Encounters with the Supernatural


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I agree, Blackshirt--I had been reading back through the thread, and when I came back to your most recent post, I was shocked--GHOSTS STOLE YOUR STORY!

But then rationality kicked back in. I think the identical generations thing is VERY strange...at the very least, someone has consistently dominant genes. Are they all the oldest (or only) girl in the family? Does the trend extend back before her grandmother?

Haunted chairs are neat.

Cignus, what part of Arlington are you in?

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First Post
Yeah, each of them ARE the oldest girls in the family.

Dunno about it extending back past them, that's as far back as the pictures go(Brooke's Great-Grandmother was the first american generation, before that, they were in Europe).


First Post
blackshirt5 said:
Yeah, each of them ARE the oldest girls in the family.

Dunno about it extending back past them, that's as far back as the pictures go(Brooke's Great-Grandmother was the first american generation, before that, they were in Europe).
One more commonality. I don't really remember much from High School Biology, but even with science on my side, three nearly identical generations is a tremendous coincidence...highly unlikely. But, if there'a anything I know, it's that just because something is unlikely doesn't mean that there is something changing the rules--unlikely things happen...just less often. :)

Does Grandma remember if she looked like her mother? Did your girlfriend's mom remember thinking that her mother looked like her grandmother? Do they think it's odd? This is just so fascinating! :D


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RingXero said:
And the best so far, (in fact this has made it into my game)
- The White Owl - Repeated sitings by multiple independant people, all without knowledge of what other people have seen. This owl is either normal sized or up to 4 feet tall, and in all cases without any discernable face, no eyes or beak, just a smooth 'face'. Soft white light emanates from it, so that it is easily seen in the dark. Will be standing on the ground, or on a bench, or tree branch, when seen, will 'stare' at person a couple seconds, then always fly into the Barn's second floor wall. This side wall has no holes or windows.
This sounds a lot like descriptions of the mothman--the thing from the movie from a couple of years ago with Richard Gere. the shape, the color, even the eyes sound like descriptions I have read in Keel's books, among other places...

Also, I demand more supernatural stories!


Lucky Number

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i finally quit lurking and register

1- My mother once rented an apartment which had a haunted kitchen, at least while she was there. More than once, she walked inside to discover a spot where the temperature was drastically and inexplicably lower, and at least once, something that was laying in a stable position (no way it could have fallen from just wind or being bumped into) was thrown across the kitchen while she was in a different room.

2- Myself, i've had a number of dreams where i would experience some simple, rather uninteresting event, such as standing in line in a restaurant while talking familiarly with a person i did not know at the time of the dream. Several months later, i would find myself experiencing the exact same event several times, exactly as it was in the dream- in the case of the restaurant, it was one i had never been in until i met my girlfriend, who turned out to be the person in the dream, and the restaurant was one with distinctive internal architecture.

3- i live in the Hudson River Valley, near Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow, and the state of the famed Washington Irving (who set his stories in those towns). Though i've never been there, i've heard many times that Irving's ghost will sexually harass young women (nothing serious, as far as i've heard). Aside from that, the Valley is just really creepy in and around that area. People walking in broad daylight have been suddenly overcome by feelings of fear and apprehension.

4- While riding from a friend's birthday party, i was snapped out of a state of drowsiness by a feeling of 'unnaturalness', and began noticing that the people in the area we (my father was driving) were passing through had a slightly bizzarre cast to their features. Several minutes later, we passed the sign for Indian Point.

5- My grandparents have a property upstate which relies on a septic tank for sewage, and the system has a maintenance tunnel behind the house. One day, the tunnel was open for whatever reason, and i looked inside at the tunnel floor, where sunlight was shining down from above. I saw two or three of what i thought were very large bullfrogs, and wondered at how they got down there. Then i noticed the patterns on their backs, and realized that it was the colour and markings of the pickerel toads which frequent the area in the summertime. Pickerel toads are a little smaller than a kiwi fruit, but these amphibians were about the size of grapefruits. Whether they were large bullfrogs with markings that somehow matched a species of toad (the bullfrogs in this area are an avocado green, whereas the pickerels are primarily tan), or toads the size of large frogs, i can't be sure. However, i did later see one sitting before the garden on the opposite end of the house, so i know it wasn't a trick of light and shadow (it hopped away into the brush when i tried to catch it).

