like the old Dragon Magazine, even if I don't use a given article now, I have it for when an idea or opportunity strikes. My player back in June wanted to start going on Herbalism expeditions in the woods -- BAM! We've gotten hours out of Russ' "Nature's Remedy" article -- heck I got a whole adventure out of the PC's getting into trouble going on a solo herb-gathering expedition, and party having to come to the rescue.

Are your players grousing about not enough flavor between different 5e weapons? The "as good as his blade" article with a bunch of weapon properties from simple to complex, AND a bunch of new weapons.

Some articles will have the occasional balance issue -- I wasn't too keen on the Maculele feat in Masters of the Wild, waaay to easy to get disadvantage on attacks from your enemies -- but on the whole I've been very happy with my sub.

Voidrunner's Codex

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