6- If you're a New Yorker within driving distance of NYC, you've at least heard firsthand accounts of the sewer rats. The size of cats, monstrous things with vicious temperaments. A former classmate claimed to have kept one as a pet, though the truth of this is doubtful.

7- Any number of inexplicable technological/mechanical quirks and failures may be blamed upon gremlins. My girlfriend says she is fairly certain there are some living in a tree outside her window.

8- Since childhood, i've been haunted by visions and what i was fairly certain were imagined monsters lurking near my bed. However, in the past year, some of these 'imagined' creatures reached out to me, and i came to understand that they were not harmful, but protective in nature. Their horrific appearance was something akin to that of a gargoyle- designed more to frighten away even more terrible things than to put fear into regular people. As far as i have determined, they are called Darklings or Darkling Folk. At least one has possessed my body to carry on a conversation (speaking in a poorly faked english accent), mostly because he has no body of his own, not even an immaterial one.

A Modern game set in the areas of the lower Hudson River Valley and NYC, possibly crossing into Jersey occasionally, would have a fairly good variety in the monsters. Aside from a variety of ghosts, "monstrous" versions of normal animals, gargoyles (a number of buildings in the city have them), and the numerous devils (including the famed Jersey Devil), one may also easily include monsters which immigrated here from other regions.

Lucky Number

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hellbender said:
The technique is a weird sort of regression. Simply picture in your mind the 49th hexagram (ko) of the I-Ching upon a door in your mind. Then mentally open the door and walk through. I find it easiest to draw out the figure, stare at it to get a good impression, and mentally paint it upon a door then push the door open. One aspect is that for me, every time I do this, it is a wooden door underground. I have only had to be restrained once, some people go berserk, some have pleasant experiences. I learned through later investigation that this was used as a form of past life regression by budding psychologists of the early portion of the last century. It is thought of as an experiment in atavism.

Except for what mark is on the door, this sounds exactly like a dream recollection exercise my mother was taught- she was taught it by her sister, who swears she learned it thusly-

Walking her dog down the street, she struck up a conversation with an old woman who happened along. Somehow the topic arrived at dreams, and the woman suggested visualizing a hall ending at a doorway with the word "dreams" upon it, and opening it. The woman disappeared as soon as this conversation ended, and it occured to my aunt later on that she had appeared in such a manner that she would have been seen coming up or down the street- there was nothing but a tall wall on either side of the road, nothing an elderly woman could or would scale easily.

My aunt is convinced she dreamed the whole thing after nodding off from the repetitive motion of walking, though i don't know many people who fall asleep while walking.

Anyway, the method reportedly works for recalling dreams, though i have yet to actually open the door (i have visualized it once or twice).

The Goblin King

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Lucky Number said:
2- Myself, i've had a number of dreams where i would experience some simple, rather uninteresting event, such as standing in line in a restaurant while talking familiarly with a person i did not know at the time of the dream. Several months later, i would find myself experiencing the exact same event several times, exactly as it was in the dream- in the case of the restaurant, it was one i had never been in until i met my girlfriend, who turned out to be the person in the dream, and the restaurant was one with distinctive internal architecture.

Deja Vu is wierd for me too. Is there any scientific explanation for deja vu? I often experience it however I have always dismissed it. My daily routine is very boring. One day is very much like the last with little variation. When I get the feeling "Hey, I've done this before." I'm all like "Dur! We do this every day."


I've had some odd experiences, but only one of them has been truely frightening.

1) I will never use a Ouij- board again. When I was 10 years old (about) a bunch of us were playing with a board and "talking" to spirits. But as 10 year olds are prone to do, we were moving the pointer ourselves. We talked to a man every day for about 2 weeks. But during the 2nd week, i picked up the pointer and had a vivid premonition/vision/i don't know. A horrific face combined with a feeling that there was a taint everywhere. Decidedly evil. I never touched a board again. Even when I worked for WotC, I never restocked them.

2)I have had a few dreams that have seemed wierd. Some others on the board have described similar experiences. When I first moved to Catonsville, MD, I had a dream about a building I had never seen before, with a play-ground area outside. There was a double door entrance and I recall that the hallway inside was carpeted blue. A few days later, my mom and I were riding our bikes to explore our new neighborhood. Surely enough, I saw that building and went to investigate the carpeting. Blue.

3) I had a dream on the night of April 12 which stuck with me after waking. The only things seemingly stressed were the military and June 12, 2010. But I guess I won't know if anything happens until then.

4) Apparently sometimes I make uncanny predictions. When I was 2 years old, I was in the car with my mom and I asked her why a bus would be on a sidewalk. She said that busses wouldn't be on a sidewalk. Five blocks later, we turn a corner and what do you know; a bus on the sidewalk.

5) I knew my aunt was pregnant before she told anyone.

6) Once when playing Cities and Knights of Catan, a friend of mine was dealt a yellow action card and I told him what it was before he looked at it. For the rest of that game, I was able to choose which cards would be most beneficial for people to steal from one another, and which cards the player didn't want to be stolen from them. At first, my friends were annoyed and then intrigued by the accuracy.

7) This is more of a place thing. The Medieval Museum in Paris is inside what were originally Roman Baths in the 4th century, and then in the 12th century, an abbess was built onto the ruins of the bath. The lower levels of the baths were used as a crypt and you can go down there today. Now, this is not the most popular of museums in Paris, so most of the time, you're alone in any given room. In the crypt you can hear moaning, which is easily explainable by the pipes and the Metro which run nearby. But neither of those explains the eerie feelings people seem to get down there.

Hemlock Stones

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All The Scary Is Awesome Stuff!


First I'd like to thank everybody for all the different posts. The stuff is all incredible. I am going to try the I-Ching thing and see what happens.

Here are some of the weird things I've experienced.

When I was seven on a Sunday night I asked what time it was. I could have looked at the clock on the wall in the same room but didn't. (Yes, I could tell time at that age ;) ) I was told 7:30 PM. About 15 minutes later the phone rang and it was my brother calling to tell my Mom that our father had died. My father had passed away at 7:30 PM in Florida. I was in Michigan at the time.

I remember one time I had fallen asleep. My dog was on the bed with me and had also fallen asleep at the same time. I started having a weird dream. I was walking down the street to my next-door neighbor's house. What was strange was the view I had as I walked. It was as if I was only two feet tall. I got to the driveway of the house and looked at one of those maroon picker bushes. The colors were all wrong. It freaked me out and I woke up. I looked over at my dog, and he was in the throes of a dream. I think somehow I was dreaming about the same thing he was.

This is probably the freakest thing I have ever experienced. I just got dropped off home from work. One of my co-workers got drunk and smashed their car into the side of my parked car. Needless to say I was upset about it. I walked in the house. I was angry. I was storming about the house and my dog seized up and had some kind of an attack. The dog went out and I was fairly certain she was dead. I felt no heart beat. I started crying and held her in my arms and started praying. My dog came back! The dog was a bit loopy for about ten minutes and then everything was normal. The vetrenarian examined the dog about a month later and didn't find anything wrong.

This is my last dog story. My dog and I were outside one night. I walked with the dog to the corner of the street. The dog was doing her business. I noticed two big black shapes running down the street. As the shapes got closer to me and my dog, they were two huge black dogs. Both the same breed, I think an elkhound or an irish setter. I yelled at my dog to get by me, I didn't want her to run into the street if she got spooked by the two dogs. When I yelled, one of the two black dogs darted into the street and got hit by a car. One of the dogs kept on running. The other lay dead in the street bleeding. The next morning there was no sign of either dog. No puddle of blood, no drag marks, nothing.

Keep up with all the posts!

So Sayeth the Bone Daddy! :cool:


First Post
The_Universe said:
One more commonality. I don't really remember much from High School Biology, but even with science on my side, three nearly identical generations is a tremendous coincidence...highly unlikely. But, if there'a anything I know, it's that just because something is unlikely doesn't mean that there is something changing the rules--unlikely things happen...just less often. :)

Does Grandma remember if she looked like her mother? Did your girlfriend's mom remember thinking that her mother looked like her grandmother? Do they think it's odd? This is just so fascinating! :D

Oh, they all know they look like their mothers. And it was 4 generations(Brooke's great-grandmother, Brooke's grandmother, Brooke's mother, and Brooke), not 3. The picture I saw was Talba(Brooke's mom)'s grandmother.

And Talba finds it funny; Brooke thinks it's creepy(and I think is a bit sad that when she's 40 she'll look like her mom).

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